Site about the fight against domestic insects


Ixodic tongs
Ixodic tongs

Today, for the average person, the word “tick” is associated primarily with ixodic ticks. And this is not surprising - ixodides are best known (albeit sadly) among their fellows for the deadly danger they can pose to humans. After all, just ixodic ticks are carriers of tick-borne encephalitis, which still poses a threat to the lives of millions of people. In addition, in general, this group of parasites is very specific and interesting for many unique features of its biology ...

How to pull a sucked tick from the skin
How to pull a sucked tick from the skin

Removing the sucked mite from the skin is a fairly simple procedure that can be carried out in just a minute directly in nature. However, it is often carried out with certain errors that are fraught with an increased risk of infection with tick-borne infections or the consequences of suppuration of the skin.Let's see how you can quickly and safely remove a tick from the skin and do without complicated manipulations ...

Different types of ticks and their photos
Different types of ticks and their photos

Many people do not even know how many tens and even hundreds of tick species literally live side by side with us and affect not only our health, but also our economic activity. And Ixodes ticks (which are commonly referred to as forest people), the diversity of these creatures is not limited. Dust mites that live in almost every home, itching, causing scabies, acne iron plants that by 50 years have infected almost all people on the planet, spider mites, imperceptibly breeding on houseplants, as well as in gardens and kitchen gardens - these creatures are, in fact, omnipresent ...

Memo for parents on the topic "Caution, ticks!"
Memo for parents on the topic

Practice shows that not only children, but also many adults have very superficial ideas about ticks and the dangers associated with their bites. And when it comes to removing the parasite from the skin, the most interesting thing begins: someone tries unsuccessfully to choke a tick with a drop of oil, someone sucks it with a cut syringe, and some even set it on fire in the hope that it will disappear from the pain itself.Next, we consider the most topical issues related to the danger of ticks for humans - this information can be useful, including for conducting classes in preschool and school, as well as for the manufacture of information boards ...

How the tick bites: in detail about the process when it digs into the skin
How the tick bites: in detail about the process when it digs into the skin

The search by the tick for a place to stick to the victim’s body and the process of introducing the oral apparatus into the skin (that is, the bite itself) are characterized by a number of interesting features. Next, we will look at these moments in more detail, as well as talk about the structure of the parasite's oral apparatus and how the process of feeding with blood proceeds, which usually lasts several days ...

Borrelia mites and the effects of their bites
Borrelia mites and the effects of their bites

When Borrelia burgdorferi spirochetes enter the body of the tick, the parasite becomes a kind of incubator for this infection. During the whole further life cycle of such a borreliosis tick, its bite will pose a serious danger to human health. About natural reservoirs of tick-borne borreliosis, its carriers and the nuances of human infection, we will go on and talk in more detail ...

How ticks hibernate in the forest
How ticks hibernate in the forest

The activity of ticks in the forest is directly dependent on the ambient temperature. Let's see what happens to them at low temperatures during the cold winter, how these parasites survive in severe frosts and can they be dangerous to humans and animals during the cold season ...

When does the tick activity season begin and end
When does the tick activity season begin and end

The activity of forest ticks to find their prey has a pronounced seasonal nature. Thus, in our country, the tick season begins in early spring and ends in late autumn, but during this time there are certain periods when the danger of an attack of parasites is highest. Let's see which factors influence the behavior of ticks in the first place and in which months special care should be taken during their stay in nature ...

The life cycle of development of ixodic ticks
The life cycle of development of ixodic ticks

Ixodic ticks are temporary ectoparasites, the life cycle of which consists of 4 stages. Each stage of development (egg, larva, nymph, imago) is characterized by its specificity, which we will further examine in more detail, also touching upon the danger of all intermediate forms of the parasite for humans and animals ...

Vermin mites: interesting facts
Vermin mites: interesting facts

Few parasites can compete with ticks on the variety of forms of parasitism - here you can find examples of both ecto-and endoparasitism, permanent and temporary, obligate and optional, single-farm, two-farm and three-farm types. Next, we consider the interesting nuances of tick parasitology in more detail, including from an evolutionary point of view ...



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