Site about the fight against domestic insects

About lice

Do cats have lice and how to remove small parasites from pet hair
Do cats have lice and how to remove small parasites from pet hair

Lice in cats - parasites barely visible and rarely caught the eye. Compared to fleas, they are really quite inconspicuous in the fur of an animal and never leave it. Not surprisingly, not every owner notices lice on his cat, and the consequences of parasitizing these insects are often attributed to any other diseases. That’s how cats get dermatitis, baldness and the itch that is constantly disturbing the animal. Therefore, it will be helpful for each pet owner to be able to recognize the presence of lice in a cat on time and be ready for their breeding.

Features of head lice bites (with detailed photos)
Features of head lice bites (with detailed photos)

Lice bites are a most unpleasant phenomenon, due to which a person can lose sleep, calm, and sometimes health. These bites, while they are few, are usually difficult to notice, they are not immediately felt, but in large numbers can literally drive you crazy. Children, being afraid of being laughed at, are often afraid to saythat lice are inflamed in them, it is therefore important for parents to be able to recognize the first signs of bites from these parasites, and when red wounds to the head are found, to be able to distinguish them from allergic rashes. About the bites of lice, how they look and their potential danger to humans, let's and talk more ...

Do dogs have lice?
Do dogs have lice?

Did the dog have any small insects on its coat, and in large quantities? If it turns out that these are not exactly fleas, then the owners usually start thinking that their pet has lice. But it is known that lice are human parasites, but whether they are able to feed on dogs or cats ... Whether there are dog lice and who else can be blamed for anxiety on the animal and skin irritations in it - let's talk about it.

What dreams of nits in terms of different dream books
What dreams of nits in terms of different dream books

To see nits anywhere - on their own hair, strangers or even in a dream - never causes good impressions. But if this spectacle is alive, it simply means that in the near future it will be necessary to treat the head from lice, then many people put a deeper meaning in the appearance of nits in a dream.So let's see what the nits dream about and what the dream books say about it ...

Pubic lice: photos and lifestyle features
Pubic lice: photos and lifestyle features

Pubic lice are one of the most unpleasant human parasites. Not only do they cause itching and irritation in the most intimate places of the body, but also their distribution is directly related to certain violations of the culture of sexual life. In this case, the removal of pubic lice and the fight against them does not take much time and with the help of modern preparations can be carried out even at home. To protect against lice and a quick reaction to their appearance know the features of their biology should be everyone.

Head lice: detailed photos and features of the biology of parasites
Head lice: detailed photos and features of the biology of parasites

Head lice - one of the most unpleasant parasites of man. And despite the fact that today highly developed methods of dealing with them have been developed, they continue to successfully infect children and adults regardless of their social status and state of health, causing many unpleasant feelings and suffering dangerous infections. In order to timely and effectively deal with lice, one should know well not only how they look, but also some features of their biology ...

What to do if your child suddenly had lice ...
What to do if your child suddenly had lice ...

The appearance of lice in a child is a problem that almost all parents face. And some - repeatedly. And only the most careless and careless consider these parasites a minor nuisance, the fight with which can be put off for free time. In fact, infecting a child with lice is fraught with very serious problems, and it is necessary to take decisive steps to combat these parasites as soon as possible.

What the lice look like: familiar with the features of the appearance and biology of parasites
What the lice look like: familiar with the features of the appearance and biology of parasites

Lice are human parasites, with which a huge number of myths and fables are often associated in the minds of ordinary citizens. The reason for this is the poor knowledge of the biology of these insects, and sometimes even the inability to distinguish them from other blood-sucking parasites and the lack of an idea of ​​how lice manifest themselves on the head and how they spread. If you get at least a general idea about the characteristics of the life of lice, then you will be able to identify the insects on yourself or your loved ones in time and get rid of them quickly, effectively and painlessly. Well, it's time to get acquainted with the lice, and we start with photos ...

What dreams of lice on the head and hair
What dreams of lice on the head and hair

If lice appear in a dream, this is not a completely unambiguous, but in most cases a negative signal. Dream interpretation interpret it as an omen of various events, and science as serious emotional experiences, and the opinion of each interpreter should be heeded, since rational grains can be present in many interpretations. So, what can lice in your hair dream about? ..

Details about lice lice, the features of their life and potential danger
Details about lice lice, the features of their life and potential danger

Modern man faces linen lice quite seldom - the sanitary situation all over the world contributes less and less to such meetings. However, in all likelihood, these parasites will still be satellites of people for a long time, and it is possible to meet with them anywhere, especially the residents of big cities. Where are these parasites to be encountered, how are they dangerous and how to fight them?



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