Site about the fight against domestic insects

Destruction of bedbugs

Cold fog bugs destruction and feedback on this procedure
Cold fog bugs destruction and feedback on this procedure

Treatment of premises from insects by the method of cold mist has proven itself, and today it is often used by workers of disinsection services. In particular, this technology is often much more effective against bedbugs than simply spraying insecticides from household sprayers (sprays). So what is the so-called cold fog, how and from what it is created, and how ordinary people respond to the effectiveness of disinsection in this way - all of this we will continue with you and talk more ...

Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which showed high efficiency
Proven methods for the destruction of bedbugs, which showed high efficiency

In this review, collected stories of ordinary people about how they were able to safely get rid of bedbugs in the apartment, using the available tools and techniques. Some reviews describe very original approaches, based entirely on personal experience and showing excellent results in practice. In general, read and implement if you like something ...

Preventing bed bugs in the apartment
Preventing bed bugs in the apartment

It is important to understand that even if you safely destroyed the entire population of bed bugs in your apartment, this does not mean that the parasites do not re-enter the apartment - for example, from neighbors. In general, the prevention of the appearance of bed bugs in the room should be given paramount attention in cases where the struggle with bloodsuckers has only recently ended, and also when you know that, for example, your relatives or friends have bugs (parasites and their eggs very successfully “migrate "On clothes - sometimes it is enough just to visit the infected room once). On how to prevent the infection of the apartment by bedbugs and what methods of prevention are the most effective, we'll talk further ...

What should be the death of bedbugs in the apartment: a review of reliable means and useful tips
What should be the death of bedbugs in the apartment: a review of reliable means and useful tips

Perhaps you have already tried to kill the bugs on your own and managed to make sure that not all means are effective against these parasites. It also happens that, it would seem, in the first few days after the apartment has been treated, the bugs stop biting, but literally a week later everything repeats again - in the morning there are fresh bites on the body, and in bed there are traces of bloodsuckers at night.So how do you still need to properly kill bedbugs and, most importantly, what exactly does it make sense to process the apartment in order to get rid of parasites forever? Let's understand ...

Sanitation of premises from bedbugs using Sanepidemstantsii (SES)
Sanitation of premises from bedbugs using Sanepidemstantsii (SES)

When the decision is made to poison bugs by the special services, the SES first of all comes to mind. By and large, this organization is responsible for the purity of the city from all sorts of parasites and infections. Indeed, the work of employees of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station is in many cases more efficient and reliable than the services of small private companies engaged in disinsection. But there are Sanepidemstantsii and its significant shortcomings, which need to be aware of before applying. So, let's try to figure out exactly how SES sanitizes rooms from bedbugs, and which drugs are commonly used.

Destruction of bed bugs in Moscow: where to go and how much it costs
Destruction of bed bugs in Moscow: where to go and how much it costs

It may be rather difficult for an uninitiated person to choose a reliable company that could be contacted to destroy bedbugs in Moscow. The market of disinfection services in the capital is well developed,and the excretion of parasites here offer several dozens of different services, differing both in the cost of their services and in the quality of the work performed. Next, we will look at a number of truly reliable companies that have earned a good reputation and, as they say, have been tested by time, while offering services at quite reasonable prices.

At what temperature do bed bugs die and will steam treatment help?
At what temperature do bed bugs die and will steam treatment help?

Having found bed bugs for the first time, tenants of apartments often try to use temperature control methods that are not so unhealthy instead of insecticides - destruction of bugs by low or, on the contrary, high temperatures. After all, almost any insecticidal agents can cause side effects (for example, allergies), and freezing or processing furniture with hot steam is absolutely harmless to humans. How dangerous are these temperatures for bedbugs and how can they be used against parasites at home?

Pest Control Service Bedbug Control and Features of Its Work
Pest Control Service Bedbug Control and Features of Its Work

For the destruction of bedbugs in Moscow, you can contact a few dozen companies that provide professional disinsection services.Among these companies there are a lot of those whose work, although they are inexpensive, but with a high probability you can get poor-quality and unfair service. But there are also such companies whose services are not quite cheap, but the reliability of their work is very high. One of such organizations is Klop Control, a company that uses a wide range of powerful insecticidal agents and special modern equipment in the fight against parasites. As a result, one treatment from the Bug Control allows you to destroy bedbugs better than even two treatments from many competing firms. So, let's see how exactly the twenty-four-hour Pest Control pest control works and what is the secret of its effectiveness ...

Clean City bedbug destruction company and reviews of their work
Clean City bedbug destruction company and reviews of their work

When the owners of a room turn to the Clean City company to remove bedbugs, they will certainly fall into an incomprehensible confusion. The name seems to be the same, but the companies are different, and the reviews about them vary greatly. What to do and where to turn specifically, if friends recommend the Clean City and you want to choose the company that reliably and in good faith helps to clean the room from bedbugs?

Choosing a bed bug destruction service: what's important to know about their work
Choosing a bed bug destruction service: what's important to know about their work

One of the best solutions in the fight against bedbugs - call a professional service for the destruction of parasites in the house. The work of such services saves a lot of time and effort to the owners of the premises, and, moreover, it is professionals who can bring out bedbugs for sure and with the guarantee that the insects will not appear in the house again. But! Not all pest control services are equally reliable and conscientious, and contacting others is sometimes more problematic and less effective than slaying bugs on their own. How to choose a really good company, so that after the work of its specialists in the house there are no bugs left, and the wallet is not very emaciated? ..


The history of the neighborhood of a man with bed bugs has been counting for many centuries, and during this time many different ways of exterminating these insects have been invented. However, in the modern age many previously considered effective methods have to be revised.

Indeed, if earlier they often resorted to conspiracies and prayers from bed bugs, today it is unlikely that anyone will try to destroy the parasites in this way. Even such means of destruction of bedbugs in the house, like wormwood or kerosene, which seem to be more progressive, are rapidly becoming a thing of the past.

In the first place in the destruction of bedbugs out chemical agents. Chemical insecticides of the most various structures are more and more actively applied not only to fight bugs, but also with a huge number of other harmful insects. And the reason for this - the high efficiency of chemicals.

However, it would seem, well, have developed an effective chemical means of destroying bed bugs - why develop so many of them. Why are there so many items on the market?

The problem is that the effectiveness of the drug does not always come to the fore when dealing with bedbugs.Such indicators as lack of odor, safety for humans and domestic animals, the impact rate on bedbugs, the duration of preventive action and, of course, the price - all this plays an important role for each specific consumer, faced with a problem, for example, self-destruction of bedbugs in an apartment.

Moreover, the bugs today are somewhat different than before. In the constant struggle for survival, they adapt to modern poisons. The surviving individuals, the most resistant to the action of the poison, also give unresponsive offspring. As a result, a kind of "arms race" between humans and bedbugs continues, and never stopped.

All this is interesting, you say, however, how to destroy bed bugs after all? Well, we can make you happy: there are a lot of effective options and means for the destruction of bedbugs, and on the pages of this section of the site you can read more about them and choose the best one for your case.


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Bed bugs

