Site about the fight against domestic insects

Head lice

Quick disposal of lice and nits at home for 1 procedure: enough already to suffer!
Quick disposal of lice and nits at home for 1 procedure: enough already to suffer!

Sometimes people for months can not get rid of lice and nits in the hair: it would seem that a variety of pediculicidal drugs from the pharmacy have been tried, and even folk remedies like kerosene and vinegar, but nothing helps. Why it happens? And, most importantly, how to get rid of parasites? In fact, today this problem is solved quite simply - you can get rid of lice and nits very quickly, in just 1 day, even without leaving your home. We will continue to talk about how to do this ...

Do cats have lice and how to remove small parasites from pet hair
Do cats have lice and how to remove small parasites from pet hair

Lice in cats - parasites barely visible and rarely caught the eye. Compared to fleas, they are really quite inconspicuous in the fur of an animal and never leave it. Not surprisingly, not every owner notices lice on his cat, and the consequences of parasitizing these insects are often attributed to any other diseases.That’s how cats get dermatitis, baldness and the itch that is constantly disturbing the animal. Therefore, it will be helpful for each pet owner to be able to recognize the presence of lice in a cat on time and be ready for their breeding.

Application of anise oil for removing lice
Application of anise oil for removing lice

Anise oil is sometimes used as a famous folk remedy for lice. However, physicians are very skeptical about its use against parasites: this remedy does not have pronounced anti-parasitic activity. However, this does not interfere with the use of anise oil in everyday life by many people to get rid of lice, as well as when trying to get rid of nits in the hair. On whether it makes sense to use anise oil with these objectives, we will continue to talk ...

About pubic lice and treatment of them with modern drugs
About pubic lice and treatment of them with modern drugs

Pubic lice are inferred by about the same set of tools and methods that are effective in combating head lice. But there are pubic lice and its specific features, due to which the standard methods of dealing with head lice need to be slightly adjusted in order to surely remove lice from the genital areas.Next, we will take a closer look at what should be the treatment for pubic lice and what you need to know in order to bring them out quickly and with minimal effort.

Features of head lice bites (with detailed photos)
Features of head lice bites (with detailed photos)

Lice bites are a most unpleasant phenomenon, due to which a person can lose sleep, calm, and sometimes health. These bites, while they are few, are usually difficult to notice, they are not immediately felt, but in large numbers can literally drive you crazy. Children, fearing that they will be laughed at, are often afraid to say that they have lice, so it is important for parents to be able to recognize the first signs of bites from these parasites, and when red wounds on the head are detected, they can be distinguished from allergies. About the bites of lice, how they look and their potential danger to humans, let's and talk more ...

Does tea tree oil help against lice and how to apply it?
Does tea tree oil help against lice and how to apply it?

Among the folk remedies there are many of those who really want to use against lice. For example, essential oils - they smell good, improve the condition of the hair and scalp in general, and at the same time, according to rumors, it is extremely unpleasant for lice.It is not surprising that some housewives who have accidentally infected with lice or have infected children prefer to treat them with tea tree oil or its analogs instead of using smelly kerosene or vinegar. But is tea tree oil really as effective against head lice as people say about it? ..

Can I use dust soap from lice and nits
Can I use dust soap from lice and nits

Dustov soap from lice - it is about him often remember the grandmother, when the grandchildren bring them from school the full head of the swarming parasites. And it is against derust soap that all dermatologists and parasitologists of the country are actively protesting today: the remedy is effective, but it is so rich in contraindications that it is easier to find a replacement for it than to remove lice without consequences. So is it possible to use dust soap to fight lice, how people respond to it and what precautions you need to follow - try to figure it out together ...

Do dogs have lice?
Do dogs have lice?

Did the dog have any small insects on its coat, and in large quantities? If it turns out that these are not exactly fleas, then the owners usually start thinking that their pet has lice.But it is known that lice are human parasites, but whether they are able to feed on dogs or cats ... Whether there are dog lice and who else can be blamed for anxiety on the animal and skin irritations in it - let's talk about it.

What dreams of nits in terms of different dream books
What dreams of nits in terms of different dream books

To see nits anywhere - on their own hair, strangers or even in a dream - never causes good impressions. But if this spectacle is alive, it simply means that in the near future it will be necessary to treat the head from lice, then many people put a deeper meaning in the appearance of nits in a dream. So let's see what the nits dream about and what the dream books say about it ...

Combs for combing lice and nits
Combs for combing lice and nits

Combs from lice are becoming more and more popular. No matter how difficult and time-consuming their use, a significant number of people trust these funds more than any modern pediculicidal shampoos and sprays. Let's try to figure out how effective the combs are when combing out lice and nits and whether it is possible with their help in a relatively short time to completely remove the parasites from the hair.



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