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What dreams of nits in terms of different dream books

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Let's try to figure out what may portend the appearance of an image of nits in a dream and what various dream books say about this ...

For quite some time now, various interpreters of dreams have given quite exhaustive explanations of what dreams of lice and nits are. And although these interpretations were in many respects different from each other, nevertheless, in many respects they intersected, and were also quite similar to today's explanations. It is noteworthy that most of the dream books and interpreters agree that nits usually dream of very favorable events.

Many dream books and interpreters of dreams indicate that dreamed nits and lice are generally a good sign.

For example, most dream books indicate that sleeping lice and nits is a precursor to earning an income, as well as the appearance of a large amount of good work. And only some dream books believe that nits dream of bad consequences. However, in most cases it is indicated: in order to figure out what the particular dream was for, you need to refer to the dream context.

On a note

Historically, lice and nits most of all harassed soldiers and merchants in their constant campaigns.It was from such voyages that the victims of parasites brought a lot of money, and sometimes literally made a fortune. It is not surprising that at some point head lice and wealth began to be strongly associated with each other, and the appearance of head lice in a dream was a foreboding of the appearance of money in the wallet.

Once the appearance of lice and nits on the head was strongly associated with long journeys, and with it the wealth


Nits in the hair: what do dreaming people say about them

To better understand what dreams lice and nits in the hair, you must:

  1. It is good to remember a dream and everything that was present in it, besides parasites.
  2. It is also useful to study not one, but several dream books, since the interpretations in them can differ significantly in details.

After evaluating several interpretations with regard to the details of sleep, it is possible to make a more or less unambiguous conclusion about what lice and nits can be taken for a particular person.

Interpretation of dreams with lice and nits for different people can vary significantly.

Nits on the hair in life look unpleasant, but in a dream they can promise auspicious events.

For example, the Eastern dream book says that when the image of a nits or lice comes to sleep, this promises an increase in wealth.

A similar opinion is shared by the Russian dream book. Lice and nits in the hair through it - to prosperity and improve well-being.

According to the Eastern and Russian dream books, nits and lice in a dream are for money.

Dream Shereminskoy not so positively interprets dreams of lice and nits. Here it is stated that to see one louse - to receive money, while the plural lice and nits in the hair, and especially I catch them, the dream book interprets as future troubles.

The elocurator of Félomenus with a positive attitude determines what dreams of lice and nits are about. Here it is stated that to see parasites in a dream is a good sign, testifying to the imminent wealth and prosperity. Clearing yourself or other people from lice and nits means getting rid of the hassle and disease.

In the Modern Dream Book of the 21st Century, the opinion is expressed that kill lice in a dream - to the unexpected pleasant news, which is in any way connected with money.

The dream interpretation of the 21st century suggests that nits and lice mean good luck in the future.

In the event that you have dreamed of a few lice crawling along your body, then, according to Sonic Grishin, this promises deliverance from all evils and an early increase in material wealth. In the question, what dreams of putting pressure on nits, the dream book “Medium Miss Hase” correlates well with this dream book, where it is stated that any cleansing from parasites can be viewed as the beginning of new positive changes in a person’s life who had a similar dream.

But in the Hassen’s dream book, it is argued that getting rid of nits in a dream can lead to positive changes in your life.


“I rarely dream, but recently there was a very vivid dream. Dreamed of a bum with lice and nits in the hair. The dream was so bright that for a long time I could not forget it. I decided to look on the Internet, why dream of nits and dream books gave me information that it was supposedly great wealth, only in one dream book it was written that it was a disease. I soon had a cold.Now I think that lice are unlikely to appear in a dream for good. ”

Svyatoslav, Ryazan


To dream of lice and nits - to the trouble? ..

Not all dream books treat dreams with lice and nits as good omens. Many dream books tend to warn dreamers about future problems and troubles. In this case, dream books are more inclined to the view that lice and nits are always satellites of unsanitary conditions and serious problems.

There is also an opinion that if you have dreamed lice and nits - this is to trouble

  • As the English dream book says, nits or lice dream of people before illness and on the eve of trouble. Such dreams foreshadow difficulties at work and the onset of a period of poverty.
  • American dream book lice and nits interprets unequivocally negative. It is believed that lice dream of trouble, quarrels and troubles.
  • Dream Miller (by the way, one of the most reputable) argues that catching lice in a dream speaks about the incorrect attitude of the sleeper towards the people around him.In Miller’s dream book, it says that a person who engages in catching lice in a dream is incorrect about others in life.
  • If you look at Aesop's dream book and see in it what the nits dream about, then you can find an interpretation that lice are a sign of uncleanliness in deeds and thoughts. An attempt to destroy parasites in a dream can be viewed as a sign of futile expectations that could not be justified, efforts that would be wasted.Seeing talking lice is to get unexpected news.To see lice talking in a dream is to get a quick message.

It should be remembered that each dream book treats lice and nits in dreams in different ways, so you need to pay attention to how the parasites dreamed, what kind of atmosphere the dream had (the so-called sleep context). So, if the dream was saturated with a negative atmosphere of general untidiness, then it may indicate an approaching disease. If, on the contrary, in a dream you fished out and destroyed all the lice, after cleansing your hair, then this may indicate a speedy recovery and an amendment in matters.


Is it bad to comb and crush nits in a dream?

Those dream books who generally talk about some kind of struggle with nits in a dream, as a rule, make a good omen of this process.

If you struggle in a dream with nits, it means that you are still trying to find an acceptable way out of life's difficulties.

So the Small Veles dream book unambiguously asserts that the appearance of lice is evidence of getting rid of poverty: catching lice is good luck, combed out (as with standard sanitation) using a comb to get rid of everyday cares.

Small Velesov Dream interpretation

The modern dream interpretation says that pushing nits in a dream means moving confidently towards the goals of life, and seeing the nits on your own head is fortunate.


Nits in a dream: what does science say?

From the point of view of traditional psychology, the answer to the question of what lice and nits dream about is not so simple. Some psychological theories claim that if a person dreamed of nits or adult lice, he most likely encountered these insects beforehand, for example, brought out lice from himself or his child.

From the point of view of psychology, nits and lice in a dream are not a very pleasant sign.

The greatest founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, in his work “The Interpretation of Dreams”, expressed the theory that the work of our unconscious manifests itself in dreams. All psychological problems that exist in a person’s life come in a dream in the form of images that should be brought to consciousness and deciphered. Then it will be easier to solve existing psychological problems.

In his works, Freud has repeatedly said that in our dreams the subconscious reflects what worries us in life.

From the point of view of psychoanalysis, to see in a dream nits and lice, as well as muddy, dirty water means that a person has some kind of problem that he is not yet fully aware of, but feelings already indicate that not everything in life develops properly in a way. If nits and louses have come to sleep, this may indicate repressed desires that are unacceptable from the point of view of traditional culture and moral norms.

Psychoanalysis views lice and nits in a dream as a distorted image of problems.

Nits and in the moments of severe depression, apathy, and stress. if you dreamed of lice and nits in moments of emotional severity, then try to revise your work schedule and diet. Although there are life situations from which it is very difficult to find a way out, and even looking at them from another angle does not work. Then your problems and appear in dreams in such a modified form. Well, if you don’t know at all what to do next, then try to switch from your problems for at least some time: stick to a healthy lifestyle, relax more, spend time in nature, be creative or read a good book.

And sweet dreams to you!


Psychotherapist tips: how to cope with insomnia and see good dreams


What dreams of lice (several variants of interpretation)


To write "What dreams of nits from the point of view of different dream books" 4 comments
  1. Svetlana:

    A good explanation, many versions. But I will still believe in a good version of this solution to my dream today.

  2. Alina:

    I agree with the previous opinion.

  3. Olga:

    I was fired. And I dreamed of lice and nits on the same blonde. Creepy sight. Brr ... I would like to know for the better, or for the worse - from Thursday to Friday I had a dream.

  4. Maria:

    Today I had a dream of lice and a lot of nits on someone else's head ... I hope this is for good)

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