Site about the fight against domestic insects

How to remove nits from the hair: practical tips

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Let's try to figure out which methods of removing nits from the hair are the most effective and safe to use.

Removing the nits from the hair is, generally speaking, more difficult than simply pickling lice on the head. If adult insects die relatively quickly from insecticidal shampoos, sprays and creams, then nits not only turn out to be resistant to most of these drugs, but, moreover, even with direct mechanical action, they can only be torn off from the hair with great effort. The fact is that over the long centuries of evolution and parasitism on a person, lice have learned to attach nits to hair so firmly that it can be more difficult to tear off than to pull out the hair itself. Such a reliable attachment of eggs significantly increases the chances of future offspring of parasites for survival.

It is also problematic to remove the nits, for the reason that even with the use of powerful insecticidal preparations that can destroy the lice embryo in the egg itself, the nits themselves do not crumble from the hair. Even when they are dead, they continue to hang on the hair and create an untidy look.

Even dead nits give hair a very unsightly look.

Therefore, we must be prepared that even after applying highly effective anti-lice products, it will be necessary to remove nits from the hair mechanically. However, do not be afraid - this work can also be greatly facilitated.

It is interesting

In the photo below you can clearly see what is a nit. This egg is in a special capsule, enveloping the hair at a great length. Such a capsule is formed from a special mucus secreted by the oviduct of the female louse and quickly set on air. Even when the nest larva hatches, the shell (dry nits) continues to hang on the hair for a very long time.

Female lice very firmly attaches the nit to the hair with a special sticky secret

Even when the louse larva leaves the nits, the shell continues to hang on the hair (dry nits).

So, let's look at some effective ways that can greatly facilitate the removal of nits from the hair.


Mechanical method: dense comb

Lice and nits can be removed from the hair with the help of a special thick comb. This method is considered the safest for health, since it does not involve the use of chemicals, but it requires the greatest amount of time and effort.

For mechanical removal of parasites, wet hair is divided into strands, which one after the other carefully, from the root of the hair several times combed out with a comb. The whole procedure is carried out over a bath or over a white sheet, from which it will then be easy to shake out the lice and nits on the street.

If you choose a mechanical method of removing nits, you need to comb your hair very carefully, strand by strand

The photo shows combed lice and nits (they are clearly visible on white fabric)

Today there are quite a lot of crests: RobiComb, NitFree, LiceGuard, AntiV crests are on sale in Russia. In addition, some pediculicidal shampoos and sprays come with branded combs - just for combing insects and nits.

The photo shows examples of special combs for combing lice and nits.

On a note

AntiV is the most popular comb in our country today, largely due to the high quality of the product and effective design, and partly due to massive advertising. In general, the crests of LiceGuard and NitFree are not inferior in their effectiveness.

Do not rush to buy widely advertised electronic combs to remove lice from the head: practice shows that the effectiveness of these products does not exceed that for simple combs, but the price is much higher. In addition, electronic combs for the most part have a narrower web, which complicates the task of fully working out the hair strands.

Electric comb Robi Comb Pro

Combs can be used as an independent means to remove lice and nits, and in combination with insecticidal preparations.

In order to carry out an “anti-tire campaign” only with combs, the combing procedure should be carried out daily, preferably twice a day, for 10-12 days. After the first combing, it will be possible to remove the lice and nits in the largest quantities, but there will be very few living nits among them.

Then, as young larvae emerge from nits every day, they will be removed from the hair. Given that the period of development of nits is approximately 7-8 days, for 10 days of daily combing hair, it is usually possible to remove all young shoots of parasites.


Chemical method: we use modern technologies

It is easiest to remove lice from the hair with the help of modern pediculicides. Among them are sprays, creams, shampoos, lotions, emulsions. However, these funds for the most part do not produce an effect against nits, with the exception of certain preparations that contain insecticides of a specific action — such substances penetrate the shell of the nits and destroy the embryo in the egg.

Among modern means of lice, only a few are able to destroy it nits

Treatments effective against nits include, for example, Pedilin shampoo, Para-Plus aerosol, Medilis Malathion emulsion.Before as kill lice and nits With these tools, you must carefully read the instructions for use and comply with all safety requirements.

Pedilin Lice Shampoo

Chemicals for lice are applied to the hair in the manner implied by their shape. The preparation is kept up to the time allowed by the instruction and then washed off. As a rule, such treatment has to be repeated in a week to destroy the larvae that hatch from nits, which survived after the first treatment.

On a note

Some creams and lice shampoos may not be washed off the first time, and you have to rinse your head repeatedly.

It is more effective to combine chemical and mechanical methods: after the first treatment with any preparation, the hair is still wet after rinsing and combed out with a comb.

After shampooing with a special insecticidal shampoo,it is desirable to additionally comb out lice and nits with a comb

Thus, retarded (weakened) but not dead lice and part of nits are removed from the head. If, after a single treatment with the preparation, the head is combed out within three to four days, then it is usually possible to avoid repeated application of the agent.

In general, you need to understand that any pediculicidal agents only kill the lice, but do not remove dead insects from the hair.Remove the dead parasites from the head need or comb (can be simple, but thick), or frequent washing the hair for a week.


The way is traditional, folk: grandmother's methods still work!

Among the popular methods of lice control, there are a number of quite effective tools that really help to remove adult lice and nits. For example, such products include kerosene, vinegar, cemerica water, cranberry juice and hydrogen peroxide - these funds, in addition to toxicity for adult insects, also soften the shell of nits.

Choosing a grandmother's tool for the destruction of lice and nits, observe all safety measures.

Even if the nit survives after this, it will simply fall off the hair. After that, you can shake it off the head, wash it off or comb it out.

However, almost all folk remedies have serious contraindications and can be harmful if used improperly. For example:

  • Kerosene and vinegar with a long aging on the skin cause chemical burns, and the hair after them smells unpleasant and can start to fall out.
  • Hydrogen peroxide with a short exposure leads to discoloration of the hair, and with prolonged action may cause allergies and burns.
  • Chemerichna water is considered quite allergenic.

But such means as decoction of wormwood or tansy from lice are not very effective - they do not destroy parasites, but only frighten off, and therefore can only be used to prevent infection.

Anti-nits can be effective combination of folk remedies with combs, when the nits fall off after the solvent action of the tool, and then - combed with a comb.

Virtually any remedy for lice and nits should be combined with combing parasites using a comb.

Folk remedies, perhaps, have the only advantage over specialized preparations for lice - they are inexpensive.


Safety first!

When removing lice about the safety of the procedure of their destruction, you should always think more carefully than how to quickly remove lice and nits from the hair: sometimes it makes sense to process the hair twice, but not to damage them or the scalp.

In general, in order to avoid any trouble removing lice The following points should be considered:

  • strictly follow the instructions for use of a particular drug;
  • if possible, use personal protective equipment - gloves, kerchief, cotton-gauze bandage;When applying insecticide against lice and nits, wear gloves to protect your hands.
  • in the presence of time and effort, prefer crests to chemical agents;AntiV comb for combing lice and nits
  • thoroughly rinse off after hair treatment;
  • Before treating the hair, check if the product does not cause allergies. To do this, just drop it on the skin behind the ear for a few minutes and rinse. If the skin is reddened at the site of application, the agent should not be used.

You should be especially careful when using folk remedies - there are a lot of reviews about various side effects, as well as accidents after they are used (kerosene can ignite on the head, vinegar can cause serious burns with blisters).

It is also useful to remember: in order to guarantee the removal of lice without risk, serious costs, harm to health and constant combing, simply shave the hair at the site of infection. According to scientists, it is because of the fashion for shaved pubes that the pubic louse as a species is almost extinct today. So what prevents in the same way to destroy the head louse?


Video tutorial on the complete removal of lice and nits using only one comb


An example of lice literally teeming with hair


On the dangers of using kerosene for removing lice - the child got burns

It is also useful to read: Can I use dust soap from lice and nits


To write "How to remove nits from the hair: practical advice" 105 comments
  1. awash:

    How to remove lice from hair?

    • Anonymous:


      • Marina:

        People! We live in the 21st century. No one is looking for advice on the forums "how to get a haircut on their own." All go to the hairdresser, where professionals quickly and skillfully trim you.Now there are services that help comb your hair completely harmless and most importantly save you from parasites at once. And then also give a guarantee and help. We have the services of Neath Free and Lyse Evey.

    • Irina:

      Couple plus. Spray.

      • Yana:

        It does not work, it took a couple of days, as soon as everything went wrong with nits.

    • Anonymous:

      With nude you need to put it on your head for 45 minutes and wait. Then you comb out, if you have few of them, then about 1 hour. But if a lot, then 2-3 hours.

    • Maria:

      By now

  2. Anonymous:

    No, it is better not to use kerosene. The article was a video, as the girl suffered because of kerosene. It is better to use a comb and chemical. substances.

    • Anonymous:

      And if there is no money for it?

      • Anonymous:

        Lice do not need to start

        • Anonymous:

          They somehow start up themselves, and the medicines are expensive indeed, and there is little sense from them.

        • Anonymous:

          Now pediculosis is not a social problem, but a problem of million-plus cities, where there is a large population density. You can earn both in transport and in the square. Lice are no longer part of unsanitary conditions.

  3. Anna:

    Pens, pens to choose - the most effective tool, rather than chemistry.

  4. Lily:

    You can get rid of nits only mechanically - either choose them with your hands, which is very long and disgusting, or you can comb out anti-hair with a medical comb. It is much faster and more efficient. In combination with the anti-duo balsam, the process of removing parasites does not take much time at all. It turns out expensive, but 100% effective. All my friends, who so led out lice to children, were satisfied.

  5. Vika:

    Lice I brought, and the nit live is left. But the dead are hanging, it is annoying. And I will soon go to the camp, they will check there, and I will be ashamed that I just hang dead.

  6. Anya:

    I have not been able to remove these parasites for a month, I used to get rid of them quickly (dichlorvos). And now it is simply impossible already.

    • Dasha:

      I also can not bring these parasites, 2 years I hooked up at school.

    • Christine:

      Dichlorvos is much more dangerous for your head than for lice, as they already know how to cope with it. Try to buy other means.

  7. Suhl:

    We bought an anti-comb, it is easy to remove lice.

  8. Margarita:

    We tried a lot of ways, nits are dead, but we can't take them out of our hair. Please advise.

    • Elvira:

      Dead nits are difficult to clean. Try to contact the service nit fries. They will help you get rid of them.

    • Victoria:

      Chemerichnaya water, Dichlorvos, cranberry juice, drugs Nuda, hydrogen peroxide, lotion Pedilin, Paranit.

      • Anonymous:

        Doesn't it bake?

      • Anonymous:

        Sorry, do you just buy and delete cranberry juice? Or do you need a special one?

        • Lera:

          How can I remove these lice from the hair? I'm afraid to tell mom that I have lice. Is there any home remedy?

          • Maria:

            I advise you to tell your parents, otherwise it will be very bad. I did not tell my mother, and the whole family became infected. And try the remedy Nuda, it really helped me.

    • Anonymous:

      It is necessary to put Nude for 40 minutes and wait. Then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo, well, as always. But the main thing is to close your eyes and mouth so that everything is fine.And then you comb out in the morning for about 2-3 hours, then about the same in the evening. If you do not get rid, then repeat a few more times. And everything can go. If it does not pass, then do not be offended, because I am still a child and I also struggle with them.

  9. Oksana:

    Try hands, we already pulled them out. I did everything I could, but 3 hours of torment was useful.

  10. Kristina:

    Lice I realized nits how?

  11. Didi:

    Pharmacy funds do not help at all. I washed my daughter's head with a cat's lice medicine, gorgeous, all the lice at once died. And after that, the second month is already clear. And before that, the entire pharmacy was buying and zero sense!

  12. Alina:

    And over time, they fall or just stay hanging?

    • Pauline:

      They will remain on the hair, and will hang for at least 100 years until they are pulled out. They are well attached to the hair.

      • Masha:

        Are you from Pluto or what? If you have dead nits in your head, in a couple of days they will dry out and fall. The lice and nits themselves survive just a month.

  13. Anonymous:

    How to make the nits themselves have disappeared?

    • Evgenia:

      There is a tool that dissolves glue, which nits are attached to the hair. Called Neath Free Mousse. It greatly facilitates the removal of nits.

    • Anonymous:


  14. Katya:

    My nits are dry and itchy my head. I am going to the camp in August, I don’t really want everyone to know about it, but I don’t know how to remove them. I live in Lithuania. Help me how do i remove them?

    • Anonymous:

      Buy comb

    • Dilya, Uzbekistan:

      Hands clean. Tell a friend to help - hands in one day and even in one night you can get rid of. Do not be lazy. And do not be ashamed of it. Only hands, even the comb does not help.

  15. Angelina:

    Help me, please, I have not been able to get them out for two months, full head nits, and soon they will check their heads to school. This is a shame that a 9-grader with parasites in his head. Help me please beg you. And there is no time to pull the nits, I am very busy, I will be very happy ((

  16. Nastya:

    Today went to honey. inspection in front of the camp. They said that I have nits over my left ear. I was terrified! They told me to buy some kind of spray at a pharmacy, apply it, wait 20 minutes and wash my hair. I now even hate to touch my head ((

  17. Yana:

    Dry nits are afraid of acid. Wash your head with vinegar and diluted with warm water every day, then carefully wipe your hair with a towel. My daughter helped.

  18. Natalia:

    The most excellent means - Pair Plus. Daughter brings from school is not the first year of lice. I use only them. Shampoos did not help. Let it be expensive, but one treatment with this spray - and lice die immediately! Nits clean scallop.

  19. Kristina:

    Help, I picked up a louse from a friend, and this one found out in a week. I was terrified, I am 12 years old. I tried Couple Plus. Much hell, but killed the lice immediately. But the nits remained, my mother checked, as if they were empty. I went to bed with relief. In the morning, waking up, my mother began to check her head, looked, and it turned out they were alive. Mom bought a comb and began to comb. But the comb did not help. Mom began to choose with her hands, chose 50 pieces, I was terrified, she chose hours 3 🙁 What should I do, because the school is soon. Advise something, please.

  20. Tatyana Kiriyenko:

    Moms, be careful with the means on the permethrin and malathion! With gasoline and kerosene, too - do not poison children with toxins and all that skin eats up! Now pharmacies have excellent products with mineral oils and silicones,such as Paranit, for example, with metal combs in the kit, with air conditioning for easy removal of nits! Not enough for air conditioning - I advise you to rinse your hair after treatment with water with vinegar or lemon juice - this dissolves the sticky substrate, which sticks nits tightly to the hair. Hair should be divided into small strands and alternately comb them with a comb, paying the most attention to the places behind the ears and on the back of the head.

  21. And bath:

    I can not get rid of dry nits, and soon the school will check the head, there will be a shame in the 5th grade. Help me please!

    • ioanna:

      Alcohol or vodka, water on the hair, then wrapped in a towel. An hour later you wash off and comb through a hairbrush with a hairdryer. And so every day. Gently, so as not to fall on the skin and eyes. Rinse the hair with vinegar so that it does not cling to others again and eat garlic. If you can not eat, swallow whole, like a pill.

  22. Tanya Smagulova:

    Ivanna, choose. Let someone help

  23. Aliya:

    My sister and I also found lice. My sister was a dime a dozen, I have a little less. She bought AntiBit comb shampoo, and I Lead.Every day, we washed our hair and combed it out with a comb, but lice still remained. We struggled with them for about 1.5 months, dyed hair, washed them with shampoos, combed and straightened. And we got rid of them!

  24. Nastya:

    Guys! Go to the veterinary pharmacy, buy a vial of money called Butoks. It is very cheap, about 10 USD. for the ampoule. Dilute it with water. 1 liter of water to 1 ampoule (1 ml). Splashing your hair. More precisely, completely soak them. You can spray. Then you put a bag on your head and wrap a towel over it. Sit about 20-30 minutes.
    Attention! Butox is very toxic. This is poison. But it is incredibly effective. Keep away from eyes, mouth, etc. Therefore, when you wrap your head, it is advisable to open the windows in the rooms for fresh air. Then start combing head from dead lice and nits. After that, wash your hair with regular shampoo. I recommend this treatment: treatment 1 day, 7 day, 14 day.

  25. Katya:

    Very well helps chalk from cockroaches, Masha called. It is necessary to completely draw on the hair, wash off after two hours.When I was still in school, I checked it out for myself.

    • Dilya, Uzbekistan:

      Yes, the cheapest crayon from cockroaches helps against lice.

  26. Alyona:

    Also only nits. How to get rid, I do not know, help!

    • Elizabeth:

      Lubricate your hair with sunflower oil, they will then slide through the hair. For one sticking with your fingers up to 20 nits can be removed, checked.

  27. Tanya:

    Chalk from cockroaches is a cool way 🙂 Never heard of it before. In general, we took the child head lice in the center of Lays Evey. Their specialist came to our home and combed her daughter's hair with a special tool that helped to unstick the nits from the hair. The tool, by the way, is completely non-toxic (I myself read the composition myself). In general, within a few hours, we got rid of lice and nits without too much difficulty. Moreover, they gave us a guarantee for the whole week: they say, if we find something in our hair during this time, they will re-run the whole procedure for free. I believe that you can pay for such a fast and high-quality result. Moreover, the treatment is not so expensive.You can spend more on shampoos different from lice!

  28. Olga, Ukraine, Krivoy Rog:

    Daughter dry nits, tell me how to get?

  29. Katya:

    I have been suffering with them for a week now, bought two products, let's see how it will be.

  30. Luda:

    Except for combing out in any way you will not bring out the nits: neither dry nor living. Therefore, buy a comb and comb until nothing remains. Well, or you can contact the experts. For example, in the same center Lays Evey. We, as soon as we got infected with lice, immediately called them and on the same day their specialist came and we brushed our hair and we all (me and my daughters). After that, I never found lice or nits in any of us.

  31. Julia:

    Yes, about scallops you wrote it right. We tried three remedies for lice on the basis of different components. The result - lice did not disappear even after a month and a half. Rather, at first they disappeared, and then reappeared. So only the specialists of Lays Evey could help us. She herself did not want to comb her hair, and so lost so much time. And then one day and everything is clean!

  32. Victoria:

    And I didn’t even try anything when the children had lice. I read the forums and decided that, most likely, we would not be able to cure lice. Therefore, too, Lays Evey called and invited their specialist. As for me, it is better to give money for a guaranteed result than to sort through the drugs one by one in the hope that they will help. And I don’t have time to mess with lice a month or more.

  33. Anonymous:

    Where to buy a comb?

  34. Olya:

    In the pharmacy, online stores. In my opinion, there is no such big problem in buying crests. They are even sent by mail to the Russian Federation.

  35. Khadya:

    Nittifor in the pharmacy is, a good tool.

  36. Vladimir:

    Yeah. I will call in Lyce Evey, let the experts do their job!

  37. Alexandra:

    The child has only dead nits, lice can not be seen at all. What does this mean, tell me, please.

  38. Vika:

    How to get nits? I was tortured, I tried all the medicines in the pharmacy.

  39. Nastya:

    I am Nastya. I am 8 years old. How to get nits?

  40. Albina:

    I remember when I went to school, on the same day they checked our head, I thought that everything would be a shame. And it turned out that when they checked my head, neither nits nor lice were found. Well, that closer to the head, dark hair, and nits merge with the hair. That was when I went to first grade. Now again appeared. Tried with hellebore water - no lice, just live nits.

  41. Helena:

    Lice kills Chemerichnoe water. I was looking for a means inexpensive for the child and so that the hair does not spoil. I was pleased, and the hair is shiny. Apply to wet hair, wear a lightweight hat in tight, leave for 30 minutes. Then rinse the dead lice with warm water and shampoo. Nits need to be combed and cleaned mechanically. Apply conditioner abundantly on wet hair and comb the nits with a comb with frequent teeth or special. Wash off with water. If all is not removed, then the rest is shot manually.

  42. Evgenia:

    How to call on the house of the doctor and how much?

  43. Karina:

    I became infected with lice, I am 12 years old, I have it in the first.And I was confused, Dad went to buy the tool, it is called spray paranit, it costs 600 rubles. I know that it is expensive, but it helps effectively. This spray helped me a lot, all the lice disappeared from me, but there remained nits. I combed them with a comb, which was in the set along with the spray! I really didn’t want to cut my hair, because I only grew them, but the spray helped me. And the comb still helps, I just noticed lice only the day before yesterday. INSTRUCTION: apply the spray on dry hair, cover with a bag or rubber cap and wait 15 minutes, then wash it off with hair, preferably wash it with tar soap, and then comb it out.

  44. Anonymous:

    Girls, you can get rid of lice with tar soap. Apply it liberally on the head, try not to miss a centimeter at the roots and along the entire length of the hair. Then put the bag on his head and walk 2 hours with him, then wash well. The smell remains, but there will be no lice, and to make the smell disappear, wash your head more often. And a week later, repeat the procedure.

  45. Leila:

    Prompt the most effective means of these parasites, for 5 months now we have been fighting with them, and the effect is 0!

  46. Yana:

    Good day. At first she tried Lavinal spray and shampoo on her daughter, insects were always left. Then I bought Hygieu shampoo, it helped even worse. Then I tried to put olive oil on hair for 30 minutes. Then she combed well, then washed with water and vinegar and dried her hair with a hair dryer. The first time I combed out a lot of living lice and nits, and the second time only 3 nits and that's all, the head is clean. I will spend another day re-processing and check again. So try it! We have long hair on the shoulder blade.

  47. Alyona:

    There is such a penny remedy in a pharmacy - water is hellebore. Nit does not kill, but lice at 100%. Just after a week you need to repeat the procedure when small lice appear from the nits.

  48. Elina:

    Good day. I myself picked up lice in school and did not know that I have them. I walked with lice and nits until I found out that I also gave them to relatives. After that, they began to check me and found them ... So, how to get rid of them: for a start, calm down, there are funds in the pharmacy, buy shampoo, called ANTIBIT.A comb comes to it, but it is inefficient, so buy a separate one better. Wet your hair and start rubbing it all over your hair, and it is better to rub it on the back of the head, near the ears and on the top of the head. If you did not help, then we go to a cosmetic store, buy Oksigent. You must understand if they ask how many percent - say that 12%. And there it does not matter, it is generally to dilute the paint. It will lighten a little, but it is unlikely, I did not lighten it. And hold for 15 minutes, then wash off. Then we take a washcloth, pour vinegar (do not over-pour) and dilute it with warm water. We rinse your hair. So you need to do 12 days ... Lice is very easy to poison, but the nits - this is something. For them, vinegar with water helps, they just become weak. And after that you will comb them. You can also dichlorvos, but it can burn your head. Burdock oil is cheap, nits just slide off, and also very useful for hair. Then brush the nits over the bath or over paper, A4, white. DO NOT FORGET to boil things, as they can live there for another month!

  49. Anonymous:

    She got rid of lice easily, but nits are not removed with a comb, or preparations, or by hand! Useless, nothing helps!

    • Dilya, Uzbekistan:

      Why do not manually clean the nits? Simply, without being lazy, every nits need to be cleaned. My niece had too many of these nits, but I brought her to my dacha and cleaned it overnight. Now it does not itch, but I do not stop watching her head, and also the head never stops watching my daughter. Do not be lazy. And the comb does not help ... Only hands.

    • Anonymous:

      You can dye your hair with the usual cheapest red henna - nits are better seen then. And manually remove them.

  50. Shoma:

    A nits comb removed?

    • Anonymous:

      Hands better, one day you can get rid of. But within 7 days you still need to inspect the head.

    • Marina:

      Yes, they are cleaned, but they must also be removed by hand.

  51. Dilya:

    I can not look when my daughter, having come from school, begins to scratch her head. My daughter is studying in grade 2, I was tortured to clean the lice. But I'm not lazy, I take the cheapest chalk for cockroaches, treat them to my daughter's head, put a bag on my head and wrap it in a head scarf. After 30 minutes I wash my hair with shampoo and dry with a hair dryer. When drying with a hair dryer, lice cannot move, I collect them on white paper quickly and quickly, then destroy them.After the remaining nits tidy hands. And even in the evening, without being lazy, I take a phone flashlight and look around my daughter's head. In one night, you can get rid of nits. But the next morning I take the shampoo, wash my head with it and then dry it with a hair dryer too. Two times this process must be repeated with a hairdryer. And within 7 days to look, whether there were nits on the head. You also need to wash clothes and be sure to iron iron. And that's all. Do not be lazy. And everything costs quite cheap.

    • Anonymous:

      When you have lice, and even more nits, you should never use a hairdryer. From the heat of a hair dryer, nits hatch twice as fast. And to get rid of nits, you can use the ironing.

  52. Sofia:

    I have to go to Sputnik, and I have nits in my hair ...

  53. Marina:

    The pair plus helped us and the comb. Lice and nits removed.

  54. Galya:

    My daughter went to school, picked up lice and nits and rewarded me with them. How can I choose myself dry nits, since there is no one else? Mother sees poorly, but her daughter is not around.

  55. Victor:

    In short, it is very funny to read how decent (therefore inexperienced) people suffer and torture children themselves. And all because advertisers but merchants need to somehow earn.So be it, sharing experience (if advertisers from this site do not delete this post). In short, wash your hair with soap and then straight soaped hair to comb with a comb. Naturally, it is worth doing in the bathroom.

  56. Nika:

    When the son arrived from the camp, he brought lice - apparently, he picked up somewhere on the train. I noticed in time, there were not so many lice. Hair spray sprayed Pedikuden, immediately helped.

  57. Tom:

    Lice is not difficult to remove. Enough to dissolve anything based on oil. The most difficult thing is to remove the nits from the hair. I read a lot, helped by 98% such a remedy: vinegar, alcohol or vodka. I also added - in our country (among Ossetians) we call Arak in the Caucasus. You probably moonshine. Lemon juice and some oil (any) to keep the composition on the hair. We begin to smear hair, carefully, on the strands. Then a bag on the hair about 1 hour. Wait, take a small comb and several times to comb. When I saw the nits crumble - I could not believe my eyes. I advise you to make oil masks on your hair. The louse that crawls will die instantly. Oil helps anyone, even vegetable. It will clog all the airways of the parasites and they die.Oils are sold in pharmacies, they are inexpensive: castor, burdock, even glycerin suitable. Successes all.

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