Site about the fight against domestic insects

Insects in the apartment

Means to protect against insect bites: a review of effective options
Means to protect against insect bites: a review of effective options

Today, there are quite a few different tools that allow you to protect yourself from insect bites: these are all kinds of sprays, creams, pencils, bracelets, as well as frightening smoke bombs, spirals and even electronic devices. Moreover, all these tools can differ significantly, not only in their effectiveness, but also in safety and ease of use. Let's see what the market offers today and what nuances it is useful to consider before buying this or that product ...

Review of effective traps for flying and crawling insects
Review of effective traps for flying and crawling insects

In many cases, insect traps are indeed a very convenient means of controlling pests and parasites in the premises: cockroaches, domestic ants, flies, mosquitoes, and other flying and crawling animals. It is enough to set such a trap - and the process of extermination of insects has already begun! However, in practice, things are not so simple,as it may seem at first glance: all types of insect traps have their drawbacks, and you still need to be able to choose the one that will show maximum efficiency in this particular situation ...

How to fight home insects in the apartment
How to fight home insects in the apartment

In almost all cases when insects are inflamed in the apartment, sooner or later the question arises of the need to somehow deal with them. There are no such arthropods, the unauthorized reproduction of which in the apartment a good owner is willing to endure. Moreover, if we are talking about parasites (for example, about fleas or bed bugs), then their proximity is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous to health. However, how should insect control be carried out indoors so that it is as efficient as possible, what methods and means are optimal today - it is worth talking about this in more detail ...

Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Delta Zone: description and reviews
Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Delta Zone: description and reviews

The use of insecticidal drugs today is perhaps the most effective way to get rid of domestic insects. However, many tools in practice are completely ineffective, and to some of them pests and parasites quickly get used and become insensitive.For these reasons, Delta-Zone appeared on the market - a powerful concentrated insecticide for the destruction of bed bugs, cockroaches and other synanthropic insects. Vendors promise the Delta High Efficiency Zone, the complete absence of smell and safety for humans. Is it really how good is the Delta Zone and how do those who have already tested it in action respond to the drug - we'll talk about that later ...

Details on the treatment of premises from various insects: important nuances
Details on the treatment of premises from various insects: important nuances

Sometimes the only effective way to remove insects from the room, which are not just present here in small numbers, but have long ago settled down and multiplied successfully, is carrying out high-quality disinsection treatment. Today, this service is offered by many specialized firms, but if necessary, the processing of an apartment can be carried out independently, having given it enough time and effort. Accordingly, the owner of the apartment or private house, tired of the constant presence of cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs or ants,There are always a lot of questions: to poison insects on your own (sometimes once again), or to call professional pest control all the same, how should the treatment be carried out in general, what can you do to make it as effective as possible? Well, let's deal with all these questions together ...

Insecticidal insect repellents in the home: a review of drugs
Insecticidal insect repellents in the home: a review of drugs

Insects in the house had to be looked for by almost everyone. And very often from the first time a beginner disinsector amateur with such a tool is mistaken: either the drug does not act on those insects that live in the apartment, or it is not enough, or after processing the room the smell in it remains for weeks so that it is impossible to live normally. Therefore, the choice of an effective insecticidal agent for the destruction of insects must be approached carefully and responsibly - let's talk about this in more detail.

About electric insect killers
About electric insect killers

Electric insect killers are very popular today, primarily due to the combination of high efficiency and safety for human and animal health (because the device does not use toxic chemical insecticides).However, the practical application of such devices has a number of important nuances and features, without which the destroyer may simply not have the expected effect ...

Lamps for the destruction of flying insects
Lamps for the destruction of flying insects

For the destruction of various flying insects in apartments and homestead plots today are widely used special UV lamp-traps. Such tools are very effective and easy to use, but before you buy the device, it is useful to first understand the principle of its operation and the accompanying nuances, which can affect the choice of the model that is most suitable for you. So, let's see what kind of lamps for the extermination of insects exist today and what is useful to know about their use in living conditions ...

About insect bites and their treatment
About insect bites and their treatment

It is unlikely that in the whole world one can find a person who would never be bitten by insects: throughout life, we are confronted with a huge number of all kinds of their species, both in nature and at home. However, despite this, every new attack of insects is always unpleasant and unexpected, and in some cases, very dangerous.If the bite does occur, you should immediately try to find out what kind of insect attacked: it will help in providing adequate first aid, and after it - in treating the consequences. Of course, each insect bites in its own way, and therefore the treatment should be different ...

Tumors and swelling in insect bites
Tumors and swelling in insect bites

The appearance of a moderately pronounced tumor and edema is the normal reaction of the body to the bites of most stinging insects. Sometimes these symptoms persist for several days (as long as insect poison components and cellular debris are present in the tissues), and then pass away without a trace. However, there are cases when the tumor and swelling at the site of the bite can be quite dangerous and require the adoption of appropriate first aid measures to the victim. We will further discuss these situations in more detail, and also see how to reduce the discomfort after a bite in normal, non-critical situations when the swelling is small.



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