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Review of effective traps for flying and crawling insects

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We find out what types of insect traps are and in what cases their use really gives a good result ...

It should be borne in mind that, depending on the conditions of application and the type chosen, one or another insect trap may show a very high efficiency (it will regularly exterminate insects by hundreds), and it may be absolutely useless. And what is interesting, much here depends not only on the design of the trap itself and its quality, but also on the person who is trying to use it.

The fact is that each type of trap is focused on the fight against a strictly defined group of insects and takes into account their biological features.: for example, cockroaches attract certain attractant substances, many flying insects are attracted by the ultraviolet light of lamps, bed bugs cause a locally increased concentration of carbon dioxide, and hornets and sediment of sweet and fermented fruits.

Accordingly, if a person, exhausted, for example, bedbugs, will try to catch them with cockroach traps with a poisoned bait - such a venture will initially be doomed to failure. Similarly, it is pointless to catch cockroaches or ants with electric ultraviolet traps designed to catch flies, mosquitoes and night moths.

The photo shows an example of a glue trap for cockroaches.

Next, we will look at how to choose and buy a good insect trap that will really work reliably and efficiently for your situation.


Types of insect traps

Virtually all insect traps can be divided into the following several types:

  1. Electric traps for flying insects - these devices attract mosquitoes, black flies and butterflies with the light of a special lamp (usually soft UV) and then destroy the victim by an electric discharge as they approach the metal grid in front of the lamp. Such devices are popularly also called electroshock. exterminators of flying insects;The electric trap lamp for the flying insects intended for use in life.And this exterminator of flying insects can be used in industrial premises.
  2. Electric traps for crawling insects - destroy crawling into the structure, for example, cockroaches and ants, by electrical discharge;An example of an electric trap for crawling insects is, first of all, cockroaches and domestic ants.
  3. Glue traps that can be used against both crawling and flying insects. Flying animals may be attracted to the glue surface by light from lamps or a chemical;Glue traps of different designs can be used not only against crawling insects, but also against flying ones.
  4. Traps with poisoned baits - generally speaking, such constructions can be considered traps only very arbitrarily, since they do not catch insects, but only lure and poison. However, in the shops you can buy them just under the name of traps for cockroaches (and ants);Cockroach Trap Raptor
  5. And finally, the traps for, so to speak, the mechanical collection of insects - their main difference lies in the fact that they do not destroy the insects caught in them. At least not right away. Their task is to collect pests, which are then separately destroyed by the person himself. Because of their design, insects simply cannot get out of such traps. Below we look at more examples of such devices.An example of a mechanical wasp trap made from a plastic bottle.

As noted above, each type of trap works well only against a certain number of insects and under certain conditions.

For example:

  1. It is convenient to catch cockroaches, bedbugs and domestic ants in small apartments with glue traps placed in places where insects accumulate and move.The situation with bedbugs is a bit more complicated - if they live in a bed mattress, then the traps will not help here, and the residents will still not be able to sleep properly in such a bed due to constant bites. However, the bugs often live near the bed (on the walls, behind the wallpaper, behind the plinths, in the cracks of the bedside table) - in this case it is enough to put the bed legs in the center of the glue trap, and then the bedbugs to the food source (sleeping person) will be insurmountable block;
  2. It is easiest to catch daytime flying insects with adhesive tapes suspended from the ceiling of the room;
  3. Night insects are easily caught by light traps (electromotive). These same devices may well work during the day, including against flies and mosquitoes, although a little less efficiently. Often such destroyers of flying insects today can be found hanging under the ceiling above fruit and meat showcases in supermarkets;
  4. Mokrits, hornets, wasps, cockroaches and pharaoh ants can be caught with the help of “traps” with poison baits.

On a note

The classic example of a poison "trap" used against cockroaches - balls from egg yolk and boric acid. Few people know that the poisoning effectiveness of such baits can be significantly increased if, instead of boric acid, insecticidal preparations are mixed with the yolk - for example, Delta Zone, Xulat Micro or Get.

Balls of egg yolk and boric acid can hardly be called a trap, as they do not catch cockroaches, but simply poison them.

Gett, Delta Zone and Lambda Zone. Highly effective insecticidal preparations.

Any insect trap, including electronic, can now be made with your own hands - the benefit of the corresponding schemes and descriptions on the Internet abound. It should be borne in mind that the simpler the principle of operation of such a tool is, the more efficient and reliable it usually is.


Tube traps for flying insects

Almost all electric traps for flying insects - butterflies, mosquitoes, flies, moths - are based on attracting pests and parasites with the light of a special lamp and destroying the victim when they hit the electrodes near the light source. The voltage on the metal grid is usually 500-1000 volts, however, the current during discharge is very small, so the devices are completely safe for humans and animals.

When touching the metal grid, insects are killed by electric discharge and fall into the pan.

Lamp electric traps of insects are used not only in apartments and houses, but also in the dacha plots (gazebos, verandas), as well as in livestock farms and warehouse complexes.

Of the fairly effective electronic traps for insects, the following brands, for example, are quite popular today:

  • Well insect traps, produced both for domestic use and for protection of large industrial complexes. The principle of operation is a classic for such devices - the lamps are surrounded by a grid, to which a high voltage is applied. For a person, the construction is safe: the light of the lamps complies with sanitary standards, and you cannot reach the metal grid with your fingers due to the protective panel. Buy traps for insects Well for domestic use at a price of about 7,000 rubles, and industrial - about 15,000 rubles;An example of a powerful electric insect trap Well with four ultraviolet lamps.
  • Insect traps Mo El. The photo below shows the Mo El ultraviolet trap as an example, attracting its victims with lamp light and, in addition, having an additional fan-shaped catcher that sucks insects that fly close to the device.Insect trap Mo El with suction fan.
  • Ves Electric - electric traps for insects, adapted for home use. Compact, lightweight and relatively inexpensive.

Tube electric traps of insects are suitable for the destruction of mosquitoes, midges, flies, moths, scoop butterflies, gadflies and gadflies.You can buy a suitable model today via the Internet, and when choosing, you must take into account the area that the device will serve.

For those who want to make an electric trap for insects with their own hands, it is useful to keep in mind that the cost of components can significantly exceed the cost of a commercially available device.


“We in the rabbit farm had to buy four electric traps from Well for the fight against insects, although when we started everything, we didn’t even expect to face such a problem. It's just some kind of attack! Flies-ticks began to parasitize animals, horseflies just tortured, even the nets did not save. We had to hang 4 WE-100-2 in the workshop with the area of ​​220 squares. The traps work flawlessly, burnt insects have to be shaken out of the pallets every three days ... "

Grigory Vitalyevich, Barnaul


Sticky tapes against flies

Suspended adhesive tapes are quite effective for catching flies (as well as moths). Such traps are inexpensive, easy to use and very reliable. You can buy them almost everywhere, and the manufacturer’s name does not play a key role here - Chinese sticky tapes for flies and more expensive German ones will be effective.

Adhesive tapes are effective not only against domestic flies, but also against food moths and clothes moths, as well as against small black flies.

However, a significant drawback of adhesive tapes is their low aesthetics, which does not allow the use of such traps in restaurants, cafes and various public institutions - you see, a tape with dead and still alive flies sticking to it will not add appetite to restaurant visitors.

The disadvantage of such tapes is their unappealing appearance ...


“I can't go to the summer kitchen with my parents at all. There are six pieces of adhesive tapes hanging from the ceiling, such traps for flies, completely covered with dead insects. So nasty. I don’t understand why not remove them and hang up new ones, if there is already no living space on these ?! ”

Irina, St. Petersburg


Traps for cockroaches and ants

Almost any traps installed on the floor work more or less effectively against cockroaches and ants - it is only important to choose the right place.

Insecticidal "traps" for insects are especially effective. In them, pests are attracted by an odorous edible bait mixed with an insecticidal agent (in the case of home-made baits, this could be, for example, borax or boric acid).

Insecticidal traps for cockroaches and domestic ants can be easily made by hand.

Some of these traps destroy insects on the principle of "chain reaction": a cockroach eats a poisoned bait, escapes to the nest and dies. It is eaten by other individuals. Dying too.They are also eaten, and the chain continues (albeit with a significant extinction of the toxic effect).

Poison trap (bait) for Globol cockroaches

Ants also drag poisoned baits into their nest, where they poison other members of the colony, including the womb, which is fed by workers with brought food.

Work well against cockroaches and glue trap ants. The same, for example, cockroaches with a small number of them in the apartment you can catch absolutely everyone. As for the ants, the situation is usually more complicated, since only foragers come across, while the uterus in the anthill continues to produce replenishment tirelessly.

On a note

In order to fight cockroaches, they produce so-called houses, in which insects are destroyed by electrical discharges. Such traps, working from the outlet, are safe for pets, because insects do not crawl out of them with poison in the body (cats can poison themselves if they eat several poisoned cockroaches, especially if the insecticide belongs to the class of pyrethroids).

To obtain the maximum effect, traps for cockroaches and ants should be installed in places of accumulation and possible movement of insects: near the trash can, in the kitchen near the sink, behind the stove, behind the refrigerator, etc.

To get a good effect, it is important to set a trap in the right place (places where insects accumulate and move).


Traps for bed bugs

Despite the fact that bed bugs are still one of the most common synanthropic parasites in megacities, it is almost impossible to buy specialized traps for them in stores. The reason for this lies in the specific nature of feeding on bedbugs - they feed exclusively on blood, and, accordingly, they cannot be attracted by any tasty-smelling food or the light of lamps.

Bed bug bug larvae drinking blood.

Meanwhile, in the USA, for example, it has been tested and is already being put into practice. bed bug trap Bedbug Beacon is a device consisting of a trap chamber in the form of a saucer, a vessel with carbon dioxide and a connecting hose. Carbon dioxide vapor enters the chamber and is gradually released from it, attracting bedbugs (the same CO2 breathing out man). After the bugs gather in a saucer, they are shaken out and destroyed.

So far, such industrial traps for bloodsucking insects in Russia are not applied in practice: in fact, bugs are almost always destroyed by treatment with insecticidal preparations.

On a note

As noted above, bedbugs can be caught with simple glue traps in the form of drop-down envelopes with a sticky base - you can buy ready-made,or you can also make your own hands out of cardboard and glue for insects “Alt” or “Trap”.

Glue from rodents and insects Alt

It is important to first make sure that the bugs have not had time to justify their nest in bed. Then the traps placed under the legs of the bed will save your sleep from night-blooded bloodsuckers.

Glue traps installed under the legs of the bed will stop the bedbugs and prevent them from biting the sleeping person.

Such bed bug traps can be easily made by yourself.


How can you catch insects in the garden

In gardens and gardens, the types of insect traps used are most diverse. For example, beetles, bears, woodlice and slugs here are caught with the help of the lower halves of plastic bottles dug into the ground. Separately, wood lice can be harvested under the potato tuber halves laid out in the garden.

For trapping of rape weevil, special traps are used in the form of yellow flowers with saucers. Beetles are attracted to them due to the yellow color imitating the color of fodder plants. Every day insects are shaken out of them and destroyed.

Hornets and wasps are caught with the help of plastic bottles in which the upper third is cut off, turned over with the neck down and inserted into the lower part. Beer with sugar is poured there, or water mixed with fermented jam. As a result, the insects attracted by the smell fly into the trap, and can no longer find a way out of it. Boron acid is sometimes added to beer for reliability.

Trap for hornets and wasps

If you add an insecticide to the bait, then the construction efficiency will increase further.

In general, it should be noted that, despite its effectiveness, traps do not allow for the quick and complete destruction of insects in a selected area or in a single room. In the same cases, when an instant effect is needed and there is no time to wait, it is advisable to use aerosol treatment with modern insecticidal preparations, and use traps for the purpose of prophylaxis to protect the room from the penetration of individual insects.

If you have personal experience of using any type of insect trap, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page (in the comments box).


Interesting video: making a universal insect trap from scrap materials


Effective glass cup, onion and butter cockroach trap


Simple traps for wasps and hornets from scrap materials


There is 1 comment on "Review of effective traps for flying and crawling insects"
  1. Savely:

    Of course, it is not necessary to destroy bees, but I have a different opinion about mosquitoes. My mosquito-exterminator doesn’t attract bees, but thanks to this device, there are much less blood-suckers in the evenings, you can even cool down with the children.

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