Site about the fight against domestic insects

What kind of domestic insects can be found in human housing: parasites and pests

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In the house next to a person can live a lot of insects, about which we will talk further, with photographs, a description of the way of life and the consequences of the neighborhood with them.

Domestic insects are so diverse that there is not enough fingers to enumerate even their main representatives. Nevertheless, you can still try to classify them: for example, according to the degree of harmfulness and danger to humans. And in order that the reader can always quickly understand who he had just met in his home, photos of domestic insects with names will be given below.

So, all domestic insects can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Domestic insect parasites are those insects in the house that bite a person and feed on his blood. The parasites include bedbugs, mosquitoes, lice and fleas, temporarily or permanently living near the person and capable of breeding in his home.Bed bugs are typical blood-sucking parasitic insects.
  2. Pests are those arthropods that do not directly touch a person, but actively harm various objects in the house or food, making them unsuitable.These include the well-known cockroaches, moths, springtails, whiteflies, ants, termites, woodlice, leather bugs, and book louse.Although cockroaches in the house do not directly touch a person, they can be a source of various infections.
  3. Harmless cohabitants who do not pose a danger to a person and do not cause any harm to the house. These are small spiders, silverfish, flycatchers and millipedes.Some domestic insects, such as the flycatcher, do not harm the person by their presence.

You can also select another group of insects in the house - the so-called random "guests" who fly through the window, "come" on their clothes or crawl into the living room themselves. Among them, among others, there may be parasites already noted above, for example, ticks or mosquitoes, pests such as hruschakov and flies, and relatively harmless insects - forest bugs, bees and wasps, gold-eyed and many others.

And some insects that can be found at home are random guests from the street here.

However, most of them are non-domestic insects, so we will talk further about the first three groups.

It is worth noting that many small arthropods in the house - to be exact - insects are not at all. For example, it is woodlice, centipedes and spiders, which are called insects unknowingly or simply for convenience. However, we will further describe them with photos and titles,so that the owner of the apartment probably could, if necessary, identify his co-residents.


Cockroaches in the house: dirt and unsanitary conditions

Cockroaches are perhaps the most well-known domestic pest insects. In the photo below are their views that live in apartments - naturally, against the will of the owners.

Certainly, the first place is occupied by one of the most numerous and well-known household insects - the red cockroach (having another name “Prusac”):

The red-haired cockroach is one of the most common household pests.

The second species, quite familiar to our latitudes, is the black cockroach (the Latin name is Blatta orientalis). This is a relatively large domestic insect, gradually disappearing under the onslaught of its red fellow (Prusac actively eats black cockroach's eggs).

Photo black cockroach:

The photo shows a black cockroach

The third type of these pests is american cockroach (Latin name Periplaneta americana):

The American cockroach (pictured) is gradually becoming more common in our area.

Initially, it was extremely rare for our country, but with the development of international trade, this species began to conquer the warehouses and shops of large megacities, and afterwards - living quarters located in the neighborhood.

The key to successful "occupation" of these household pests of human housing lies in the characteristics of their biology.Cockroaches are insects that feed on absolutely any food waste, as well as many other household items - for example, various adhesives, shoe polish, paper. In addition, they can go without food for quite a long time - sometimes even up to 20 days.

Below are some more photos of these household pests:

Domestic cockroaches can eat almost any food containing traces of organic matter.

The photo shows a cockroach with a edema.

Cockroaches breed very quicklyand the life span of an adult individual is approximately 9-16 months.

In addition to the obvious harm that cockroaches cause to various foods (eat, pollute them), they, among other things, are carriers of various infectious diseases and even the eggs of some helminths.

Domestic cockroaches contaminate food as they move through it, contributing to the spread of infections.

Therefore, the fight against these domestic insects should be carried out necessarily.


Bed bugs: who bites at night

Bed bugs - perhaps the most unpleasant domestic insect parasites. The main harm that they inflict on a person is undoubtedly bites. And although today there are no scientifically proven facts that these parasites infect with any infectious diseases, nevertheless, they have repeatedly found dangerous pathogens in their bodies.

In the photo - the nest of these small parasites in the mattress:

The photo shows a small nest of bed bugs in the mattress

And then in the photo - adult bugs, their larvae and eggs:

The danger of neighborhood with bedbugs lies primarily in their constant bites.

Bedbugs can live in almost any secluded places of the apartment, but here they breed at an incredible speed. Being typical parasites, at night these insects crawl onto the bed, bite a man and suck his blood. Interestingly, the larvae begin to feed from the first days of life and differ from adult bugs only in their size.

Bed bugs feed on human blood in the same way as adults.

Generally speaking, several types of bed bugs can parasitize a person’s house, but it is almost impossible to distinguish them from each other without a microscope and certain knowledge.

In the photo - blood drunken bugs:

This is how adult bugs and their larvae look after drinking blood.

To poison these small parasites in general is much more difficult than cockroaches, since a large proportion of the available insecticidal preparations against them is simply powerless. Usually for the extermination of bedbugs, special aerosol insecticides, sprays, and sometimes dusts are used. Very effective is the destruction of bedbugs cold mist.


Domestic ants

One of the most difficult to remove domestic pest insects are ants.Most often in the apartment of a person you can meet representatives of two species of these insects - red house ants, also called pharaohs, and thief ants. For a non-professional to distinguish them from each other, these two species will be quite difficult, but, nevertheless, Pharaoh ants are still more frequent guests in people's homes.

In the photo - Pharaoh ants on the kitchen table (the Latin name is Monomorium pharaonis):

Pharaoh ants can damage food in the home

And in this photo you can see the domestic ants moving between the food source and the nest in a string:

Closeup home ants

Speaking about the damage caused to a person, it can be said that these household pests - like many of their fellow "workers" - spoil the food, and are also able to carry various infections.

The main problem in the breeding of ants is that often their colonies have many nests, which are united with each other and are located even in different apartments, garbage chutes and basements (super grass). That is why the destruction of one such nest will not bring the desired effect: as long as there is a single colony, the ants will return and settle again and again in the apartment.

Domestic ants live in colonies, and the anthill is not always located directly in the apartment.

It is necessary to fight together with these small household pests - it is better for all tenants of the house at once. Only in this case, the efforts will not be in vain, otherwise - you can only achieve a temporary removal or reduction of the number of ants in each individual apartment.

Practically any modern insecticide will be suitable for extermination of ants, but special poison baits, for example, in the form of gels, will be the best option.


Fleas: pet defectors

The bugs mentioned above alone, unfortunately, do not end the list of domestic bloodsucking insects. Fleas are another parasites that can often be found in a person’s housing.

The blood-sucking domestic insect parasites also include fleas.

It is they and the bugs most often bite in the house.

By and large, fleas do not have “permanent residence”: they can be found both in the apartment and in the wild. In the house, they usually keep close to the resting places of pets, on which they parasitize, feeding on blood.

Fleas are common domestic blood-sucking insects that easily move from one host to another (for example, to a human). They need blood both for nutrition and for reproduction - without it, the eggs inside the female simply do not develop.

The photo shows one of the most common fleas - cat (Latin name Ctenocephalides felis):

Cat flea

Potentially, fleas are capable of enduring many deadly diseases - from plague and typhoid to encephalitis and brucellosis, and therefore it is necessary to deal with them especially carefully. But even if there is no infection in a single insect, its bite itself is quite painful, causes severe itching and, as a consequence, the appearance of pustular inflammations on the skin.

Flea bites are not only painful, but also often lead to the formation of pustules on the skin.

Bringing fleas in general is not so difficult if you act competently. First, it is necessary to poison these parasites on pets, in their bedding and resting places. Secondly, it is necessary to process the entire apartment, because flea larvae can be found in floorcloths, in the crevices of the floors, and behind the plinths.


Mole: the threat to food and clothing

Moths are a fairly large group of insects, including several types of domestic pests. Some of them feed on groceries and cereals, spoiling stocks of products, while others harm clothes, preferring mainly fur and woolen products (coarse moth).

The moth that lives in your house can cause significant damage to fur products.

In the photo - food moth:

Food moth can often be found in the kitchen

But photos of clothes moth and its larvae:

And it looks like a clothes mole

Larva clothes moth

This photograph shows the larva of the fur-coat moth in a protective case:

The larva of the fur coat moth in the cap

All adult moths are butterflies. They are at the caterpillar stage with active domestic pests, but adult insects may not eat at all.

That is why, at home killing a single moth butterfly flying near a cupboard with clothes or in the kitchen, it is unlikely that it will be possible to destroy or at least reduce the number of these pests - most likely, an adult insect has already laid eggs, and further “battle” should be directed directly against them and caterpillars, which appear approximately 6-14 days after laying.

The mole is removed by insecticidal preparations, and also - if it is, of course, possible - by high temperatures (up to 70 ° C) or, on the contrary, by freezing clothes. Folk remedies based on lavender and various other herbal preparations, unfortunately, will not rid the home of this domestic pest - they can only be used to prevent contamination of the premises.

The fight against food moths should be aimed primarily at the destruction of contaminated food.


Wets in the house - not really insects

But the wood lice (as already mentioned at the very beginning) cannot be attributed to the insects living in the house — these arthropods belong to the class of higher crayfish.

This photo shows the armadillo lice (Latin name Armadillidium vulgare):

Ironclad Armadillid (Armadillidium vulgare)

And here - a rough wood lice, more frequent guest in the houses:

Most often in homes is a rough wood lice.

They do not cause any special harm to humans, for example, from typical parasites of bedbugs: only occasionally wood insects spoil their vegetable stores or (if they get there) damage the young parts of houseplants. However, a meeting with these miniature roommates is always unpleasant.

As a rule, woodlice appear in areas where high humidity is constantly maintained or there are water leaks: these are usually bathrooms and toilets. Here, in abundance, there are also secluded dark shelters (woodlice, like cockroaches, do not like bright light), and a source of food - for example, a trash can, in which you can eat various organic residues.

The existence of wood lice in one degree or another associated with water (after all, they are still crustaceans), so it is quite simple to remove them.

To get rid of wood lice in the house is quite simple: just need to remove water leaks

In most cases, all you need to do is eliminate the humidity that is vital for them: dry the bathroom or, for example, fix the leak in the faucet.If for some reason these measures do not bring the desired effect, then the woodlice can be exterminated by any modern insecticidal agent (Get, Delta-Zone, Tsifoks, Dobrokhim FOS, etc.).


Kozheeda beetles: the enemies of books and clothes

The kozheed beetle is one of the most prominent examples of an insect in a man’s house, which the landlord usually does not realize. The reason for this is simple: adult individuals of the kozheeda beetle hardly reach 3.5 mm in length, and their larvae are 2 mm.

People often do not even know about the neighborhood with kozheedi beetles ...

In general, there are a lot of different types of kozheedov beetles; in nature, they almost always settle where there is an excess of organic residues of animals, birds or other insects. If we talk about human habitation, then here these domestic insects settle where there is paper, leather or clothing.

This may look like a kozheed beetle at a high magnification.

In apartments or houses, these pests feed on bookbinding, wardrobe items and even plain paper. We can say that kozheedy in their food preferences are the real "universal": their larvae can be found, among other things, in cereals, herbaria and insect collections of amateur entomologists. They are able to eat even the remains of dust in the dust and multiply for years behind baseboards, where no one sees them.

The photo shows the kozheed museum (otherwise - the museum beetle, in Latin Anthrenus museorum), which got its name in ancient times and is one of the most frequent pests of museum exhibits:

Museum leather often damages valuable artifacts.


However, damage to food and household items of a person is not the worst thing to expect from kozheedov beetles. It is proved that these household pests can cause a person to become infected with worms and even some infectious diseases, therefore their timely destruction is simply necessary.

Most often, kozheedov remove various aerosol insecticides, but folk remedies in the case of these insects can provide significant assistance. For example, the larvae of these beetles do not tolerate the smell of lavender and wormwood, so their use, if not destroy insects, it can be an excellent preventive measure.


Champions are innocent bystanders

The silverfish are perhaps the most "quiet" and almost harmless species of domestic insects. In a way of life they can be compared, for example, with wood lice: these small human partners of a person also love moisture, darkness and warmth.

The photo shows the most common species - the sugar silverfish (aka ordinary, the Latin name Lepisma saccharina):

Sugar Champion (Lepisma saccharina)

These domestic insects feed on various organics, which are found in dust, sugar on the table, bread crumbs, and sometimes all that which is preferred by the kozheedy beetles mentioned above.

The silverfish never breed in large quantities and are caught mainly in the evenings when the landlord, turning on the light, takes the insects by surprise (by the way, these human neighbors have impressive speed for their size and quickly hide in life-seekers).

The silverfish, taken by surprise, quickly run away to a secluded place

They rarely fight with silverfish purposefully and usually develop in parallel with other synanthropic insects. For this purpose, as a rule, various aerosol insecticides are used, although it is possible to get rid of them in the simplest ways - with cold or dryness in the house.


Spiders and their benefits

Spiders are another example of non-insect invertebrates living in the house. Their presence is perhaps the most terrible thing one can expect from them: after all, spiders in a human’s dwelling are neither parasites nor pests.

On the contrary, these “roommates” can be called a kind of human helpers in the fight against domestic insects, since their main “task” here is to catch flies, cockroaches and mosquitoes. Thus, if the spiders do not tighten all the corners in the room with their nets, they can be considered rather useful.

In this photo, one of the most frequent "neighbors" is the spider-haymaker (aka the centipede, the Latin name Pholcidae):

Grassland Spider (Pholcidae)

And here - the usual spider jade (Araneus diadematus):

Crane spider on the web (Araneus diadematus)

Spiders are rarely numerous in the house, and therefore it is easy to display them: most often they are simply caught, for example, with a broom and thrown into the street with the web.


Lice: always near - in the house and on the street

Louse is a classic bloodsucking parasite. These insects are not tied to the house, but directly to the person himself, and they cannot live outside his body, or at least clothes. That is why it is impossible to call lice typical domestic insects.

In the photo - head louse, which, among other things, is a carrier of some dangerous infectious diseases:

Head louse on hair with high magnification

And the photograph below shows the pubic louse, the presence of which is considered to be a venereal disease (another name is plositer, Pthirus pubis):

And this is pubic louse, Pthirus pubis

Adult parasitic lice and their larvae spend most of their time clinging tightly to a person’s hair, and to feed themselves, they slip onto the surface of the skin every few hours. Their eggs in a dense shell are called nits and badly spoil the appearance of the hair.

Nits in hair

Due to the fact that lice feed on human blood and, accordingly, it constantly bite, their presence causes severe itching. Today there is a large arsenal of specialized lice products: pediculicidal shampoos, sprays and combs.


Mosquitoes: guests for a few days

It is difficult to imagine a person who would not know what mosquitoes look like. These insects appear in the house for a short time only in order to drink blood and fly back to the street to lay eggs.

Mosquitoes in most cases do not live in the house for a long time, and appear here only to get drunk on human blood.

Blood suckers are exclusively females (they need blood for the production of eggs), but the males, as a rule, feed on plant nectars.

The common mosquito, the most common biting parasite of our country (another name - mosquito-pusher, Culex pipiens):

The photo shows a mosquito-pusher

And the next photo shows an anopheles mosquito, an insect commonly found in the homes of people living in the tropics, and carrying the corresponding disease.The photo shows how he holds his body - this is the main way to distinguish the anopheles mosquito from his usual fellow:

The Malaria mosquito is different from the usual in its appearance and manner of keeping its body when bitten

On a note

Many other mosquito species can also carry infectious diseases that threaten human life. Fortunately, this trouble practically does not affect our latitudes, and the only thing that a mosquito can be dangerous for the population of our country is a strong itch that appears after a bite.

The development of mosquitoes is always closely related to water, so homes with flooded basements are an ideal breeding ground for these blood-sucking parasites. Also, very often these insects are found in private houses and cottages, where they always have an available source of moisture nearby.

A large number of mosquitoes can be found near the source of moisture.

There are a great many means of mosquito bites today: ointments, creams, and various other forms of repellents. The main way to prevent these household insects from entering the apartment is mosquito nets fixed on the windows, as well as maintaining the basement and yard territories in a normal condition.


Flies in the house and harm from them

Flies are known to all as a “dirty” insect.Indeed, their whole life is to one degree or another associated with various kinds of waste, both of plant and animal origin.

In the human house, flies live and actively reproduce, subject to the presence of organic residues - for example, food. Often they settle where there are domestic animals, in the excrement and leftover food of which the larvae of flies successfully develop. In addition, often these insect pests breed in the attics of houses in deposits of bird droppings.

In the photo - gray meat fly (Latin name Sarcophagidae):

Gray Fly (Sarcophagidae)

And this photo shows a housefly, which got its name because it lives exclusively next to a person, and it is extremely rare away from its habitat:

A housefly can only be found in a man’s house.

Knowing at least a little about the lifestyle of flies, it is easy to guess about their harmful meaning to humans. Besides the fact that these domestic insects simply pollute the products and often make them unsuitable for consumption due to laying eggs (for example, in pieces of meat or fish), flies are also dangerous because they can transfer pathogens from their excrement to human food. various infectious diseases and helminth eggs.

On their paws, flies can carry pathogens of dangerous infections and helminth eggs

They remove flies by direct extermination using a variety of insecticides, hanging glue traps and banal maintenance of cleanliness in the room.



In the apartment of the person, springtails are not infrequent inhabitants of flower pots, and if we talk about home gardens, they can often be found in greenhouses and greenhouses.

The tails are very small domestic insects (some modern scientists tend to distinguish them into a separate class). In the photo you can see these miniature "neighbors" on a coma of earth from a flower pot:

Dresstail can be found in the land of flower pots house plants

They begin to harm springtails only when there are a lot of them: they damage the underground parts of the plants and - occasionally - low leaves.

When springtails become plentiful, they can cause significant damage to the plant.

These domestic insects live only in a humid environment, so when they appear in the soil of plants, you must first try to reduce watering as much as possible. In addition, experienced growers are advised to add special preparations to the water for irrigation, and as a preventive measure, use prepared decontaminated soil for planting and create drainage in a pot that will not allow water to accumulate.


Kivsyaki and centipedes

Centipedes, kitsyas and centipedes, although not belonging to the class of insects, but, nevertheless, may be called domestic invertebrates. In general, their infrequent appearance directly in the person’s dwelling does not cause any harm, however, frankly, their appearance is not entirely pleasant.

Some insects in the house, which are not very pleasant to the eye, are generally quite harmless to humans and do not harm products and things.

Along with earthworms on land plots, kivsiaks play a significant positive role in the formation of humus, and centipedes actively exterminate the larvae of harmful agricultural insects, therefore all of them can be attributed to creatures that are useful to people than to pests.

These invertebrates mostly enter the dwelling of man with the onset of cold weather - they prefer to hide in dark, warm and humid places (mostly in basements, rarely in bathrooms and toilets).

In the photo - the Crimean mountain dog (the Latin name is Pachyiulus flavipes), a fetid creature that dwells together with woodlice in wet places:

Kivsyak Crimean (Pachyiulus flavipes)

And here - the common flycatcher, a predatory creature that feeds on mosquitoes, ants, small cockroaches and flies:

The flycatcher eats mosquitoes and other small insects

All centipedes rarely breed in large numbers and therefore do not require special breeding.


Insects - pests of a wooden house

A separate conversation deserves a number of insect pests of a wooden house. They do not live in the premises and are not shown on the eyes, but their active livelihoods can lead to a decrease in the strength of wooden structures and even subsequent destruction of the building.

The activity of some insects is invisible to the eye, but can cause significant damage to the house itself.

Among such insects that live in a wooden house, it is possible to distinguish wood ants, grinders, some moles, and termites in the south of our country. To protect against these pests, the construction of the house at the construction stage is processed with special stains or impregnations, and then regularly painted.

The photo shows a red-breasted woodwalker ant (Latin name is Camponotus herculeanus):

Red-chested borer ant (Camponotus herculeanus)

And here - the grinder beetle:

The grinder beetle and its larvae can cause significant damage to wooden structures, reducing their strength.
The traces of the beetle grinder

In this photo you can see termite - a typical inhabitant of Turkmenistan, sometimes penetrating into the southern regions of our country:

Termites can also sometimes harm a person’s home.


Insect insects in the house

All other insects that can be found in the house of a person are more rationally attributed to random “stray” guests. This group includes various butterflies, beetles, cicadas, bug bugs, ladybirds, as well as wasps, bees and hornets.

It is not worthwhile to purposefully destroy them, and for your own peace and security, it is enough just to release the insects through the open window.That's just with some of them you need to be careful - they can sting (for example, the hornet) or badly spoil the air (such as a bug stink).


About parasite insects and means of getting rid of them


Useful video: preparing a poisoned bait for domestic insects from egg yolk and boric acid


To write "What kind of domestic insects can be found in the human housing: parasites and pests" 39 comments
  1. Ale:

    And by the way, the flycatcher is not a parasite, but vice versa. She eats flies, cockroaches and others.

  2. Andrew:

    Thank you for the interesting article, I learned a lot of useful information and even changed the view on many different insects. It turns out that I have a couple of friendly neighbors, I was looking for information about them, even began to respect them)) If I see such guests at someone’s house, I will convincingly ask them not to destroy them.

  3. Arthur:

    How to sleep now ?!

  4. Alexandra:

    And I am tired of fighting with kozheed larvae! After a day of cleaning, already tearing off the skirting, I process. After a month I look - they are there again. Soon I'll go crazy ...

  5. Lera:

    I have spiders in my closet every day, everything is different, but there were no bugs. More mole and all.

  6. Ivan:

    I have no such bugs that live on my list.

  7. Nina Timofeevna:

    In the village house, in the attic, whole clouds of flies swarm. They are smaller than fruit flies. Flies are planted in the evening with a thick layer of the ceiling, and when you turn on a light bulb, they rotate with a cloud around the lamp. Flies do not sit on people or food. Standing in a cloud of flying insects.

    Flies appear closer to the middle of summer. Last year, the flies moved from the attic to the rooms on the second floor. When you come to the house after winter, millions of corpses lie on the windowsills.

    There are no animals in the village. Among the samples of insects that are presented by you, "my" flies are absent.

    With deep respect and hope for help, Nina Timofeevna.

    • Dima:

      Switch fumigator or spiral. And it is better to have a sulfur checker, how greenhouses are poisoned Thank.

  8. Alina:

    Gray parasites are sitting on white. Most often on the window, but once noticed on the bathroom ... They look like ticks. What could it be?

  9. Net:

    At the end of winter, the cabinets began to rustle something (and earlier too). Opened the bottom. He took out a stack of shabby magazines, put them on the floor. And from there just got a HUGE beetle! The size of a large hazelnut, even more. And he creaked.I was scared, to be honest. Decided to catch, but unsuccessfully because of fright. A friend is gone.
    The beetle was brown. Hemispherical, almost round. Smartly ran. The legs are small. I repeat - very meaty.

    He grunted without threat, something under his breath, like an old grandfather, grumbled. That was the point, they say - what's stopping you from living (no, well, really, unscientific, of course) ?! There was still a smell from him all these days, a bit unpleasant.

    The question arises - what man eaten half of winter? If you come from the forest in the fall?

    • Icemanmd:

      He was in hibernation, woke up by spring. You have arrived, he is hungry, here and grumbled)) Creaked with his hard wings, most likely. Can you attach a photo? Sincerely.

  10. Slay:

    Thank you 🙂 They explained everything in such a detailed and interesting manner. However, the conclusion is: those who are terrible for us and benefit - we are the first to destroy them because of their appearance, rather than real pests.

  11. Volodya:

    In the new house he made ash floor, but a problem appeared - parasites appeared, 1 cm long, like worms, and the floors were full of holes, leaving behind a pile of sawdust. I do not know how to deal with this. Tell me who knows what to do.

  12. Gulbarshyn:

    At my house there are flying small silent insects, I do not know what they are called.I use dichlorvos - does not help. After the bite itching is the strongest, I will be glad if you help. Thanks in advance.

    • Helena:

      Same problem! Tiny (1-2 mm) black flying midges, when touched, they emit a strong smell of "perfume" (not unpleasant, rather, even pleasant, aroma). They bite hard, the bite spots become inflamed and itch terribly. What kind of attack is this?

      Spiders live on loggias, and I don’t touch them. Pauley family 🙂

  13. Ruslan:

    I did not find here what I found at home ... Such black beetles, 2-4 mm long, covered with black hairs, or spikes, with a yellow belly.

  14. Tatyana Vladimirovna:

    In my house in the village there appeared small (about 1 cm) black hairy worms. I find them in the carwash, in the cookies, and in the wobble. Appear from nowhere, jump, I do not understand. But I really do not like it!

  15. Anonymous:

    We have strange insects in our private house: black, on the pope there are two antennae, on the head there are also two antennae, and 6 legs. I don't know what it is, but they climb into the kettle and into the bucket with water. In the morning you get up, and they swim there and climb on the floor. What is it?

  16. Anya:

    I'm scared to go to bed now. And I want to put my cat out! (

  17. Nastya, Kstovo:

    I have the first floor, and in July every year my windows, or rather, mosquito nets cling to some midges, the window cannot be opened. And they, it seems, do not bite, they are just so many that if you open the window, they are poured on handfuls on the windowsill. Whether it's a mole, or some kind of aphid. Next to the windows grow Topol. Tell me, please, who it is, but better how to deal with them.

  18. Nastya:

    It's not nice on your list that I have in my bathroom. Dark gray small flies, as if made of dust. Immediately you can slam and after them the dust at the place of clap. What could it be?

  19. Zalina:

    And I have small (1 mm) gray or black crawling along the walls, my head is small, my body is slightly larger. You can even pin down with your finger, although they are trying to escape, after a dirty spot remains on the wall. The wall is white. I noticed them even on the wallpaper. And I also have silverfish, mainly crawling along the ceiling and along the eaves of polystyrene, so that they cannot be caught. Where they come from is not clear.

  20. Anonymous:

    People help! What to do? I have black dots crawling in my apartment, they are like a piece of a circle. I recently turned on a cat, was very cold, I almost died, I was sitting on the street. I got into the house, feed and sing it in the evening. I come the next day, it was impossible to itch, all my animals itch. In addition to that, there is a cat! The cat was brought into the house in February-March '16. Already by all means I tried to kill these black dots. It does not work, what else to try? I do not know, maybe you will advise something. Just already parents say that because of nerves! It can not be, because I saw these insects, from which I suffer. And parents, I think, did not see. I do not know what to do. They yell at me when I scour the substances against fleas! And I do not know how those black dots are called, I already think that these are peroed. And they do not know what kind of creature they think that I am impressionable too. People, advise what to do? Oh, I looked on the Internet, like so what.

  21. One:

    Houses crawl mostly in dark places, such black worms, not worms, xs, that is. The body is elongated, like a drop, thin, 2-3 mm in length. Sometimes you pick up something that has been lying on the floor for a long time, and underneath it these things crawl. Even in the toilet, they sometimes crawl out. Not bad cooperate with ants.Also ants in the toilet sometimes run. What kind of insects and how to fight them?

  22. Olya:

    Bugs started up, white and black and red coloring ...

  23. Anya:

    I did not find what I got. A small insect, 5 mm, with a completely flat drop-shaped body. 1-2 mm elevated on the legs. Brown color. I notice one individual every few days, but I’m afraid I don’t multiply somewhere where I can’t get it? Maybe someone faced with such?

    • Anonymous:

      Maybe the fleas are sandy? I call them home ... Jump to their feet, etc.?

  24. Anonymous:

    In our wooden house only this year a beautiful bug appeared with a red pattern on the back, about a centimeter long. Who is it?

  25. Anonymous:

    Hello. In our apartment strange creeping insects started. Poisoned the apartment - everything was gone, but after a while they appeared again. I saw them on the balcony, on the window frame. Tiny, like a dot, are killed, only if you press down with nails, with a sound burst. There are bites from them. On the body sometimes crawling.

  26. Julia:

    My sudden inhabitants are not on the list either. Small black bugs, about the size of an ant, sometimes slightly larger. To bite, like, did not notice.A couple of times noticed in the bathroom, several times in the kitchen cabinets and on yourself. Who are ... It seems that even disgust does not cause.

    P.S. From the article, of course, it was all.

  27. Angelina:

    We live in a private house. Every autumn ladybugs fly to us, a lot, terrible. Yes, and bite ...

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