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Breeding details for bed bugs

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Breeding bed bug

Like most parasitic insects, bedbugs breed extremely quickly. This is facilitated by the high nutritional value and energy value of human blood - their only type of food, as well as the comfortable conditions in which they live, and the overall specific fecundity.

This is interesting: in contrast to cockroaches, bugs are indifferent to sanitary conditions in the room in which they live. They equally well populate fashionable apartments, student dormitories, and summer cottages.

Breeding bed bugs - the process is literally overflowing with specific features, and therefore it will be not only useful to know how bedbugs reproduce, but also it is just interesting for every inquisitive person.


A bit of biology: breeding bugs under a microscope

The main feature, which breeding bed bugs attracts the interest of scientists, entomologists, is the so-called traumatic insemination. In traumatic insemination, the fertilization of the female does not occur by mutual consent, like in other insects, but is kind of forced when the male pierces the abdominal wall of the female with his sexual organ and introduces his seed into the internal cavities.

For many millennia of evolution, just such a rather brutal from the point of view of human notions, the mating method turned out to be the most preferable for home bugs. It ensures that in the event of a prolonged fasting, which the bugs often have to endure, some of the already half-formed eggs will be used by the insect's body for food. Often, it helps to preserve the entire populations of bed bugs.

The female bed bug mates only once in a lifetime. This is enough for her to further lay the required number of eggs: the seed products of the male will be stored in special bodies and consumed as needed.Thanks to this, even one fertilized female can become the ancestor of a whole population of parasites in an apartment.

The males of bed bugs in their desire to multiply extremely illegible in the choice of sexual partner. In many cases, they attack other males, nymphs and even cockroaches. According to the results of a study conducted by entomologists, it turned out that almost all insects in the population, regardless of gender and age, have abdominal damage, that is, at least once in their life have been attacked by an adult male.

After fertilization, the female bed bug starts to lay 4-10 eggs per day. These eggs are very small - no more than 1 mm in length.

Bed Eggs Eggs

The female leaves them in places where she spends the daylight. Almost impossible to find bedbug eggs on the bed or just scattered around the apartment.

For normal and regular egg laying, the female needs to eat regularly - this is the main factor for effective reproduction. One normal meal is enough for her to lay up to 20 eggs. In general, female bugs feed more frequently and more abundantly than males, and during their life they have time to lay between 300 and 500 eggs each.

Optimal conditions for breeding bed bugs are achieved in urban apartments: a rather high humidity, temperature within 20-30 ° C, no temperature drops, plenty of shelters and, of course, constant access to food.


The development of the bug from an egg to an adult insect

After 3-4 days, a larva emerges from a laid egg, resembling an adult bug in miniature. Entomologists call these larvae nymphs, and in domestic bugs they differ from adult insects only in size and inability to reproduce.

Bedbug larva - nymph

The larva is constantly growing and is forced to molt, because its chitinous shell is not able to stretch. During the development of the nymph 5 times replaced cover. For normal molting, the insect must at least once completely fill the stomach with blood.

Under normal conditions, nymphs molt every 6-7 days, and after a month and a half after leaving the egg, they turn into adult insects.

With decreasing temperature, the period of development of the larvae increases. So, at a temperature below 20 ° C, the larva will turn into an adult bug only after three months, and at a temperature below 15 ° C it will generally hibernate.

The larva consumes less blood than the adult insect.However, because of the large number, it is the immature individuals that cause the greatest trouble to a person: at night, during feeding, there are up to several dozen nymphs per adult bug.

The larva of a house bug, drunk of blood

Bug larvae They are not able to introduce an anesthetic substance into the bite site. Accordingly, their bites are sensitive, and it is they who disturb people at night. Bites of adult bedbugs begin to itch only a few hours after feeding the parasite.

Wherever the bed bugs live, their reproduction will occur constantly and regardless of the season. Therefore, if they have entered the premises, almost certainly after a short time they will breed in an amount requiring the call of the SES.


Reproduction of bedbugs in the apartment: where and how quickly it happens

Bugs are very secretive insects. Most of the time they spend in secluded shelters - crevices, cracks, cavities under mattresses, under carpets and behind pictures, and also between books. To meet in the daytime the bug is very difficult. In the same places where the bugs spend the daylight, and their reproduction occurs.

A large number of adult insects and larvae, laid eggs, larval skins and bedbug excrement form the so-called nest, in which there is no structure and hierarchy, but which looks very untidy. It is here that during the daytime the females lay their eggs and the larvae hatch.

Bed bugs nest

In one apartment there can be several nests, and therefore the destruction of one of them, even the largest one, will not save the owners of the premises from parasites.

To assess how fast bed bugs reproduce, it is sufficient to calculate the offspring from one female per unit of time: in one month, about 30-70 larvae will emerge from her eggs, most of which will survive to adulthood.

During its life, one female lays about 500 eggs, and her descendants are able to reproduce themselves within a month. It is not surprising that infection is usually apartments bedbugs reminds an invasion: literally within a week, due to rapid reproduction, their number can increase many times.

The largest nests and accumulations of bedbugs are located in the places closest to the beds and sofas, and most often in themselves.Here, bedbugs feel most comfortable and can feed almost without energy costs for moving.


Substances and insects that prevent bedbugs from breeding

Despite the increasingly actively developing methods of dealing with bedbugs, the ideal solution to stop the reproduction of parasites has not yet been found. Most of the tools are able to destroy adult bugs and their larvae, but often do not affect insect eggs. This requires multiple treatments of the apartment.

It is known that powders such as Pyrethrum and morally obsolete Dousta can disrupt the reproductive function of bedbugs. However, their ability to simply cause insect poisoning still has a greater effect in the fight against parasites.

In natural populations that parasitize on colonies of birds and rodents, the breeding of bedbugs is controlled by super parasitic insects. These bugs are some horsemen and flies that lay their own eggs in the eggs of the bugs.

The larva of an insect emerging from an egg turns out to be infected, the larvae of the superparasite develop in its body, and in most cases the nymph dies after the first or second molt. The rider larvae themselves pupate in the body of the bug, and then adult insects emerge from it.

Of course, at home, such a biological control of bedbugs is impossible: few of the inhabitants of the apartments allow flying around the room of a pack of midges, capable only in certain limits to regulate the number of bugs.

In general, today the most effective way to stop the breeding of bed bugs is their direct destruction by powerful and effective insecticides.


What is important to know about bed bugs civilized man


Birth of the bug larvae from the egg

It is also useful to read: Find out where and how bed bugs live


To the recording of "Details of breeding bed bugs" 41 comments
  1. Andrew:

    I got into a situation: the nurse, an Uzbek, lived at home, dragged out clothes with bedbugs. Mum lying, it is impossible to carry out processing. He came up with an original way of dealing with bedbugs - he covered the entire bed with plastic wrap with loose ends. It turns out that bugs cannot climb a vertically hanging film. The result - there are no bedbugs in the bed, and those that were, after feeding, crawled under the mattresses and fell into the pockets made in the film.

    • Vasya:

      Andrew! Exactly! It works! It is necessary to move the bed away from the walls and from the furniture, and wrap legs with lavsan tape. Can't bedbug up mirror lavsan. To check, I recommend throwing caught individuals in a plastic bottle. I threw it in my lavsan milk bottle. So he discovered that they could not get out. Another thing is terrible stories about the klopovye "superintelligence" - supposedly they can climb onto the ceiling and jump from there to a sleeping person But I don’t believe it.

      • Anonymous:

        Well, in vain do not believe! They crawl on the ceiling, I saw.

        • Vasya:

          Now I believe.Due to the inability to use chemicals, he acted as advised by Andrew - pushed the beds away from the wall, covered them with polyethylene and calmed down for a couple of months. The attacks completely stopped, the creatures went back to the neighbors who had brought them.

          But recently, his wife found in bed a well-fed individual, which could only fall from the sky. Or from the ceiling. The apartment is in a pre-repair condition. On aesthetics do not care. The next step is pasting a wide lavan scotch tape of all perimeters.

      • Tanita:

        And in vain! I live in a hostel and watch these attacks almost every night))

  2. Ivan:

    Caught in a situation - there were bugs, where it is not known. Found a way: 50g of vinegar 70%, 50g of kerosene. All this is mixed and processed every furniture, corners and seams. And so do in 2-3 days.

  3. Georg Val:

    And how do you think of my way: a sofa, a bed, a chair - move away from the walls, spray two or three (together) with different insecticides and ... Cover with plastic wrap hanging down to the floor. Everything, you can go to the fresh air. Then he came, aired, swept the floor. But I did not try it myself.

  4. Yana:

    I handed over the room to the girl, in two days she shows me that I have bugs in my room. Can they multiply in two days? Or did it appear earlier? But I have nothing in my room. Maybe she brought with her?

  5. Lyonya antelope:

    Good day to all! The bug is small, but smelly, the ancients used to say. They bite terribly. They bite really selectively, I have the first blood type, the tenants in the same apartment have a different one. I came to visit my acquaintances, I suffer and are covered in bites, and the neighbors are almost in no way. I fight insects (cockroaches and bedbugs) equally effectively in different residential areas and different regions of the country according to the same scheme. 1. I buy Masha's chalk (a cheap purchase). 2. I put it in parts (break open) between sheets of paper (newspaper and so on), roll small chalk on top with a rolling pin or glass bottle, turning small chalk into dust. 3. The resulting dust is poured into a container (empty) from under the baby powder (a penny purchase at the pharmacy) and pollinate the likely places of parasite accumulation with clouds of the specified chemical. Cockroaches are poisoned instantly, get out of all their shelters, climb up the walls and paralyzed fall to the floor.Whoever has received a small dose, will run to infect other cockroaches, as they communicate, touching the mustache to each other and regularly licking their antennae in their mouth. Bedbugs are more sluggish, but even when they get poisoned, they crawl out of their shelters against the walls - a sign of their poisoning. As a rule, bugs are afraid of lighting, but in the dope they already understand little and crawl out onto the walls. You do not collect them at this time, many of the infected bedbugs must reach their nests and families and infect everyone who is there. They talk in transit with other bedbugs and infect them along the way. After 3-4 days, pollinate the premises again, this is for the eggs previously laid by the parasites. The larvae will hatch from them after the death of their parents, they will poison themselves and their chain of reproduction will be interrupted. I am glad if you wake up in the morning after applying my method of dealing with bad parasites and you will not have bites from bedbugs and crawling cockroaches. I do not recommend smearing the walls with the baseboard with small Masha, the stripes are not very aesthetic, while the parasite gets to them. And all living things must constantly breathe and move around the pollinated surface for these small creatures - an inevitable thing.All good and good luck in the fight against the enemies of man who do not choose the country of residence, gender, nationality and age of his victim.

  6. Tatyana:

    When the bugs appeared in the sofa of the son, they threw out the sofa. Under the wallpaper passed bedbugs, without removing the wallpaper. Then I washed these places with a soap rag. And on the walls, and on the wallpaper. Fortunately, the bugs were only in a few places where the wallpaper moved, in the area of ​​the location of the sofa. Only then removed the wallpaper and thrown out. 6 years have passed, there are no bedbugs.

  7. Catherine:

    Damn, everyone says so beautifully how they got rid of these creatures, and they live happily, but they didn’t really recommend anything. The only thing I liked about the chalk, I'll definitely try it ...

  8. Katyunya:

    Damn, before the new year called SES, today I just caught this abomination biting on the wall ((What can I do, I won’t damn mind ... Of course, I’m under the warranty once again, is it worth it? to another company ... What should I do?

    • Ruslan:

      Call again, once under warranty! And then take a look ...

    • Ruslan:

      They will not help, try crayon better.

    • Tanita:

      Burn it all together neighbors)) Just kidding. We spend the year ourselves - nothing helps ...

    • Max:

      Of course, the warranty must be called. You will always have time to turn to another company.

  9. Oksana:

    I also have bugs, it's such a disgusting, just terrible! We just dismantled the beds and washed with boiling water from a hose, I saw so many of them that I could not even fall asleep ...

  10. Tatyana:

    Before the New Year, December 29, I found bedbugs in sofas in two rooms. The sofa of the son is older, upholstered with a material containing natural fabrics. And in it I found nests and a bunch of bedbugs. Irritation on the skin noticed about 2 months ago, but never thought it was bedbug bites. All New Year's holidays struggled with these creatures. That just did not try: chemistry, a solution of kerosene, turpentine, tar soap; spilled sofas and baseboards with boiling water and treated with a steam generator. She poisoned herself and her animals barely pumped out after such an attack. After three weeks I began to sleep well, I thought that everything, I won them. Today is January 28: I found three in the sofa of my son again.I can no longer understand that they come to the sofa from other places that I do not see. I decided to call SES, there is no more strength.

  11. Nikolai:

    Crayon Masha plus sprayer Medilis Antiklop.

  12. Alexander:

    Half a year ago there were bugs, poisoned periods - 3 after 7 days, gone for 3 months. Then caught the burgundy empty and one black drunk blood. Where are they hiding?

  13. Tired:

    My God, these creatures are simply unresponsive, we have been suffering for a year ... That just did not fly into the garbage. They called a service - one fig does not help (((We cannot get rid of bedbugs, as a herd of Uzbeks lived above us. Forcedly forced them to do the treatment, so the dude ofigel from what they saw. Karbofos, comrades, try - a terrible smell of course, but it might help. Services use a chemical solution based on this tool.

  14. Anonymous:

    We in the SES have already done 5 treatments, they have given more than 25 thousand. Prior to that, they hounded themselves twice - everything is useless. Just go to the coffin and die!

  15. Anonymous:

    They just did not do it - they called SES, they spent it with an executioner and agran, they processed it with a steam generator! This is a tin.At night I do not sleep, I fall asleep at dawn. Paranoia is already seen everywhere. Third month! Change the apartment and furniture. Now I will try to deduce magic, 5 in the morning. Probably just clinked))

    • Alla:

      I work in this area. And with bedbugs you can handle! If the sofa is infected, it is better to get rid of. Although, as practice shows, the two treatments - and all is well.

  16. Anonymous:

    Right anecdote, we decided to poison the cockroaches with her husband, drove to the relatives for a couple of days. And from there they brought bugs with them. Every night, the son wakes up crying from what he has bitten. What to do, you will have to call SES again and move out in a new way.

  17. Galina:

    A week ago, in a nearby apartment, bugs were poisoned. Previously removed all the wallpaper and linoleum. They threw all the furniture. Today I found one adult. What will happen now?

  18. Di:

    For the first time faced bugs. 1 night was enough for me when I realized what it was. I bought three products: powder, dichlorvos and liquid. The attack is merciless, zero chance. Four days in the morning and in the evening on a full scale. Then three days later she repeated. Lie dead around the couch. And so I plan to dress the month periodically. How people live for years, even to think there is no desire - this is not about me.Use fenaxin, absolute powder, dichlorvos, and cyphox or breeze fluid. Everything works, but only together. Even to the neighbors they can not reach. Warn neighbors must necessarily, otherwise they will return. I wish you success and patience, everything will work out. You should always do prophylaxis if they appear at least once.

  19. Anonymous:

    I know for sure that it’s almost impossible to get rid of bedbugs. The whole year struggled, how much money, time, nerves. Nothing helped. To get rid of them forever, you need to throw everything away: furniture, upholstered furniture, mattresses. Things to mop up, iron and in a vacuum bag. It took me 2 months to clean things up. Peel all the wallpaper, open the skirting board. Call SES. Only then will the bugs leave you. Tip - when throwing furniture, mark with bugs.

    • Vasya:

      Dear Comrade Anonymous! Your advice on discarding furniture to mark it with a marker "bugs" "is very valuable for those who can read and have a conscience. My neighbor is a downhole drunk from the bottom, "updating" the situation from the landfill. To fight him is useless. There, apartment non-payment has already exceeded 200,000 - the printouts no longer fit into the mailbox. He does not take them.I am sure that we are in a place with visitors to this page, we will crush the bugs with the joint efforts of the brain. But what to do with an alcoholic?

    • Anonymous:

      It is generally better to break the infected furniture when it is thrown away so that nobody can pick it up exactly)) By my own sad experience, I say that bugs came to us from neighbors who dragged a chair from the dump. When they threw out their own infected sofas, they smashed them into pieces - and in order to make them more comfortable, and so that nobody would pick them up.

  20. Unhappy:

    The second year went, as I lead the fight against bedbugs. She called the service, 4 times processed cold mist. When I moved, I didn’t know that there were bugs in the apartment. Things brought to the country and in the bath, in general, the pipe - there, too, 4 times the hot mist did. And they, the creatures live. All exhausted, I can not find the nest. I do not see them, but the bites every day. I will try with small Masha. And so, she sprinkled the store where I work, and the apartment with an eco-killer. In general, the trouble, I feel that I'm going crazy.

  21. Hope:

    We also have the same trouble, moved to a rented apartment, and then the bugs. I like an abnormal hunt them at night.I haven't tried anything yet, but I think there are a lot of them. And I wanted to ask: how to look for their nests and where exactly? I'm already losing my mind, get up at night, and they crawl on a child, under no. In general, tin! We cannot change the apartment yet. Advise what and how?

  22. Katya:

    Try Sichlor.

  23. Sveta:

    I also ran into them when I moved to another city. I went to the SES, bought a drug called "GET" (it is expensive, but it costs it). I processed the whole room and live quietly, I do not know the ills.

  24. Ed:

    Inflate the airbud in the middle of the room, cover it with sheets on all sides, and copiously spray it with a tick guard. You go to bed on this mattress. Chuyat, crawling, die.

  25. Olga:

    Calling someone is a waste of time and money. Buy a spray and karbofos (it is sold where there is everything for the garden). Dilute karbofos with water and spray everywhere where bugs can live. Smell - horror, but the effect is 100%.

    • Alexey:

      I agree with you, Olga, we suffer from these parasites. You call the service, they will come, but you will not stand with them this crap to breathe. And they are not treated everywhere.The best option is to make cosmetic repairs, fill up the gaps with an enzyme, change the wallpaper, etc. And before repairing it is better to travnut once.

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Bed bugs

