Site about the fight against domestic insects

Remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Ksulat, as well as reviews of its use

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Let's try to figure out how effective the drug Xulat Micro is in the fight against bedbugs and cockroaches ...

Xsulat (also known as Xsulat Micro) is a modern combined preparation for combating synanthropic insects: bugs, cockroaches, domestic ants, fleas, etc. addictive to it insects.

The tool is produced by the Spanish chemical concern Quimica de Munguia and is distributed in the Russian Federation through a network of dealers. In a regular store, for example, household goods, it is almost impossible to buy Ksulat today, but it is actively sold in online stores. The price of the product is approximately 450 rubles per 30 ml bottle of concentrate. This amount after proper dilution is enough for processing about 40 m².

The photo shows an adult bed bug and larvae

One bottle of Xsulat means enough to handle bugs of approximately 40 square meters.

Ksulat is a tool for home use, which gained popularity and good reviews, especially when the bugs and cockroaches were destroyed by the occupants themselves. That is, it is not necessary to be a professional insect fighter (disinsector) in order to get a good result and not poison yourself. The manufacturer has specially adapted the composition of the drug and the form of its release for maximum convenience when used in everyday life.

Today, you can also buy a product with a similar name - Xsulat C25, which is a specialized preparation for professional pest control and is usually sold in large cans. This is a completely different means than Xulat Micro, with a completely different composition and other properties.

If during the destruction of bedbugs and cockroaches you decide to confine yourself to the outside of your apartment (and sometimes in addition to your neighbor's one), then the best option would be to purchase Xulat Micro in easily recognizable bottles with the image of a bullet.

Ksulat Micro m.k.

The composition can be purchased in a larger container - for example, in the case of the need to process large areas:

Ksulat Micro is also sold in large containers - in case you need to process large areas.


“We couldn’t buy Ksulat in the shop, because there wasn’t any store at all in Yekaterinburg (I don’t know how it can be now), and none of his acquaintances used it. We just ordered via the Internet, 400 rubles worth a bottle. One such flask was enough for us, because we only needed to poison two rooms, but we didn’t find any bugs in the kitchen and on the balcony. But in fact the solution was enough for us to process the balcony as well. In general, the tool is good, does not stink, does not stain anything, you can generally splash and forget. But the instructions for use said that the need to clean up, we spent. The bugs died out after the first treatment, climbed out of the gaps inadequate, then we caught even a few small larvae a couple of times within a week, but no one had bitten it. Now almost a year has passed, and there are no parasites. As for me, Ksulat is much more effective than any Dichlorvos. ”

Maxim, Yekaterinburg


The composition of the tool and the effect of its components on insects

Three sufficiently powerful insecticides are a part of Ksulat at once:

  1. Cypermethrin, rapidly affecting the nervous system of insects at all stages of development (except eggs).Gives a good effect against insects resistant to organophosphate insecticides, has an intestinal and contact action. It is due to the contact action of Xsulat that is so effective against bedbugs, which, unlike cockroaches, cannot be forced to eat any poisoned bait, since they feed only on blood.Chemical structural formula of cypermethrin
  2. Tetramethrin, like cypermethrin, is an insecticide from the pyrethroid class, it has a contact effect, causing paralysis and rapid death in insects.Chemical structural formula of tetramethrin
  3. Piperonyl butoxide is a substance with insecticidal properties, which at the same time enhances the effect of the use of pyrethroids and provides a synergistic effect (a sharp increase in efficiency in the joint presence). Piperonyl butoxide improves penetration of pyrethroids through the protective covers of insects, increasing the overall effectiveness of the drug up to 5 times.

Piperonyl butoxide - provides a synergistic effect when combined with pyrethroids.

Such a combination is very effective. against cockroaches, bugs, as well as other parasites and pests due to the fact that the likelihood of insect resistance at once to the three active components is negligible.For example, even bugs resistant to cypermethrin, when treated with Xulat Micro, die from tetramethrin and piperonyl butoxide.

It should be noted that Xsulat is one of the so-called microencapsulated products: insecticides are enclosed in tiny capsules, which, after drying the solution on the treated surface, simply remain here as a thin invisible layer. The insects running through it “get dirty” in such microcapsules, and the active substances stick to their chitinous cover, gradually penetrating through it and leading to poisoning.

Insecticidal microcapsules under the electron microscope

Microcapsules of the drug easily stick to the chitinous cover of bugs, cockroaches and other insects.

Due to this, Ksulat is a means of prolonged action, and when properly used, it destroys insects even a few weeks after application. Also, the drug provides a barrier effect - protection against the entry of insects from neighboring rooms.

On a note

No matter how effective the drug, the effect of its use will be largely determined by the correctness of the treatment of the apartment. For example, if the bugs live near the bed and, moreover, penetrate from the neighbors through ventilation, then having processed only the floors and baseboards you are unlikely to destroy all the parasites and certainly cannot prevent their re-entry into the apartment.Careful adherence to the instructions for use will relieve such problems.

Unlike many other insect drugs, Xsulat Micro has a very faint odor. If, for example, Tetriks and Karbofos smell so that after processing a room, people sometimes have to throw out furniture, which for months retains a “hospital” smell, then when using Xsulat, everything is much simpler. Partly because of the lack of odor, Xsulat Micro is so quickly gaining popularity and collecting good customer reviews.

Bed bug bug larva drinks blood


“We were recommended by a friend from Moscow this tool. Lost legs when pressed - in the apartment bugs appeared. Nowhere could they buy it in St. Petersburg. Only after I phoned they found out that even in Moscow they only buy it in the online store. For a jar of 30 ml, it seemed to me that the price was a bit high. But when we tried it, all claims disappeared. The tool does work, and not only the bugs have died, but all the cockroaches. Insects die immediately after treatment, know only manage to sweep them because of the bedside tables. At the same time there is no smell, and traces on the furniture, too. Good tool ... "

Ekaterina, St. Petersburg


Advantages and disadvantages of Xulat Micro

It is the combined composition - the main advantage of Xsulat Micro over such (quite good) drugs, such as Get, which acts through chlorpyrifos alone, or Delta Zone, which also includes only one insecticide - deltamethrin. As noted above, the combination of three effective insecticides with different chemical structures at once does not give the insects any chance to develop resistance to the preparation.

The use of three insecticides in the Xsulat Micro preparation at once prevents the ability to develop resistance in the insect population.

Compared with simple aerosol insecticides Xsulat Micro is good, firstly, the lack of odor, and secondly, the microencapsulated form. The first advantage greatly facilitates its use in everyday life, and the second provides a prolonged effect and generally improved efficiency compared with, for example, Raid, Raptor, Dichlorvos Neo or Combat insect aerosols.

Of the shortcomings of Ksulat Micro should be noted:

  1. The ineffectiveness of the drug against the eggs of bedbugs, that is, the absence of an ovicidal effect - even if they hit the eggs of parasites, the particles of cypermethrin, tetramethrin and piperonylbutoxide do not destroy them.This sometimes necessitates re-treatment of the premises approximately 2 weeks after the first procedure, when the larvae of parasites hatch from the surviving eggs. However, in practice, re-processing is not always required, since the prolonged action of the means ensures the destruction of young larvae immediately after their release from the eggs.Xsulat ineffective against bedbug eggs After some time, the larvae will hatch from the surviving eggs, which are likely to die if they come into contact with the treated surfaces.
  2. Among the disadvantages of Xsulata Micro can also be attributed to the relatively rapid loss of efficiency when in direct sunlight.

And, finally, the price: compared, for example, with such a little outdated, albeit rather odorous, but affordable means, as Malathion, Xsulat Micro is still expensive. On the other hand, compared with the prices of some other modern means of disinsection, the drug even looks quite an economical option.

In some cases, you can replace Xsulat Micro with Get, Delta Zone or Lambda Zone if you need to maintain the same level of safety for humans and animals, as well as the absence of odor after processing.

Get insect repellent, Delta Zone and Lambda Zone


“I was very lucky that I tested Geth in the first apartment, which was still rented, and on my own, Xulsat m.For the first time the cockroaches were much larger, the situation was worse, but Gett worked as efficiently as Xulsat. In addition, the Geta bottle is bigger and they can be treated with a large area, and Ksulat also needs to find where to buy, since it is not in stores. Well, the effects on cockroaches are about the same, although I liked Ksulat more. ”

Denis, Khabarovsk


Instructions for use of the drug

To prepare the working solution of the drug Xulat Micro, the contents of the vial (30 ml) are dissolved in 3 liters of water and thoroughly mixed. After that, the solution is poured into the pulver, for example, from a window cleaner, or into a garden spray bottle.

After diluting the drug Xulsat with water, the prepared solution should be poured into a conventional household spray bottle.

The preparation is sprayed with furniture, interior surfaces of cabinets and cabinets, baseboards, edges of carpets and linoleum, places of possible movement and habitat cockroaches (bedbugs).

On a note

The treatment area specified in the instructions is exactly the surface area on which Xsulat is applied, and not the area of ​​the room at all. You should expect that one vial of funds will be approximately enough for processing one furnished room.

Since the components of the drug Xulsat can maintain high efficacy against cockroaches andbedbugs are quite long after treatment, it should not be washed off from surfaces to which people and domestic animals do not touch. For example, the back surfaces of sofas and bedside tables, the inner surfaces of kitchen cabinets, walls after carpets are better not to wipe after processing. Within a few weeks after processing, those cockroaches or bugs that run over such a surface will die.

On the treated surfaces, active insecticide particles will remain for a long time.

The same surfaces and elements of the interior, for which people often take up their hands or on which pets rest, must be wiped.


Safety when using Ksulat

Even though Xsulat Micro is odorless and almost invisible after being applied to the surface, it is still an insecticide and will not add health when ingested in humans or domestic animals. Therefore, when applying the tool, you should follow the standard safety rules:

  1. When processing the premises from it you need to bring all pets and people.
  2. Dishes and food before processing need to be packed in plastic bags.
  3. All work should be done in rubber gloves, respirator, goggles and long sleeved clothing.
  4. After processing the room and keeping it in this form for some time, it must be thoroughly ventilated and then wet-cleaned.

All work with any insecticides should be carried out using personal protective equipment.

If suddenly the product got into the eyes, they should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water. If signs of poisoning appear during treatment, it is necessary to get out of the room to clean air, swallow several tablets of activated carbon and drink them with water.


“We already got off our feet while we were looking for this Ksulat in Moscow, as a result we bought it via the Internet. Bought, dissolved, poured. What can I say? The tool is normal, odorless, colorless, but not such that it burns out all insects. Most of them died, of course, but we crushed individual small bugs a week after the treatment. But we strictly according to the instructions did not wipe all the rear walls of the furniture and the floors under the beds, as a result, the second treatment was not needed. In general, if you take Ksulat, be prepared that small bugs at first they still run and then disappear themselves. ”

Tatyana, Mytishchi

Especially careful you need to be in the processing of rooms in which a cat or a cat lives permanently - these animals are quite sensitive to pyrethroids.

In conclusion, we note that for urban apartments of a small area, if it is necessary to quickly remove bedbugs or cockroaches without creating odor in the room, as well as in the presence of insects from neighbors, Xsulat Micro can be considered a completely worthy tool.

If you have personal experience with this drug, be sure to leave your feedback in the comments box at the bottom of this page.


Useful video: what is important to know about the destruction of bed bugs


Effective folk methods of fighting cockroaches


To the entry "The remedy for bedbugs and cockroaches Ksulat, as well as feedback on its use" 18 comments
  1. Alyona:

    Ksulat works great! Three years ago bedbugs appeared. Tried everything that was in the shops - nothing helped. And the online store found this tool and did not even notice how everyone disappeared. And a couple of months ago, bugs and cockroaches were poisoned all over the house, in the end they were all with us. So now I will order. Even if you do this treatment every couple of years, then it is worth it.

    • Anonymous:

      Found a store in St. Petersburg. I bought Ksulat, fortunately there is no limit. Tomorrow I will drive out all evil spirits.

  2. Sergei:

    Today they brought Ksulat micro, diluted, processed everything according to the instructions, waiting for the result)

  3. Olga:

    From the neighbors came the bugs, bought Ksulat micro, parted, processed the apartment, waiting for the result. There is no smell at all.

  4. Sergei:

    The result was short-term, there were no bedbugs for four days, today they were bitten again and one was caught (

    • Max:

      Well, everywhere they write that eggs in secluded corners survive, and then the larvae gradually hatch out of them within a few weeks, so we usually need re-processing to finish this minor evil. And the fact that there were no bedbugs for four days is cool, apparently, they really died after the treatment. So, bite the already hatched larvae ... They need to finish!

  5. Galina:

    Bought on the Internet Ksulat 25C, processed, waiting for the result. The smell is terrible.

  6. Gregory:

    The bugs got out, the neighbors did the repairs and I got bloodsuckers. Processed, two days were not, re-processed, waiting for the result.

  7. Getting down:

    Received by mail from the online store Ksulat, processed apartment (from bedbugs), we hope for a 100% result. After all, the tool is not cheap, and children in the house!

  8. Alexander:

    Ksulat treated the apartment, the smell was. We arrived in 3 days, cockroaches are not lost. Bought in Eco service via the Internet, apparently, scam.

    • Konstantin:

      There are also Ksulat C25. He, by the way, smelly to horror. And you need to buy Ksulat micro, he is odorless.

  9. Catherine:

    I bought Ksulat through the Internet.Today processed. Waiting for the result.

  10. Anastasia:

    Already a year I can not get bedbugs. I tried folk remedies, dichlorvos and other ineffective methods. I was advised to work Ksulat micro, I went, bought, did everything as in the instructions. In general, a week has passed, and they both bite and bite. The dead never roll around, but the living ones run at least henna. I will try to process it in another week, but I think it is useless.

  11. Sergei:

    I do not know about this tool, but personally only vinegar helped me. Burns out all the larvae, got rid of parasites for three years. Then I had to repeat the procedure two times. Now, 10 years after the last treatment, someone brought it again. I'll try this chemical, possibly in combination with proven vinegar.

  12. Evgen:

    Ksulat micro did not help. I processed everything as it should be, but in the mattress there were bugs, as they were. Ksulat C25 is more effective, but with a smell, he hunted them about 5 years ago.

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