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Breeding characteristics of domestic cockroaches

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Breeding cockroaches

Their hordes do not give a person peace of mind, from them in the house walls move, it is they teeming in all corners. People say something similar with a certain amount of hostility and fear about cockroaches that have long lived side by side with them. Figurative expressions help to clearly imagine how cockroaches multiply, ignoring the owner’s persistent attempts to get rid of them and showing incredible fecundity.

The mad speed of the increase in the number of individuals, the ability to arise, like a bolt from the blue, their invulnerability to the effects of many poisons and even radiation amaze the imagination, terrify and become a cause for anecdotes.

"Redhead and Mustache" boasts that it is the main character in many literary works, however, most often negative.


The story of human hatred for cockroaches

When it comes to not the sweetest representatives like Arthropods,sensitive people disdainfully shrug their shoulders. Those whose apartments breeding cockroaches are not threatened, will turn away indifferently. And only a few can spend hours talking with delight about the grace of insects. One could admire the extraordinary agility of these particular specimens from the world of fauna, if not for the historically established feud between Homo sapiens and the cockroach.

Red cockroach

Scientists claim that the ancestors of cockroaches already existed during the Paleozoic era and successfully transferred all global changes on Earth. They preferred the climate of tropical forests. It was there that the ideal conditions for cockroach relatives, lovers of heat and moisture.

The man learned to build houses, providing all-season comfort for himself and smaller brothers - cockroaches. Insects have chosen buildings, there is always food and protection from natural disasters. They willingly occupied a niche next to a person, becoming synanthropic, which greatly increased their ability to bring posterity.

Fearful, fussy creatures, captured in photographs, are not very attractive, and when cockroaches begin to actively reproduce, it becomes unbearable.In the old days, no one had even thought of fighting cockroaches, they had to endure. The presence of such parasites in the hut was considered a sign of prosperity. Where the owners live in misery, and cockroaches have nothing to eat.

The Russian emperor Peter I felt a strong dislike for such uninvited guests, and at the same time to the owners who allowed the breeding of insects in their hut.

Insignificant, at first glance, creatures play a certain role in the life of human society. In previous centuries, hardly anyone could boast of the complete absence of bugs in the house.

One famous baker, fleeing from the righteous anger of the governor-general, gave a cockroach baked in a bun for raisins. Insects in his kitchen were so emboldened that, in a businesslike way rummaging around the nooks, they landed in a vat of dough. That's because of the cockroach curiosity, banal unscrupulousness and resourcefulness of the baker appeared buns with raisins.

The better the people settled in their homes, the more zeal the cockroaches mastered them, the population numbers grew rapidly, but humanity also became more irreconcilable. Multi-storey construction accepted insects with a bang. Plumbing is the greatest achievement of civilization.Leaking pipes, heating radiators - just a paradise for cockroaches, accustomed to the heat and dampness.

And the disorderly attitude of people to the products of cockroaches has long been appreciated. And no matter how hard the tenants broke their spears, defending their rights to the living space in the fight against the pathetic bastards, there will always be those who want to profit at someone else’s expense.

Having such cohabitants is a dubious pleasure, but this is not so bad. Brooded cockroaches encroach on shoes, books, and the holy of holies - household appliances, and such “citizens” cannot be dragged into court. From time to time, researchers find new flaws in crawling brethren, declaring her the culprit for the development of asthma and the carrier of pathogens of a number of unpleasant diseases. The above leads to the final break of the already strained relations of a person with cockroaches.


Breeding cockroaches

Breed domestic cockroaches, as typical members of their class, sexually. A specialist can easily distinguish a male from a female. A true interest in the breeding of these animals and in their sexual characteristics is shown by biologists and terrahumists, carried away by the exotic.The poor fellow, who involuntarily became the owner of the army of cockroaches, does not run after them with a magnifying glass, eager to determine what sex individuals have bred on its territory.

Sub-order cockroaches characterized by a huge species diversity. Most of the species most familiar to Russians look have the following features:

  • the male is slightly smaller than the female.
  • In the mature male, characteristic outgrowths of the stylus can be found on the last segment.
  • In males, the wings are somewhat better developed, and in exceptional cases they may carry out small overflights.

Male cockroaches

Female cockroaches are able to slightly flap their wings, inviting them to mate, the initial stage of the breeding process. Males are ready for feats for this: some are able to take off a little, Madagascar hissing cockroaches make threatening sounds and butt “horns”. They arrange real battles, proving their rights to the female.

After fertilization, the female lays eggs. As a rule, they have a protective capsule - edema.

Changes that occur in the structure of insects during life are called metamorphosis. Cockroaches are characterized by an incomplete type of transformation: the larvae emerge from the eggs, they undergo several molts, each subsequent larva more and more resembles an adult individual, imago.

Over the course of her life, the female repeatedly lays eggs. There is also an interesting feature, after mating, the gametes of the male are permanently stored in the body of the female, repeated laying occurs even without prior copulation.

The bulk of the insects that inhabit the dwelling are the larvae that have not reached puberty.

Insects have gained a lot from living together with people. Houses and apartments reliably protect from adverse weather conditions, households generously supply with provisions, which allows the cockroaches to multiply very quickly and live comfortably.


Omnipresent red-haired cockroach

Allow me to introduce the popular runner in modern Russian cuisines - red cockroachnamed so because of the coloring. Blattella germanica - so zoologists call it. He has a lot of nicknames. One of them, Prusak, reflects the story of the adventures of this annoying animal. It is believed that soldiers of African origin were brought to Russia in their knapsacks and overcoats, returning home after the war with Prussia.

The Germans, on the contrary, are convinced that the cockroach came to Europe from Russia, and in western Germany it is called French. He was everywhere. He managed to win the competition black cockroachdue to the fact that it reaches puberty faster, it is more prolific and takes longer to take care of its offspring, and also from time to time feeds on black cockroach eggs, often abandoned to the mercy of fate.

The female of the black wench everywhere carries the edema by itself and leaves it only by the moment when the larvae are fully ripe and ready to go out.

Female cockroach with egg

The development of a cockroach from egg to the imago stage takes about four months. At a sufficiently high ambient temperature, it is ready to mate after 3 months.

During the period of maturity, which lasts up to 30 weeks, one individual is able to give life to at least one hundred children. The reproduction of the ubiquitous red cockroaches is limited only by the lack of water and food.


Where are the cockroaches and will they die like dinosaurs?

In the last decade, and maybe a little more, residents of apartment buildings have been amazed by the lack of cockroaches in their kitchens, eternal dependents.Did chemistry finally work? Or at the same time all the neighbors became extremely clean, stopped taps, and all the cockroaches fled in search of food and drink? Unlikely.

Scientists were seriously alarmed by their sudden disappearance. Versions are advanced one more incredible than the other. Someone claims that in our apartments appeared too many tasteless, in the opinion of insects, things. They had no luck for the genetically modified products, mysterious dyes and preservatives, to which a person has become accustomed.

They did not like the smell of linoleum, the absence of old books in the cabinets with taped pages. They were killed by cellular communications or a destroyed ozone layer, and they fell victim to civilization.

They suffered the fate of dinosaurs? Hardly. Cockroaches have repeatedly proved their ability to adapt to the most adverse conditions. If they can withstand ionizing radiation, then can high-frequency radio waves harm them? Prusak goes without food for up to 20 days, really he would not have endured temporary difficulties.

You should not indulge in the hope that the two-legs came out victorious in the battle with the cockroaches. There is no doubt that they will return to our homes.They will put up with the modified human diet, they will try synthetic flooring on a tooth, damage plastic. And with these individuals, surviving the struggle for existence, it will be harder to cope. They may have become stronger, smarter, more agile.

So, a new stage of the battle with cockroaches is surely waiting for us, the fight against their mass reproduction on our territory.


Why can not get the cockroaches out of the apartment


The use of tools from cockroaches

It is also useful to read: Photos of various cockroaches


To the recording of "Peculiarities of breeding domestic cockroaches" 15 comments
  1. Alex:

    What a fairy tale that they have gone somewhere? Not far away - proved by personal experience. And worst of all, it is very difficult to search for reasons: here are neighbors, and holes in the walls (incomplete finish of unfinished workers), etc. etc.

  2. Aza:

    Who was worried there ?! Ida to me in the hostel !!! They are all here!

  3. Svetlana:

    Cockroaches all in Moscow. Since 2010, they have occupied the capital.

  4. Anonymous:

    Yes, they are everywhere

  5. Andrew:

    If a person lives like a pig, then it goes without saying that they will come running to him. We must maintain cleanliness in the house.

  6. Snezhana:

    It is not true that cockroaches appear in people who do not maintain cleanliness. We lived for many years without cockroaches, until the unfortunate owners appeared behind the next wall. Cockroaches came to us through the cracks in the plinths!

  7. Katya:

    And here they really disappeared.And it seems to me that this is all due to chemical means, products with GMOs, cellular and wireless radiation in total! If you recall the 90s ... It's a nightmare! Now, if once a year you meet one red man, that is rare.

  8. the Rose:

    I also argue about the owners messy. Bought an apartment in a house under construction. When the house was handed over, on the second day they found a cockroach in the apartment. We can not withdraw a year, all 10 floors are affected.

  9. Anonymous:

    Boric acid help you. Inexpensive garbage, but it helps. After 3-4 weeks they will leave!

  10. Victoria:

    Our cockroaches are just teeming, since we live in a socle and the room can be called raw! And they are where it is warm and damp. And they poisoned them with what they didn’t pshikali, smeared, painted, watered ... For a short time it helps, and again and again. So it's not a clean thing at all. In addition, they love places where there is something to eat))

  11. Olga:

    There are also grocery stores, where some products lie in packages. You open it, and here's a present for you at home.

  12. Svetlana:

    We lived in a hostel for 7 months, while waiting for delivery at home. We thought we were going crazy with these creatures. They really live where there is “social trouble”.Dirt, stench, drunks and drug addicts, garbage chute! They are there. Who lost them? They are in Kemerovo on Oktyabrsky Ave. Come on!

  13. Svetlana:

    We used to have sooo many cockroaches too. At night you get up to drink some water, and they already crunch under your feet. That was such a nightmare. Then my mother was advised to poison the cockroaches on the waning moon. Believe it or not, but for more than 20 years I have never seen these red reptiles.

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