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Photos of various cockroaches

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Cockroach home: closeup photo

Few people know what a domestic cockroach looks like. Each person met them several times in his life, and probably managed to admire their tropical relatives at various exhibitions or in terrariums.

Nevertheless, even well-known and popular Prusaks should be considered in detail in photographs, so as not to accidentally confuse the first conquerors of an apartment with occasional guests from the street. In addition, it is in the photo you can look at the difference between the types of cockroaches and the stages of their development.


Photos of domestic cockroaches: all types and stages of development

Three types of cockroaches are the most common in a person’s housing: red, he is Prusac, black and American. In the tropics, more exotic human friends are crawling into homes, but it is difficult to call them synanthropic species.


A synanthropic type of animal or plant is a species that in a city,A person's village or dwelling feels better than in the wild. Sometimes these species in nature do not occur at all. Examples are house sparrows, rats, bed bugs, pharaoh ants. Do not confuse synanthropic species with species tamed by humans - dogs, cats or pigeons.

Usual red cockroach known to almost any resident of the northern hemisphere. The photo shows several adult individuals of this species:

Male domestic red cockroach

Female red cockroach

Above on the photo is a male, from below - a female with an egg (oteca). Females have a slightly wider and denser abdomen, but males are very slender and more mobile.

Prusak larvae differ from adults in size, slightly more dense physique and lack of wings. The color of the larvae is also somewhat different from that of adult insects: they have two long black stripes across the body from the head to the end of the abdomen. In adult insects from these bands, only two dashes remain on the cephalothorax. These elements of coloring are clearly visible on the photo:

The larva of the red cockroach

The photo clearly shows the characteristic color of the larva of the red cockroach.

Larvae (nymph) of a red cockroach close up

It is interesting

The red cockroach has more names than any other insect. Most often it is called Prusac - this name has been fixed since the times of the Napoleonic wars, when it was thoughtthat cockroaches were brought to Russia from Prussia.

But the Germans on the contrary call these insects "Russian cockroaches." We are often called “tanchik”, “stasik”, “tarik” and “tram”.

Immediately after hatching, the larvae are very small, do not exceed a millimeter in length, and have an almost transparent body. However, already several hours after the birth of a small cockroach, the chitinous cover hardens, and they become slightly darker. The photo below shows young cockroach larvae next to a pregnant female:

Young cockroach larvae and pregnant female

On a note

Cockroaches like crickets, bedbugs and aphids are insects with incomplete transformation, and their larvae look like small copies of adult individuals. For this, scientists call larvae nymphs to differentiate this stage of development from typical larvae in beetles or butterflies. Adult cockroaches, like other insects, are scientifically called imago.

Looking closely at the end of the abdomen of each insect, two small appendages can be seen. They are called cerks and testify to the general primitiveness of cockroaches in general - the more evolved insects have cercae.

That cerki - the most reliable way to distinguish the cockroach from the bug.In the photo of a cockroach during macro photography you can see the end of its abdomen, and in the photo below you can see the end of the abdomen of the bed bug:


Photo bed bug

Black cockroaches are different from red in color and size. Prusaks are really small next to adult individuals of black counterparts, barely reaching half the length of their bodies. In the photo you can estimate the size of the imago of this species:

Black beetle

As can be seen from the photo, only the coal color is present in the coloring of the black cockroach. The nymphs of this species have brown transverse stripes delineating segments of the abdomen. The photo clearly shows the difference in the coloring of the imago and the larvae:

Adult individuals and larvae of black cockroaches

The females of the black cockroach are very short wings and wide abdomen. In males, the wings almost cover the entire abdomen. However, fly black cockroaches do not know how, only males are able to jump far and increase the length of the jump with the help of wings fluttering. In the photo on the left - the male, on the right - the female:

Female and male black cockroach

On a note

Prusak also does not know how to fly, but if it falls from the ceiling or a great height, it can flap its wings and to some extent control the fall. Among the tropical species of cockroaches there are those that fly very well and can fly at night to light bulbs.

The American cockroach is less “domesticated” than the black and red. It can live in forests and fields, but when it comes to the conditions of a city, it easily goes on feeding on human food and actively reproduces.

It is with man and his cargo that this species has spread throughout the world and is today considered a cosmopolitan. The photo shows the imago of an “American”, in which the female is only slightly denser than the male:

American cockroach

American cockroach

... and here - nymphs of different ages:

The larvae (nymphs) of the American cockroach

Cockroaches do not have nests, but they prefer to gather in groups in the most comfortable places. Having found such a shelter, a person can take him for a cockroach nest or a colony of cockroaches, and even think that in such a colony there is a queen like a bee. It is not: there is no organization in this settlement.


Video footage with various cockroaches

Cockroach eggs: what do they look like?

Breeding cockroaches quite specific. They do not lay individual eggs, like most other insects, but they are packed in a special chamber - a womb, which the female carries at the end of the abdomen. The photo of the Prusak is visible in the photo:

Ooteka Prusak

Females of different types wore oteka at different times. Prusak this period is 20-30 days, depending on the temperature in the room. And almost immediately after the laying off of the stream, larvae hatch from it.

In black cockroaches, a “pregnant” female lays an oteca about a week after the beginning of its development, and for 2-3 weeks the eggs develop without supervision. This is used by the Prussians, who eat the Black Cockroaches and thus destroy them. Perhaps for this reason, the red-haired cockroach ousted black from the apartments.

The photo shows the swelling of a black cockroach:

Black cockroach and its oteothec

In many tropical species of cockroaches, females not only carry their oteke until the end of such a peculiar pregnancy, but also protect and care for nymphs for several days. They usually have a very nice, soft, white and long.

For example, the photograph shows the library Madagascar cockroach:

Oteote Madagascar cockroach


Unusual cockroaches found in apartments

Of the unusual cockroaches, the attention of a person in an apartment is primarily attracted to white cockroaches. These are not albinos, but simply just older nymphs.

In the first hours after the release of chitinous cover, they have a soft white body, which gradually hardens and acquires a color characteristic of the imago.During this period, the insect tries to be in a secluded place, but sometimes it still catches the eye.

Every cockroach is white once in a lifetime. In the photo below - white prusak:

White cockroach

In the south of Kazakhstan, in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan, a brown and slightly larger Turkmen cockroach can be found in human housing. He is very fond of terrariumists for the fact that he can not crawl on the glass. In the photo - a small group of insects:

Turkmen cockroaches

And the following photo shows the ash cockroaches, also called Egyptian:

Ash (Egyptian) cockroach

They are interesting because they are able, like termites, to feed on wood and paper. They live in the Middle East, North Africa and the Mediterranean.

And of course, it is impossible not to admire the individual tropical cockroaches - the famous Madagascar:

Madagascar Cockroaches

... banana ones, the ones that fly well:

The photo shows a banana cockroach

... and gigantic:

Giant cockroach

... to make sure that even such seemingly unpleasant neighbors on the planet can be extremely beautiful and interesting.


Why cockroaches can not get rid of


Madagascar giant hissing cockroaches


To write "Photos of various cockroaches" 18 comments
  1. Anonymous:

    What a mess, fuu, I can not stand them!

  2. Vovan:

    What cute creatures

  3. Manyunya:

    When I see the cockroaches in the photo, I just react to them with a slight disgust. But when I see them on the street, straight to live, then besides disgust, I also manifest panic with fear, mixed together!

  4. Anonymous:

    How to get rid of them?

  5. Alexey:

    I bought simple dark and hissing cockroaches to eublefark and agamas.At the agers on hissing mouths simply simply does not open, they ran after him all evening, they drove the poor man under the snag. Where he sits to this day (only mustache moves). In general, the hissing ones are really funny, though it’s impossible to multiply them yet ((

  6. Katya:

    Damn, I just found one at home and covered it with a sneaker.

  7. Dasha:

    Damn, we got cockroaches. What do we do, tell me?

    • Kseniya:

      Burn the house and throw out of the country - the only effective way.

  8. Natalie:

    And on my balcony a black monster with a long mustache crawled out. His dog noticed, I really hope that this is a bug, and not a cockroach ... So it is disgusting to imagine these monsters living in our house - in the high-rise building ((

  9. Marina:

    Where do they come from? For the first time in my life I saw a cockroach ... Also in my room. I'm afraid to sleep now.

    • Kisa:

      You are greatly exaggerating

    • Biologist:

      At night, they love to gnaw at the legs of women, and they release anesthetic saliva and the victim feels nothing.

  10. Helena:

    We have the whole house - a cockroach, scary sleep, already the cat is afraid of them.

  11. Kisa:

    I have never had cockroaches. This is horror.

  12. Anonymous:

    Walking goats

  13. Aleksandr:

    You need to kill those! Without trial and investigation.

  14. Svetlana:

    And we, from the mother-in-law, seemed to have brought (((Then they were taken to the garden where we live now. But today mom said that she caught the lodger in another area. work will go look for chemistry from them ...

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