Site about the fight against domestic insects

Tumors and swelling in insect bites

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Although various tumors and swelling after insect bites in most cases do not pose a serious threat to human health, but this is not always the case ...

A tumor after an insect bite is a fairly common phenomenon. Sometimes it arises even in response to attacks from seemingly innocuous creatures, like small flies and mosquitoes. And after stinging with wasps, bees, hornets, bumblebees, some equestrians and carnivorous bugs, almost every person appears, and can often reach impressive sizes.

The cause of the tumor in response on insect bite is the active response of the body's immune system to enzymes and toxins injected by insects under the skin. During the inflammatory process, lymph accumulates in the soft tissues, which causes a regular increase in their volume.

The photograph shows the sting of a wasp - with its help an insect injects poison under the skin of its prey.

Many parasitic insects (for example, mosquitoes, fleas, bed bugs) inject a saliva bite, which contains components that prevent the rapid clotting of blood.In such cases, the swelling of the tissue is usually insignificant, and the affected areas of the skin look like small swelling on the body.

But the wasps, hornets and bees in the attack injected under the skin a hefty dose of poison, which is able to destroy the cell walls of tissues and initiate a powerful inflammation, often accompanied by an allergic reaction. Depending on the strength of a person’s immune response, a tumor can be both small and very extensive, up to the swelling of a whole limb or a large part of the body.

In different people with the bites of the same insects, the degree of swelling can vary considerably ...

Swelling on the arm after the hornet bite

On a note

Speaking of insect bites, many people also understand the attacks of other arthropods: spiders, scolopendras, scorpions and ticks, which, generally speaking, do not belong to the order Insects (insects have only 3 pairs of legs).


Tumor as a normal bite response

If a leg, arm or cheek is slightly swollen from an insect bite, then before you panic and talk about “terrible allergies”, you should take into account that a minor swelling and swelling is a completely normal reaction of a healthy organism to the ingress of foreign biologically active substances.

A minor swelling and swelling of the tissues are generally a normal reaction of the human body to the bites of various insects.

The venom of most stinging insects (and poisonous spiders) contains a group of substances that cause the destruction of cells and the outflow of their contents into the extracellular space.The body of the injured person regards the insect toxins and the contents of the damaged cells as dangerous substances for him and attacks them. In addition, their presence in the extracellular space is harmful and can lead to metabolic disorders in the tissues.

The poison of hornets, wasps and some spiders causes, among other things, the destruction of the walls of small blood vessels, which often leads to subcutaneous, and in especially dangerous cases (with mass bites) - and to internal bleeding.

In the photo - a tumor after a hornet bite:

Tumor on the face after hornet bite

Blood begins to actively flow into the injured area, and in addition to this an increase in the volume of intercellular fluid occurs. In such conditions, it is easier for the body to mobilize its resources to neutralize the poison.

So, a minor swelling or swelling as a result of an attack by an arthropod is the norm, so you should not worry too much in such cases. Another thing is when an insect sting is swollen, for example, all or a significant part of the legs, arms, face, or swelling began to spread throughout the body.

This is an overreaction, often a sign of a dangerous allergy.With such tumors and edema, of course, should be fought, and as soon as possible.

The characteristic symptoms appearing after attacks of arthropods include the following:

  • redness - a red spot after an insect bite can be a response to harmless mosquito bites in general, or to a sting by a scorpion;
  • swelling at the site of the bite, the size of which varies depending on the aggressiveness of substances caught under the skin a result and on all 10-15 cm);The photo shows a bump on the forehead of the bite of an ordinary mosquito
  • compaction of the tissue at the site of the bite is a harmless symptom, but sometimes lingering for several weeks;
  • pain - as a rule, is felt immediately after the bite and in the first hours after it, and then smoothly it turns into itching;
  • bruise at the site of the bite, which is a consequence of local hemorrhage (especially characteristic of attacks of hornets, tarantulas, water bugs).

Often, the bite at the victim rises in temperature, there is a burning sensation - this is also normal.It is worth alarming when a general and severe increase in body temperature occurs - this is already a signal that the process is becoming generalized, and the patient may need to be hospitalized.

Speaking about the possible consequences, one should not forget that the same person’s insect bite of the same species can cause different degrees and patterns of symptoms. In many respects it depends on where the bite fell. For example, an insect bite in the eyelid sometimes leads to full swelling of half of the face and closing the eye, while a lump on the back or wrist will cause much less unpleasant consequences.

When the bites of bees, wasps and hornets in the eyelid or in the immediate vicinity of the eye, it often closes completely due to the strong swelling of the tissues affected by the poison.


“We were very scared when our husband’s leg swelled after an insect bite. It turned out that this is such a water scorpion, he lives in all ponds and crawls along the bottom. My husband thought that he had stepped on the branch and did not give special attention, and then he started to stir up the beginning. When he came out of the lake, his leg was already swollen, and then there was a strong redness and swelling, the whole leg became like a barrel. We became really scared. At the same time, it says that there is no particular pain, only at the site of the bite.I still persuaded him to go to the hospital, she was driving herself. The doctor told us that such a strong swelling from an insect bite is a rarity, especially from a water scorpion. A couple of days this swelling held, bruises appeared in several places. Somewhere in a week, the edema was completely asleep, but in general he didn’t interfere with Andrey’s walking and swimming normally. ”

Svetlana, Chelyabinsk


When do you need to fight a tumor?

In some cases, the degree of manifestation of a tumor from an insect bite is excessive and requires treatment. These situations include:

  • allergic tumors and swelling;
  • tumors affecting internal organs or the respiratory system;
  • inflammations that occur in response to the introduction of a secondary infection in the wound from a bite.

We list examples when treatment required after insect bite:

  • an insect bite inflamed after a few days - this is a clear sign of infection of the wound;
  • edema is spreading more and more, rashes and blisters appear from insect bite in different parts of the body;
  • There are signs of general intoxication of the body: dizziness, abdominal pain, nausea, fever;
  • an extensive boil appears at the site of the insect bite (the formation of pus is a consequence of tissue damage);
  • from an insect sting swelling of the eyes, tongue or larynx - in the first case there is a risk of serious damage to the eye, in the last two - suffocation may occur.

When insect bites swollen tissues can reduce the airway, which creates a real threat of suffocation when death is not excluded.

In all these cases, it must be borne in mind that first aid can only serve to alleviate the condition of the victim before the visit to the doctor. Do not turn such help into a long-term self-treatment.


“I don’t even know what to do. Two days ago I was bitten by some kind of small wasp, and now there is still a red spot at the bite site, it itches and hurts a lot. It seems that it does not creep away, but this nasty insect has bitten exactly in the place of the belt from the trousers, and it is very inconvenient to wear it now. Immediately after that, there was still nothing, and then it simply swelled up and so without a change for the third day. Tell me, is it necessary to somehow deal with this, or wait until it passes by itself? ”

Oksana, Mozhaisk


Anti-inflammatory drugs

As a rule, for the treatment of edema and developed inflammation using special gels, creams and ointments for insect bites. The most popular of them include:

  • Fenistil;
  • Levomekol;
  • Advantan;
  • Flucinar;

And etc.

Gel from insect bites Phenystyle

Cream Advantan - helps relieve allergy symptoms after insect bites

These means inflammation from an insect bite can be smeared on their own, without a doctor's prescription, considering only contraindications to a particular drug. As for anti-inflammatory drugs taken orally, they must be prescribed exclusively by a doctor - self-administration of such drugs (steroid and non-steroid) can cause significant harm to the body.

In addition to pharmaceutical preparations, there is also a whole range of traditional medicine products designed to help the victim. If an insect sting is swollen, for example, a leg or hand, you can use the following folk remedies:

  • juice of plantain leaves;
  • the parsley leaves crumpled into a mush;
  • aloe leaves;
  • tincture of calendula.

The main drawback of folk remedies is their relatively low efficiency: if the tumor is small, then there is no special point in treating it, but if a generalized reaction has begun, then plantain juice and calendula, alas, will not help.

As a rule, folk remedies are used only to reduce pain at the site of the bite, without placing great hopes on them regarding the removal of the tumor.


Instructions for the treatment of tumors after insect bites

Depending on how much time has passed since the moment of the bite, treatment can be carried out by different means. So, if the tumor has just started to appear, it will be enough to apply a cold compress to it. (it will narrow blood vessels, and also reduce the rate of absorption of poison in the blood).

A cold compress prevents the formation of severe edema and also removes its severity if it is already formed.

A cold compress can, for example, be tied to a swollen leg with a bandage.

Such assistance is especially relevant when an insect bites into the eye - one compress in this situation may be enough to not lose sight due to a tumor for a couple of days.

While the insect-damaged area hurts, and the tumor grows in size, one should not neglect, for example, Soventol or Fenistil - these drugs have an antihistamine effect, preventing the allergic reaction from developing.

If you notice that a tumor or swelling from an insect bite begins to spread threateningly to all new areas of the body, you should immediately call an ambulance and get advice by phone. Often, in such cases, doctors recommend taking antihistamines (diphenhydramine or suprastin). It is even better not to delay and take the victim to the hospital, or to call doctors to the house - after all, it is possible that after a while the situation may become critical ...

Antihistamine Suprastin reduces the severity of allergic reactions that often accompany insect bites.

Also, in no case can you delay the localization of the tumor and edema in vital places - for example, on the throat. If a cold compress does not help, then an ambulance team must be called, as continuing swelling of the airways can eventually lead to their complete overlap.


The specificity of inflammation in different parts of the body

According to statistics, most often the bites of stinging insects fall on human limbs. If a leg or a hand is swollen from such a bite, the situation is, of course, unpleasant, but quite tolerable, although the affected limb may even take on an awesome look.

With bites of stinging insects, the hand can swell so much that it is almost impossible to squeeze your fingers into a fist.


“Last summer I was bitten by some kind of insect, my hand was terribly swollen, and so that I could not move my fingers. It seems nothing unusual, but really scary, so that forever remains. Somewhere a week went with a pillow, and then gradually passed. Although after the bite there was a seal on the back of the palm for a couple more weeks. ”

Jaroslav Ramenskoye

Much more serious is the situation when, for example, a hornet or wasp stings in the eye, eyelid, lip or tongue. A tumor after such a bite prevents a person from living fully, receiving information from the outside world, and speaking.In addition, some of the symptoms that appear after such an attack can seriously threaten the health, and sometimes the life of the victim.


“It was scary when a small bee bit into the eye. He walks around the garden, and half of his face is swollen like a ball, even turned a little blue. We showed him to the doctor, he said that we were lucky and nothing terrible, will pass by itself. Now it seems that the eyelid is opening a little, but yesterday it could not even move them. ”

Alexander, Vladimir

In conclusion, I would like to once again draw attention to the fact that if as a result of an insect bite, symptoms of general poisoning appear, a rash all over the body, shortness of breath, nausea, or extensive edema, the victim must be taken to the hospital. Even the bite of a single bee in some cases can cause severe allergic reactions and lead to anaphylactic shock.

One can never know for sure exactly how the body will react to the poison that has entered it, and with excessive carelessness there may not even be time left for the ambulance call. Therefore, after a bite, carefully monitor your condition or the state of a person close to you, and if the first disturbing symptoms appear, call the hospital.


Useful video about different reactions to insect bites: from edema to anaphylactic shock


What can be done to protect against insect bites and what means to use in case of an allergic reaction


To the entry "Tumors and swelling in insect bites" 40 comments
  1. Catherine:

    Hello! Please help my mother was bitten by some kind of insect,the leg in this place is swollen, very strong, and the bone aches! Tell me, maybe someone came across?

  2. Madi:

    I, too, bitten after a walk, my leg swelled up.

  3. Dmitriy:

    Christmas trees are sticks ... a trend, however. Daughter bit into the rise of the right leg. The tumor is local. To touch this place hurts her, her leg aches, the temperature is 39. What is it?

  4. Anonymous:

    The same situation. In the rise of the right leg bitten insect. A sharp pain, a burning sensation, in half an hour the whole foot was swollen so that it was possible to attack only on the edge of the sole and for half a second. There was no temperature. Struggled - Klaritin (inside), a compress from novocaine and Dimexidum and Traksevosin ointment. Compress at least 3-4 times a day. After 2 days, the tumor became softer and began to subside. After a week, I slept completely.

  5. Anonymous:

    Yesterday the bee bit into the finger, a part of the hand swelled up, and the finger seemed to crack and turned blue. I do not know what to do, I'm afraid to sleep ...

  6. Galina:

    My granddaughter (she was 2.5 years old) was bitten by an unknown insect in the eyelid, and it was swollen, what should I do?

  7. Lydia:

    Yes, yes, and I was bitten by some insect in the rise of the right leg. I thought it was a mosquito, the itch did not make me wait and swelled up as if my leg had twisted, it hurt a lot, it was painful to walk. I treat with diclofenac gel, anesthetic and anti-inflammatory, this is all that I found from such cases in myself. But for three days only the pain went away. Everything else is in place.

    • Alla:

      Thank you for sharing, calmed down a bit. I, it seems, it seems. At night, I woke up from a strong itch, then my foot began to swell from above, I smear bepanthen, the itching had passed, and the tumor still increased slightly. I drink loratadine from allergies. There is no time to go to the doctor. Tell me, please, did you swelling for a long time? Thanks in advance and good health.

  8. Dayana:

    On the lake, something bitten. It seems a redhead ant. Noticed on day 2. Place on foot. Closer to the ankle. Not particularly worried. I drink suprastin, smear sinaflan and airan. Unpleasant

  9. Galina:

    And I was bitten by something incomprehensible (At first I thought, a mosquito, but the pain was rapidly rising, my leg was swollen, on the side of the lift, where the bone was, and even a bruise was observed in this place. I read your reviews, sent my brother to the pharmacy for all of the above. Thank you for your feedback.

  10. Sergei:

    It looks like after a red ant bite there was a slight swelling for two days. Then the rise of the legs began to swell, there was a burning pain. It was Sunday, I went to the hospital: the doctor on duty prescribed ciproflaksin and loratadine inside and a compress of alcohol + chlorhexidine, 1/1. The tumor subsided a bit, but the focus began to be localized. On Monday, still held at work. In the evening, the temperature rose to 38.5, the treatment continued + antipyretic. On Tuesday, they sent me back to the doctor, to a dermatologist. He prescribed the antibiotic doxycycline, citrine antiallergen, compress (boric acid solution) and Vishnevsky ointment for the night. I am treated Tuesday, Wednesday (I can not walk). A hearth was formed between the middle and ring finger in the form of a carbuncle, but not yet ripe. At the same time, the skin on the top peeled off and it turned out like a wound.I only accept the upright position - immediately begins a kind of edema pain and at the same time a burning sensation, like with a burn. Question: Is this how it should be, or am I doing something wrong? Help, who knows ...

  11. Nadia:

    I was bitten too, swollen on my left leg and it hurts a lot. What to do? I put ice and took diazolin and ampicillin. What else to do, tell me?

  12. The victim:

    I was bitten by some kind of insect (presumably a midge). For two days nothing bothered me, but on the third leg in the evening, my leg swelled up so that it was impossible to come ((I make lotions with a solution of soda and salt. The tumor has not slept yet, but I can already walk (there is almost no pain, only inconvenience due to swelling).

  13. Lily:

    Good afternoon, flew to Cyprus, now I do not know what to do. One day, the entire ankle on my left leg became swollen, somehow moving at the expense of the right. A day later, the same with the right (edema, redness to the knee). Now I am lying, at the same time my wrists on my arms began to hurt, my elbows were slightly swollen, my neck began to slow down. In the hospital I was discharged only an ointment and released with the words: “Watch ...” I am lying crying, I do not know what to do.

  14. Galina:

    She got up in the morning and felt pain in the back of the hand, saw a round rash. The next day it began to increase: it hurts and bakes, what to do? I think that bit a mosquito.

  15. Taya:

    Hello! A month ago, I was bitten in the foot by some strange insect. It hurts to walk. It feels like a sting there. Slightly swollen, small hole, but not much worried. Days after 5 began to hurt, but after a few days has ceased. And here again ... Tell me, please, what should I do? Very painful!

  16. Zhemila:

    My son's hand is swollen.

  17. Alina:

    What help there! Nobody knows right now, because The money dumps have darkened the mind and they pretend they know ...

  18. Irina:

    After a bite, try to immediately take a pill for allergies, so as not to go reaction. The first time the wasp bit me on the leg, I was treated for a very long time and went to the doctors. The other day, the wasp bit on a finger, began to swell, immediately drank a pill. After 30-40 minutes, the tumor passed.

  19. Valeria:

    Hello! Tell me, please: a few days ago I saw on my forehead a kind of red spot,as if with a hole. I thought that acne, and crushed. As a result, the redness became even greater, and around the hole the skin became firm. The next day, I found similar formations on my back, arm and neck. One in each area! And so, by the evening of the second day, the temperature rose, 37.5! I live now abroad for study, that's just moved. I don’t know anyone, I don’t know the language either 🙁 Can it be bed bugs? (because they give group bites, and I have single ones). I do not know what to do. Help me please.

  20. Di:

    I woke up at night, on the cheek a lump and on the arm the same. No, it hurts ... I can't sleep straight! I took suprastin and smeared Levomekol with ointment - it seems to be normal! In the course of this bugs ...

  21. Mouse:

    In the morning I woke up, a triple bite and my arm swelled. What is it?

  22. Maria:

    I got bitten by the eye. And he is swelling. What to do?

  23. Laura:

    I squeezed a small pimple on my hand yesterday, today this place is swollen and sore, if you press on it. And this place is burning at me, what to do?

  24. Kosheleva Anna Vladimirovna:

    My husband and I went to the woods for blueberries. I was bitten by a mosquito for the buttock.Very sore, tell me what to do? Suprastin thrust into all holes! We went to the doctor, and he shrugs his shoulders. And they smeared it with alcohol, and what they didn’t put on, nothing helps. At night I wake up in pain. People, please help! Thank you in advance.

  25. Theme:

    Someone bit me in the right leg, the right side. The whole day the whole leg swelled up, what to do?

  26. Katya:

    My daughter is 3 years old, bit a mosquito in the leg under the knee, moreover, twice in one place. The leg is burning in this area, and as if an abscess. We apply compresses decasana. Who was it, tell me, please, who is treated? We have already had this, the surgeon has prescribed this treatment!

  27. Anonymous:

    Yesterday, a bee bit under the brow. It seems that on this day everything was fine, but woke up this morning because it was scratching this place. She got up, looked in the mirror and saw a tumor in the eye area.

    How soon will it go? I can not buy drugs, because I am in the village with my grandmother, there are no pharmacies here. Thanks a lot in advance )

  28. Lena:

    I got up in the morning in soft places all bitten. But it doesn't look like a mosquito bite.And what could it be? And what to do in such cases? Itching of the skin is also present, and still, as if from the inside, tingling in the place where the bite is. Tell me please. And how and how is it treated? Thank.

  29. Yuliya:

    This afternoon I was bitten in the foot. The pain was sharp, looked at the foot - I saw a red dot from the bite and a bezel around the white one. Washed with water. Then reddened slightly. The foot hurts, although it does not hurt to walk. I touch the bite site - it does not hurt either, but it hurts somewhere inside. Already passed 6 hours after the bite. What could bite? I was in sandals, and when I took them off, I saw a black spider on my little finger (with the head of a match).

  30. Victor:

    And in short it was impossible to make an article?

  31. Svetlana:

    My daughter was bitten by some kind of insect in the navel. The abdomen is swollen and red. What to do, tell me?

    • Nelia:

      Svetlana, good afternoon! We are also resting now and my daughter was bitten by someone at the navel ... Everything was red and swollen. I do not know what to do. How are you doing? Is it all over?

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