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What to do if a wasp bite is itchy

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If, after a wasp sting, the affected area began to itch badly, then it is time to take some measures. But which ones - we will continue to talk.

The bite of the wasp itches almost always and in all. Even experienced beekeepers, who can boast of high resistance to the poison of bees and the absence of a characteristic "bump", the bites of wasps and hornets also do not always pass without unpleasant symptoms.

What can we say about an ordinary person for whom the attack of these insects is not commonplace? He has an itch from a wasp sting can be very strong and persist for several days - depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

If a wasp has bitten, the whole swelling is usually itchy, no matter how impressive it is. In particular, this reaction is famous for the bite of the hornet - the closest relative of the wasp: after its bite, the tumor can spread to very large areas of the body (for example, if an insect stung in the foot, it can smash the entire leg).

If a stinging insect has bitten, for example, in the foot, swelling can spread to the entire leg.

In addition, itching after a wasp sting may be one of the symptoms of developing allergies. In this case, the victim has a urticaria on the body, which does not have any specific localization and, in addition, it often also itches.

Wasp sting


“We have a similar situation recently. Dimka was bitten by a wasp in kindergarten, there they immediately smeared it in the first-aid post, which is necessary, but the place of the sting of a wasp still itches in a child. The doctor said it was normal. But at home, my neighbor advised me to spread Gardex balm for children on it. She has a small husband and she goes fishing all the time and everyone there bites him. I bought this Gardex in a pharmacy, and it really helps, Dima stopped itching. The lump he held for a long time, about a week, probably, and the red spot even longer. But there was no itch, we smeared a bite every day. ”

Oksana, Mogilev-Podolsky

By and large, there is nothing terrible about the wasp sting. Do something concrete to prevent itching should only be done if it strongly interferes with leading a full life, or if the child has suffered (so as not to scratch it with the risk of infecting the wound). But even then, when one simply does not want to endure, in some ways one can simply remove the itch from a wasp sting.

In most cases, single wasp stings do not pose a serious risk to human health.

On a note

Immediately after the bite, you need to try to see the offender and make sure that it is really a wasp. The fact is that the fight against the effects of bites of wasps and bees differs in details, and therefore incorrect identification of an insect can lead to the fact that the measures taken will not give the expected effect.


What you should not do: 5 major mistakes in the fight against itching

After the wasp has already bitten, many of the victims begin to perform completely unnecessary or even harmful actions, which in the future will only increase the itch. Let's define what is absolutely forbidden to do, even if a wasp sting itches with incredible force.

  1. Do not comb the affected area. Obviously, the longer you disturb and already irritated nerve endings, the stronger the wasp's bite will itch. In addition, there is a chance to scratch the wound and bring infection into it, followed by suppuration.If you are constantly combing the site of a wasp sting, then there is a greater likelihood of infection in the wound.
  2. It is forbidden to scratch the bite in search of the sting. Wasps, unlike bees, never leave their sting in the wound.It is impossible to scratch the place of the bite in search of a sting, because wasps, unlike bees, do not leave it in the wound.
  3. You can not try to squeeze the poison out of the affected place: it still does not leak out. It is also impossible to do this because pressure on the bite leads to increased blood flow andas a result, the more rapid spread of venom into the surrounding tissues.Attempting to squeeze out poison can only lead to its accelerated spread into the surrounding tissues.
  4. No need to ignore the bite. In principle, if there are no manifestations of an allergic reaction, then you can try not to pay attention to it. However, a few simple actions performed on time will help in just a couple of hours to forget that the bite is scratched.

The photo shows a paper wasp.

Often, immediately after a wasp sting, only folk remedies are available (for example, during a picnic in nature), and it is already much later that it is possible to treat the affected area with special preparations. So let's take a closer look at the first "helpers" of the victim - folk recipes.


Folk recipes to combat an itchy bite

After the wasp has bitten, many people are lost and do not know what to do next. It is necessary to remember: the first thing that should be taken immediately after the bite, even if it does not itch, but only hurts - suck out the poison and attach any product containing a weak acid to the wound. It can be:

  • a slice of apple, orange, lemon or tomato;
  • chopped parsley;
  • swab dipped in vinegar (9%);
  • soaked citric acid.

Sour fruits help neutralize part of the poison in the wound


Sucking the poison out of the wound and using the acid is necessary immediately after a wasp bite, otherwise the skin in the damaged area will quickly heal and all actions will be in vain.

As is well known from the school chemistry course, acid always neutralizes alkali. This principle underlies the first stage of assistance to a victim of a wasp sting: penetrating the skin after the poison, the acid contained in these products partially neutralizes the insect toxin, and therefore the bite site will not scratch it later.

Immediately after the attack of the insect, you can also try to suck the poison out of the wound.

The second item of help of folk remedies will be wiping the affected area with a strong brew or a mixture of three parts of water and one part of ethyl alcohol (you can just vodka). As soon as the alcohol dries, a special ointment is applied to the site of the bite, which has anti-allergic effect.


Preparations for eliminating the itch of a wasp sting

Now let's talk about medicines that have a soothing effect on the skin. with insect bites. It can be either ointments or creams, and sprays.

Of the huge number of such funds, we will highlight those that have already successfully established themselves as worthy drugs after the bites of wasps.

  1. Fenistil-gel is a universal drug that can be used for any insect bites to reduce itching and prevent the spread of edema. Its use is permitted in children older than 1 month. The price for one tube fluctuates around 350 rubles.Fenistil gel helps to remove the tooth after the bites of various insects, including wasps
  2. Menovazan is a very effective anesthetic drug, it is optimal for the bites of wasps and other stinging insects. A 40-gram tube costs about 30 rubles in pharmacies.Ointment Menovazan
  3. Soventol is a gel designed to eliminate itching from an insect bite and treat urticaria in small areas of the skin. It is made on the basis of propylene glycol and therefore is contraindicated for people with intolerance to this component.Gel Soventol
  4. Hydrocortisone ointment is a drug that is also excellent for relieving the itch of a wasp sting and for eliminating rashes in case of urticaria. The use of hydrocortisone ointment in children and adolescents is not recommended. Price - about 70 rubles per tube per 10 grams.Hydrocortisone ointment


“I have noticed that after a bite of a bee, a wasp or some large fly, it is not the bite itself that scratches itself, but almost the whole body. In the summer, my parents were visiting, so I constantly itched, especially on the river, where there are many flies.And once the wasp bitten me, so I had to drink Dimedrol, in order not to go crazy with this scabies. And the pain in the bite site is not so strong. As the doctor explained to me, I am allergic, and with such a bite I need to drink Loratadine. ”

Ksenia, Semipalatinsk


Imported products: effective, delicate and expensive

In addition to the above medicines, sold only in pharmacies, there are a number of available imported products, which can sometimes be bought even in the usual departments of household chemicals. However, this does not mean that these tools are useless - quite the contrary, they effectively effectively alleviate the itching, regardless of whether the mosquito has bitten you or a wasp.

There is a fairly large range of imported products that can be applied after insect bites.

Such tools can be successfully applied in the case when the usual wasp sting is scratched, as well as when allergies started, accompanied by urticaria.

Such drugs, for example, include the following:

  • Gardex Family is an effective balm with echinacea extract, designed to relieve itching of any origin, including after the bites of wasps, bees, mosquitoes. Designed for adults and children over 1 year. The approximate price of a 7 ml bottle is 80 rubles.Gardex Family balsam after insect bites will help when the affected place itches unbearably.
  • Gardex Baby is a special baby balm that, when developed, took into account the sensitivity of babies' skin to various components, so it can be safely used to treat wasp stings even in babies. The price of a 7-ml bottle is about 150 rubles.Balsam Gardex baby
  • Balsams Mosquitall. The lineup includes spray balsam, foam balsam and gel balsam, which are also suitable for children. These remedies quickly relieve itching and reduce pain, and disinfect scratches. A tube of gel balm for 10 ml costs around 100 rubles.Mosquitall Gel Balm
  • Balsam Insectline is a fairly effective remedy, quickly cooling the bite, soothing and relieving itching. The price starts from about 150 rubles for a 100-ml tube.Insectline insect bites remedy
  • Balm Picnic Family based on extracts of chamomile, aloe and calendula, also has a pronounced anesthetic effect. 30 ml of it cost about 50 rubles.Picnic Family Balsam after insect bites

After applying any of these funds to the bite you need to attach a cold compress. Generally speaking, cold is a universal and, perhaps, the simplest remedy in case a wasp bite itches very much. In addition, the colder the compress and the longer it will stay on the damaged skin area, the less pronounced the possible swelling after the bite will be.

A cold compress after a wasp sting helps to avoid itching and swelling in the affected area.

As can be seen, there are a great many options for alleviating the condition of the victim after a wasp sting, so each person can choose the appropriate means.

When traveling to a dacha, picnic or excursion (especially in other countries) in your first aid kit it is advisable to put two remedies for wasp bites: one of them should have an anesthetic effect (it can be Menovazin, Insectline, Soventol) give rash spread throughout the body (for example, Advantan, hydrocortisone ointment, Fenistil).

Having a combination of two such drugs in your arsenal, you can be sure that if you accidentally attack a wasp or another insect, itch off and pain will turn out quickly and efficiently.


Useful video: allergy to insect bites


An example of an effective remedy for insect bites - Mosquitall


To the entry "What to do if a wasp bite itches a lot" 11 comments
  1. Evgenia:

    Son was bitten by a wasp in the country, did not overlook. Began to comb. Bought at the pharmacy Nezulin. Itching and redness immediately disappeared, so itching stopped. The lump stayed for a long time, so they smeared another two weeks in the morning and evening. Also, as I noticed, there are some healing components, so that what I managed to comb, also quickly passed.

  2. Sasha:

    I was helped by a pencil balm after bites for children and adults "DETA".

  3. Tatyana:

    I was bitten by wasps. I bought Fenistil-gel and Moskitol skim-balsam. Fenistil-gel had a real help - and itching is less, and the heat in the affected places is less. Thanks for the tips!

  4. Diana:

    I hate wasps and bees!

  5. Oksana:

    2 days ago, when weeding a vegetable garden, I stirred up a nest of earthy wasps ((8 bites in the body and head. Immediately, Desal's pill was drunk because there were already cases of urticaria. Cones itch like crazy, and itch hurts, especially on the head. I went to the pharmacy to buy fenistil , and the pharmacist said that last year her fenishing was not very helpful to her husband and advised some Altai gel balsam for 75 rubles, which saves 15 minutes ((I will go to another pharmacy tomorrow, I will try fenistil all the same).

  6. Ange:

    And alcohol with spruce branches and buds helped me. Helps from itching in 15 minutes. Well, or hold the bite in salty warm water - this will help remove the tumor.

  7. Tatyana:

    I was bitten by a wasp at work in September. The bite is red and blue, it itches terribly, and as if something is moving there. Help what to do?

  8. Alina:

    I just put a cotton pad wet with cold water on the bite of a wasp and it was 2 days later.

  9. Margarita:

    I was bitten at work by either a wasp or a bee. I woke up in the morning - I have plenty of redness, it burns and itches, I do not know what to do. And the redness grows on the arm ...

  10. Tatyana:

    Basin with warm water and soda. Either soda lotion.

  11. Galina:

    A month ago, I was bitten by a wasp. Immediately put a tampon soaked in a solution of vinegar, smeared with hydrocortisone (advised in a pharmacy), rubbed with alcohol. But the redness and itch lasts until now. Saw diazolin. What to do? Help!

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