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Wasp bites during pregnancy: how dangerous is it and what to do?

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In most cases, a wasp sting during pregnancy is not particularly dangerous, but in some situations, the consequences can really be serious ...

In most cases, a wasp sting during pregnancy or lactation is no more dangerous than in any other period of a woman’s life. The mother herself will certainly suffer to some extent from pain, swelling and itching, but a bite with a high probability will have absolutely no effect on the health of the fetus or an already born child (through milk).

The only thing worth preparing for if a pregnant wasp or nursing mother was bitten by a wasp is that pain and itch will have to suffer for some time, because it is not recommended to use special medications at this time - they are just capable of causing some harm to the baby.

If you are pregnant and you were suddenly bitten by a wasp, then you should not immediately resort to the use of drugs.

Nevertheless, there are still cases where the attack of a stinging insect on a pregnant woman can be really dangerous. So for example, if wasp sting caused an overly pronounced allergic reaction, then such an immune response of the mother's body is quite capable of having a negative impact on the condition of the fetus.

However, future mothers who have a high sensitivity to insect bites, as a rule, are well aware of this feature of their body, therefore they are usually ready to take the necessary measures in advance.

People with an increased sensitivity to the poisons of insects usually know about this and always carry with them a suitable remedy.


“Here, for example, I was also bitten by a wasp when I was pregnant. Nothing terrible happened. There were no strong edemas, no allergies. My arm ached, as usual, swollen a little below the elbow, and that was all. And my gynecologist told me that there is nothing wrong with that. So stop panicking and better go for a walk. ”

Svetlana, Kirov

As medical practice shows, during pregnancy a wasp bite can be dangerous, also due to improper actions by the expectant mother. Most of the tools used to relieve swelling, itching and pain in “normal” life are not recommended to be taken during pregnancy. However, in fact, a considerable percentage of women, trying to protect their baby, strive to at any cost at least something to treat the bite.

Many medicines for relieving itching and swelling after the bite of wasps or other insects are not suitable for pregnant women.

The wasp sting causes swelling and itching in the affected area.

It is an elementary misunderstanding of the potential danger of drugs often leads to the fact that with such "treatment" the expectant mother creates a rather serious threat to the development of the child - especially in the first trimester of pregnancy when all the organs of the fetus are laid.

Therefore, remember: if you were suddenly bitten by a wasp during pregnancy, it is forbidden to use any medications without consulting a doctor. This is exactly the case when it is better to do nothing than to break the wood yourself.


Aspen poison, pregnancy and breast milk: no crossing points detected

A child who is carrying a healthy pregnant woman is 100% protected from the poison of a wasp. From the point of view of physiology, this is not so difficult to explain: during a bite, the toxin enters the mother’s blood, and with it necessarily passes through the liver, where it undergoes a kind of biological "utilization".

The poison of the wasp is also not able to penetrate through the placenta, so its direct contact with the fetus of a pregnant woman is excluded. Even if a wasp bite fell on the stomach, as a result of which a noticeable bump appeared, it is not worth worrying.

The poison of the wasp does not penetrate the placenta even if it is bitten in the stomach, therefore the direct effect of toxins on the fetus is excluded.

Even less chance of poison penetrate into breast milk. To do this, he also needs to go through the liver of a nursing mother, and then be able to somehow get directly into the mammary glands. In a normal situation it is excluded, therefore - as during pregnancy - the wasp sting when breastfeeding does not bear any danger to the child.


“We are very lucky with the pediatrician. Such a balanced, generally impenetrable woman. She has experience - for others, five lives is enough. When I was bitten once by a wasp while breastfeeding, I was so disgusted, afraid that I would have to interrupt GW, and this was the third month. I called her, barely afraid to say. She calmed me down so well, she said that there was nothing dangerous in this situation at all, she said that I should calmly go to sleep and not worry about anything. And really, nothing happened. Even despite the fact that the bite was in the shoulder, it seems, not far from the chest. Passed in a week, the little one didn’t even feel anything. ”

Oksana, Moscow


Difficulties in treating wasp bites during pregnancy and HBV

As mentioned above, the vast majority of drugs during pregnancy and breastfeeding are banned - including thosewhich are usually used to eliminate the symptoms that appear after a wasp sting. This is one of the important problems disturbing pregnant and lactating women.

So, if you were bitten by a wasp during pregnancy, you should not use, for example, the following drugs:

  • Aspirin, which usually try to alleviate the pain after a bite and take the temperature, if she suddenly rose;
  • Diphenhydramine, preventing the spread of edema;
  • Advantan - an ointment that is intended to limit the tumor and relieve itching.

Advantan is a hormonal remedy, therefore it is not recommended to use it during pregnancy.


“We once had such a thing that a feeding wasp on nature was bitten by a wasp. As luck would have it, in the very heat it happened, and in the village there was not a single car - everything was in the field. The girl was smashed, her legs swelled, and then there was still a small child, not even for half a year. I was still a little then, I lived in the next house, I was scared. But well, then the ambulance arrived from the district center in half an hour, probably. The doctor looked at it and said that nothing needs to be done, because there can be more trouble with the drugs. And indeed, the very next day, Mommy returned to normal. The bite itself was very large, but the swelling was asleep and the milk was not lost. ”

Tatiana, Art. Kamenskaya

When breastfeeding prohibited the independent use of any antihistamines, including the most "favorite" in such cases Suprastin, Loratadina and Dimedrol.

Many common drugs can not be used during pregnancy.

If these drugs are used in the first trimester of pregnancy, then they can have a mutagenic effect on the developing fetus, and in late terms - lead to premature birth. This means that when a pregnant woman has even the slightest sign of an allergy to a wasp sting, you should go to the hospital as soon as possible.

On a note

In pregnancy, under the strict supervision of a physician, it is permitted to use Suprastin, Fenistil and Zyrtec. However, they are used only in special cases when these drugs are vital for the mother's body.

Means Fenistil-gel.


TOP-3 safe and effective treatments for wasp stings in pregnant and lactating women

If a pregnant woman was bitten by a wasp, in order not to harm the baby, it is best to do without the use of medicines. This rule is also relevant for nursing women.

Nevertheless, the drugs approved for use by future or already real moms are still available:

  • Menovazin - inexpensive and effective ointment to eliminate pain and itching at the site of an insect bite;
  • Paracetamol, recognized by WHO experts as the most harmless anesthetic and anti-inflammatory agent for pregnant women;
  • But-Shpa is also a very famous drug for relieving pain syndromes.

Menovazin can be used to relieve itching.


Before using the drug No-Shpa it is necessary to consult a doctor, because in some cases this tool can cause premature cervical dilatation and, as a result, premature labor.

The above medicines can only be used to eliminate local symptoms. In the event that a wasp has bitten a pregnant or lactating woman, as a result of which a generalized allergic reaction has started to develop, the injured should immediately consult a doctor.

An urgent need to seek medical help is necessary if after the bite of a wasp the state of health continues to deteriorate.


“Do not worry you so much because of this bite. Great trouble, a bump on his arm. My father is a beekeeper, while I lived in the village for the fifth month, I was bitten ten times by both bees and wasps. And nothing. Got sick and gone. I drank Paracetamol and forgot all about these problems. If, after a bite, you were able to turn on the computer, and you could even have a discussion here, then nothing bad will happen to you. Relax.

Inna, Kiev


When a wasp bite is really dangerous

A wasp sting during pregnancy becomes really dangerous when it provokes a general allergic reaction. Such a sting result can be a serious threat to both the fetus and the mother.

Let's define the main symptoms of wasp sting allergy, which should be taken as an alarm:

  • very extensive edema, and both local (on the whole arm or leg), and general, extending to the whole body;
  • urticaria all over the body;
  • shortness of breath, headaches, dizziness;
  • heart palpitations;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • chest pain.

A pronounced allergic reaction in the form of a rash during pregnancy is also a reason to visit a doctor.

If any of these symptoms appear, the pregnant woman should immediately be taken to the hospital, or an “First Aid” should be called for her, be sure to explain to the doctors that the victim of a wasp sting is expecting a child.

In acute allergic reactions, angioedema, anaphylactic shock and even death may occur. However, in less dangerous situations, it should be remembered that a woman is responsible not only for herself and her life, but also for the health of her baby: both allergies and the means by which they usually get rid of can be equally dangerous for him.That is why any appointments here should be made only by a good qualified doctor.

Summing up, it can be said that the bite of a wasp during pregnancy or during breastfeeding for the most part does not represent a serious danger to mother and baby. Nevertheless, these happy periods in the life of a woman require due attention and “supervision” from relatives and doctors in order to have time to react in time if there is a possible threat.


What to do if you are allergic to insect bites


Useful video: the dangerous bites of wasps and hornets (including about anaphylactic shock)

It is also useful to read: What to do if a wasp bitten


To the entry "Bites of wasps during pregnancy: how dangerous it is and what to do?" there is 1 comment
  1. Gulya:

    Yesterday I was bitten by a wasp, and tomorrow the child will make manta, and he is still on GW. What to do?

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