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Application of anise oil for removing lice

Let's see if anise oil will help get rid of lice and nits in the hair ...

Anise oil organically complements the list of some folk remedies for lice, which do not have a pronounced effect on the parasites, but can be used as a supplement to insecticidal preparations, or as a means to prevent lice infection.

Generally speaking, the use of anise oil from lice today is rarely practiced and not always with the only goal is to destroy the parasites:

  • It is believed that the oil also has a healthy effect on the scalp and hair, so many women infected with lice secretly cherish the hope that anise oil will really help from lice, and at the same time make their hair soft and silky.
  • Aniseed oil has a tolerant smell, unlike many pediculicides.
  • The oil is natural and does not contain "chemistry", which today many people are afraid of panic.

In practice, anise oil on lice is about the same as other essential vegetable oils - it only slightly slows down the process of reproduction of parasites, without destroying them and not allowing them to withdraw completely.

Like other essential oils, anise oil can only slightly slow down the process of breeding lice.

It is unlikely that lice can be killed with anise oil alone.

Therefore, apply anise oil against lice rational only in combination with other, more effective means.


Anise oil: all “for” and “against”

So, strictly speaking, anise oil cannot be referred to pediculicides in any way: it does not destroy lice at all, regardless of the stage of development. Of course, it is absolutely useless in the fight against nits, which are often not taken even by powerful modern insecticidal preparations.

Anise oil is ineffective in the fight against nits


  • Anise oil is relatively expensive. A 10-ml bottle of it will cost a lover of sophisticated lice control at about 75 rubles.Anise oil, 10 ml
  • At the same time, it is more difficult to get anise oil than similar to it in low efficiency and also smelling like lavender oil or tea tree oil.Lavender oil to mitigate the smell of pediculicides is usually easier to get than aniseed

But in other way:

  • With a certain approach, anise oil can be used as a prophylactic agent against lice.
  • Anise oil is almost harmless and does not cause unpleasant side effects.
  • And finally, anise oil is indeed to some extent able to heal the skin, and allows you to quickly eliminate the effects lice bitesand skin irritations with pediculicides.

It is scientifically proven that anise oil has certain antiseptic properties and is capable of suppressing the development of bacteria and fungi. However, no serious experiments and studies confirming its effectiveness against lice have been conducted.

Anise oil has a certain antiseptic effect, that is, it kills bacteria (but not lice)

However, anise oil is used as a component of one of the fairly well-known lice products - Pediculen Ultra Spray. Yes, and when independent removing lice You can also use it, but you need to do it right.


Terms of use of anise oil against lice

It is believed that to remove lice, pure undiluted anise oil should be applied to the hair and rubbed into the scalp, then held for 1-3 hours and rinsed thoroughly. Surprisingly, folk healers claim that in this way lice are completely destroyed.

In addition, anise oil is recommended to be added to shampoos with regular hair washing.

You can often find recommendations to add anis oil to shampoo for washing hair.

It is unlikely that such a shampoo will destroy lice, but it will be pleasant to smell

This approach, perhaps, will really reduce the risk of lice infestation for still clean hair (the smell of essential oil will scare off parasites), but it is unlikely to be able to kill lice in this way.


Double effect on hair

The popularity of anise oil, as a means of lice, among people is due to the fact that this substance is widely used in cosmetology and cosmetic medicine for skin care, in order to support hair growth and normalize the condition of problem areas of the skin. Pediculosis in this context is considered not as a parasitic disease, but as a skin disease with constant itching, spots, scratches and rashes.

Anise oil is useless against the lice themselves, but can help to eliminate itching and ulcers on the skin after biting.

It is with them and anise oil struggling. Of course, such an approach in most cases does not produce the desired result: in the treatment of a disease, it is necessary to eliminate, first of all, the cause of it, and then the effect. The reason in this case is lice, and just as they suffer from anise oil the least.

Head louse photography close up

However, if anise oil is used in tandem with another pediculicidal drug, it:

  1. It may, to some extent, smooth out possible side effects on the skin from the action of the preparation itself.
  2. Allows you to accelerate the healing of excoriation and rash from bites from lice.

This alone makes it possible to recommend anise oil for use during lice control, but not to use it as the sole or main agent.


“If the lice pester, but they do not appear immediately and torment them with bites, you can smear your head with anise oil. It is believed that the lice themselves are dying from it, but I did not notice it. But bites and irritations from them with this oil heal much faster. It is good to use it also with other lice products - even different shampoos for parasites can cause irritation. Oil just removes these irritations. ”

Olga, Moscow

The most reasonable way to choose for the destruction of pediculicidal shampoo lice - Parasidosis, Pedilin, NOC or spray - Nyuda, ParaPlus.

Pediculicidal shampoo Pedilin

You can use the cream - for example, Knicks or Nittifor. After treatment of the head or other hairy part of the body, anise oil can be applied to the skin and hair to improve skin condition.

On a note

Wash away anise oil from hair can be a daunting task. However, practice has shown that 3-4 headwashing with a good shampoo allows you to completely wash the product out of the hair.

Also effective will be the use of anise oil in combination with combs from lice.

Anti-comb Combs for Lice

To use anise oil in a complex with a comb, you need to apply it to wet hair and start combing

This method of combating parasites is extremely safe and provides a quick cure for infected skin. Optimally, again, first thoroughly comb wet hair, then apply oil on it and on the skin, soak for about an hour and rinse. It is important to repeat this procedure daily until complete removal of the parasites (usually it takes about a week).


Anise oil and alcohol: "nuclear" strike on lice

If we are talking about tandems, we can not fail to mention the use of anise oil with alcohol, which also became a folk remedy for a long time when getting rid of lice. It is believed that even a homemade solution of 50 grams of alcohol and 30 drops of oil will already provide a pediculicidal effect, and special products with a similar composition are particularly effective.

In combination with alcohol, anise oil may show some pediculicidal effect.

To prepare a mixture against lice you need to take 50 grams. alcohol and 30 drops of anise oil

So, Pediculen Ultra, which contains anise oil (6%) and ethyl alcohol (78%), is very popular as a remedy for lice spray. The actual pediculicidal component in this preparation is alcohol - it is really kills lice. And already anise oil provides a positive effect on the skin and mitigate the irritant effect of alcohol.

Anise oil in the composition of the spray Pedikulen Ultra helps to mitigate the harmful effects of alcohol on the skin


“We are only Pedikulen Ultra and helped. The son brought lice from the garden, and while we found them, he infected the whole family. They poisoned Medifox, Para-Plus and even kerosene, once strongly burned her head (which is generally sensitive to any chemistry) to her husband, but finally they were overcome only by Pedikulen. A good remedy, generally does not cause any side effects, brought lice at a time. "

Marianna, Astrakhan

In addition to alleviating the symptoms of pediculosis, anise oil can be used as a prophylactic agent against lice infestation. If you regularly add a few drops of it to the shampoo, and before going to public places to oil the whiskey and the skin behind the ears, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of infection with lice - the parasites will not crawl onto the clothes or skin of a person treated in this way. The same measures are quite applicable for children in kindergartens - they should be protected from lice especially carefully.

Be healthy!


Where do lice come from and how to get rid of a child


How To Use AntiV Comb Against Lice


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