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Review of drugs and drugs for removing lice and nits

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Today, there are many drugs for lice and nits, but not all of them are equally effective and safe for humans ...

It usually turns out that the need for a medicine for lice and nits arises suddenly: as soon as lice are found in one of the family members, they immediately try to process something as soon as possible (and sometimes they treat it with some kind of kerosene and vinegar). , even hydrogen peroxide is used).

Few people realize at least call the nearest pharmacy and ask what kind of drugs for lice exist. Moreover, it is not easy to get a phone call to the pharmacy, because pharmacists are unlikely to answer you right away, because perhaps they have some other business besides rushing headlong to every phone call. And if you already show the wonders of patience and still get through there, then you will probably be called at least ten names of medicines for lice.

However, in such a rush it is easy to forget that not all preparations are equally effective and safe to use.Therefore, it is useful to get acquainted at least with the main types of lice products, which we will do next.

Not all drugs that effectively treat lice are safe for health.

So, when choosing a medicine for lice and nits, first of all you need to pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • safety of use - a lice medicine should not cause serious side effects;
  • effectiveness - at a minimum, the drug should kill adult lice, and in the optimal case, nits;
  • accessibility - to be available in pharmacies and stores and not too expensive;
  • usability

It is due to the fact that it is rare to combine all these qualities “in one bottle” that lice preparations multiply on the market like mushrooms after rain. Some of them are safe, but do not give the desired effect, others are very powerful, but cause severe allergic irritation on the skin. Still others are both effective and safe, but they require a lot of time and effort.

Some drugs have too little effect on lice, while others are very toxic to humans.


As a result, usually when choosing the best medicine. for removing lice always have to sacrifice something.

Immediately, we note: further in the article it is considered chemicals against lice and nits.Compared with pediculicidal combs, such preparations are simpler to use and allow you to get rid of lice and nits in one, or in two or three doses, and do not require constant multi-day combing.


Lice Shampoos

In general, pediculicidal shampoos are quite effective preparations against lice and, perhaps, of all similar agents, the most convenient to use. They are applied on the head in the same way as regular cosmetic shampoos, and after the formation of the foam they are kept for some time (different, depending on the specific drug, usually about half an hour).

Pediculicidal shampoos - one of the most convenient in the use of drugs for lice.

These shampoos are easily washed off, usually either have no smell, or are flavored with special fragrances. Of these, the following are best known:

  1. Pedilin is a drug for nits and lice based on the insecticide Malathion. One of the advantages is the ovicidal effect - shampoo successfully poisons not only adult parasites, but also kills embryos in nits. Not suitable for children under two years of age., and in adults, if ingested significant amounts can cause cyanosis, allergies, nausea, vomiting and muscle cramps (it sounds scary, but in reality you have to drink at least a bottle of shampoo). Pedilin is good as a cure for pubic lice.The price for it is about 250 rubles per 100 ml bottle.Pedilin works on both lice and nits
  2. Parasidosis - shampoo based on phenotrin, sold complete with a comb, which is convenient to comb out poisonous lice. The drug may cause allergies and is not recommended for children under 2.5 years of age. As a medicine against lice, Parasidosis is applied twice with an interval of one day: applied on the head for 5-10 minutes, after which it is washed off. Sold in bottles of 60 and 100 ml, the latter costs about 300 rubles.Conveniently, complete with Parasidosis immediately comes a comb for combing parasites.
  3. NOC shampoo is also a fairly effective permethrin-based lice medicine. It is widely used in special receivers. The price of a 50 ml bottle is about 75 rubles.
  4. Shampoo LiceGuard - suitable not only for lice, but also as a cure for nits. Its main component softens the gluey secret, which nits are attached to the hair. After applying the shampoo head must be carefully comb comb. 120 ml of LiceGuard shampoo cost about 800 rubles.LiceGuard shampoo can hardly be called an effective remedy for lice, but it weakens the attachment of nits to the hair, which makes it easier to comb.

That shampoo is most often used for removing lice in children of school age. However, they are not the safest drugs for head lice, yielding some sprays by this criterion.


Pediculicidal Sprays

Lice sprays are good because some of them do not contain insecticides at all, but they effectively kill the lice.

Many lice sprays are quite effective against parasites, and some of them do not contain insecticides at all.
For example:

  1. The drug against lice Nyuda acts due to Dimeticon (liquid silicone), which clogs the respiratory tract of parasites. The same Dimethicone in other medications is used as a remedy against flatulence and to improve skin condition. Here it is applied to dry hair until it is fully moisturized, then after 45 minutes, the hair is combed with the comb included in the kit, and the product is washed off. Spray Now here is widely used as a medicine for lice for children, but is generally contraindicated for use for children under 3 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. The price is about 350 rubles for a 50-ml bottle.There are no insecticides in the spray of lice. Only dimethicone.
  2. Paranit lice spray also contains Dimethicone and mineral oil, suitable as a lice product for children. In general, Paranit is a good remedy for lice, but it doesn’t help against nits at all, which is why a week or two after the first treatment the treatment must be repeated (to destroy the larvae that will emerge from the surviving nits by then).Paranit spray is a good cure for adult lice, but it almost doesn’t work on nits.

On a note

The specificity of Paranita and Nudes is that Dimethicone is a hydrophobic substance and is not soluble in water.Judging by the reviews, many parents complain that Paranit is very hard to wash off.

  1. Pediculen Ultra contains anise oil, which is considered a good cure for lice. However, the drug is not recommended for use in children under 5 years.Preparation for removing lice Pediculen Ultra
  2. A-Par: in many reviews - almost the most effective drug for laundry lice. But it can not be applied to the body, because it is intended only for the treatment of premises, furniture and clothing. If you violate the instructions can cause poisoning and hallucinations.A-Par - a cure for underwear lice


“I didn’t know what kind of pubic lice medicine I needed to buy, which on clothing. Bought A-Par, processed, well, in short, I covered. At first sick, then hallucinations began, two days in some astral was. True, the lice in the end was gone. A good preparation for nits - everything that was was brought out. True, I do not recommend it to repeat. "

Maxim, Barnaul

In general, it is among the sprays that you should look for a tool that would suit the most fastidious user who is afraid of "any toxic chemistry."


Creams and their application

Creams for lice nothing special among other funds are not allocated. Often they use the same insecticides that are used in pediculicidal shampoos.

For example, Knicks cream is considered to be a very effective, but very rich in various side effects of the drug.

With sufficient effectiveness, the Knicks drug has a number of side effects.

The preparation for lice Knicks is not recommended for children under the age of 2 years, pregnant and lactating women. It is applied to dry hair along the entire length, washed off after 10 minutes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated in a week.


“We could not decide for a long time, we took what was - a medicine for louse Knicks. Otherwise they would not have taken to the hospital. Nits, he does not kill lice die. It was necessary almost to scratch around the clock with a comb after one time was smeared with Nix. But in three days everything disappeared, which was, even after a week it did not have to be processed a second time. ”

Tatiana, Kamenetz-Podolsk

You can also pay attention to the benzyl benzoate lice in the form of a cream - also quite effective, although somewhat outdated.


Concentrates: Pros and Cons

These funds are concentrated solutions of insecticidal preparations. Effective enough against all types of lice, but most often used as drugs for pubic lice.

Pubic lice on the body

Pediculicidal preparations in the form of concentrates are most often used against pubic lice.

Among pediculicide concentrates, Medifox and Avicin are particularly popular among doctors and disinsectors in special receivers.The first is dissolved in a concentration of a third of a bottle per 100 ml of water, and the second - 10 ml per 1 liter, after which infected places are treated with the prepared solution.

Medfox is a serious medicine for lice, and it is used mainly in special facilities.

These same preparations for lice allow you to remove parasites and clothing. Not recommended for use in children and pregnant women, but they allow to dilute the initial solution in any concentration, which is convenient.


“Use Medifoks only according to the instructions - this is still a drug for lice, and not cologne. I watered the causal spot right from the bottle, then with allergies I sprinkled everything from my knees to my chest. But the lice disappeared immediately. Powerful stuff.

Pavel, Nizhny Novgorod


Folk lice medicine

Folk remedies for lice are generally considered the least effective and most dangerous to use.

The most famous among them are the following:

  • Kerosene, poisoning lice, softening the shell of nits, but can lead to serious skin burns.Kerosene can soften the shell of nits, but can also cause skin burns.
  • Vinegar with a similar kerosene action.Vinegar, like kerosene, can weaken the attachment of nits to the hair.
  • Hydrogen peroxide, which, in addition to the extermination of lice, bleaches the hair and can severely burn the skin.When applying hydrogen peroxide as a medicine for lice, you need to remember about its harm to hair.
  • Chemerichnaya waterthat kills lice, but rather toxic if accidentally released into the digestive tract.Such a drug for lice, as proameric water, can cause serious poisoning in humans if ingested.
  • Cranberry juice, effectively softening the shell of nits.Cranberry juice is a natural folk remedy for lice and nits in the hair.

In addition to these remedies, traditional healers often advise using lice broths and tinctures of wormwood and tansy, essential oils of various plants such as lavender and aniseed seed. But such drugs in practice in most cases do not allow to get rid of lice, but only protect against infection with new parasites.


“When our daughter from school brought us this filth, we did not look for pills for lice, but in the old manner we poured kerosene on our head and covered it with a bag. After 15 minutes, the daughter began to complain that she was baking. I quickly removed the bag, washed her hair, combed it. God, how many parasites were there! The whole bathroom was in them. A little behind the ears of the child was red, but two days had passed. And in other children I saw such burns made with kerosene, that it was better to buy some kind of shampoo. ”

Anna, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky

There are cases of ignition of kerosene on the hair of children when working with it near sources of open flame.

Choosing which medicine for lice is better, more effective and safer, you should definitely remember about bald baldness. To combat pubic lice, it is especially convenient: precisely because of the fashion for shaved pubes, today in the entire civilized world, the pubic louse is rapidly disappearing.And if there is such an opportunity, there is a reason to remove all hair in half an hour, let the skin breathe for several weeks and at the same time get rid of parasites.


Useful video: choose a drug for removing lice in a child


Mother accidentally set fire to her daughter when she brought out lice with kerosene


On the effectiveness of using a special comb in combination with preparations for lice


To write "Review of drugs and preparations for removing lice and nits" 5 comments
  1. Dina:

    And I do not agree on the fact that Paranit nits does not remove. If it is a shampoo, then there is yes - here it is necessary after the first application it is necessary to wash their head again after a week. But so any shampoo from head lice any firms act. But if you use the lotion Paranite, then the first time and lice and nits perfectly removes. Itself was convinced of it.

  2. Yura:

    Thank you very much!

  3. Ilona:

    Spasibki ☺

  4. Mitya:

    As a child, I once acquired “cheerful friends” in a pioneer camp. True, although he was in taking the honey control (for scabies and pediculosis), but apparently not so careful ...

    Cured mom - treating the head with pollen water. It took only one treatment. They write that "quite toxic if accidentally released into the digestive tract." Well, so her hair needs to be processed, but not to drink ... And what, other anti-pediculos lotions, shampoos and sprays - swallow your health? 🙂

  5. Daria:

    She laughed when she found out that you can call a specially trained person who will bring lice and nits for you from your child. What kind of profession is this? And what is it called? I just do not quite understand the relevance of such work, if there are effective means of lice. For 10-15 minutes you can do everything. Then why do I need this person with professional skills? )

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