Site about the fight against domestic insects

Head lice

Body lice: features of their appearance and lifestyle
Body lice: features of their appearance and lifestyle

Body lice among all types of lice are perhaps the main heralds of unsanitary conditions and skin diseases. In addition, they are carriers of very dangerous infectious diseases, and therefore everyone should know them “by sight” and be ready for quick extermination. Let's take a look at how these parasites look in the photo, what are the features of their biology and how to deal with body lice ...

If a child has lice: what's important to know and how to properly treat
If a child has lice: what's important to know and how to properly treat

Lice in a child - a very unpleasant phenomenon, but temporary. They have learned to treat such infections for a long time, and today, if you wish, you can get lice out in just a few hours. To do this, you only need to choose the right method and means of treatment, and in passing - not to listen to well-wishers recommending the use of outdated and ineffective means.

What appear lice in terms of people's will
What appear lice in terms of people's will

With the advent of head lice in the people bind a lot of signs.As much as lice are unpleasant for humans and frighten him, so are the negative and signs associated with these insects. However, in some cases, lice on the head can foreshadow good changes. Here, much depends on the context, and therefore in order to correctly interpret the appearance of parasites, one must be well versed in popular beliefs and take into account important nuances.

Benzyl Benzoate Use for Lice Removal
Benzyl Benzoate Use for Lice Removal

Although benzyl benzoate is rarely prescribed today by doctors to combat head lice, however, this remedy still remains quite popular among the people because of its effectiveness against lice. Let's see what else he has advantages and what side effects from this tool can be expected.

Can lice appear on nerves?
Can lice appear on nerves?

Many people still believe that head lice can appear on the nerves of literally from nowhere. It is necessary to immediately understand whether this is true or fiction, in order to always know in the future where and how lice can actually be infected.

Details about bed lice
Details about bed lice

Bed lice (more precisely, linen or clothes) - a phenomenon, though rare, but rather terrible for every lover of cleanliness and restful sleep.In order to avoid even the appearance of bed lice in the house, and even more so - their bites and troublesome struggle, it is necessary to have a good understanding of the habits of these parasites and the characteristics of their behavior. It would seem that simple mistakes and lead to the fact that a place for rest turns into a real torture chamber ...

How to get rid of lice underwear
How to get rid of lice underwear

Linen lice are always unexpected and as if from the sky a fallen trouble. Moreover, practice shows that forced owners of lice often cannot reliably distinguish them from other skin parasites. But even then, when there is a laundry louse before your eyes, you also need to know what measures should be taken first of all in order to be able to get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood.

Details about lice in humans
Details about lice in humans

Human lice are scientifically interesting parasites, with many qualities that stand out among other arthropods that bother a person with their bites. Accordingly, lice require a special approach to combating them and the observance of special measures to prevent infection. In order to be able to take the right measures in time and get rid of lice as soon as possible, let's get acquainted with the features of their biology and parasitic lifestyle.

Linen lice bites
Linen lice bites

Linen lice are among the most inconspicuous parasites, and it’s not always possible to clearly identify their bites to the unsophisticated victim. But one has only to ignore a few red spots on the body and be late with emergency measures of control, as there is a risk of rapid reproduction of lice, development of lice and infection of parasites around. Therefore, everyone must be able to recognize the symptoms of underwear lice bites.

What causes head lice
What causes head lice

Lice never appear just like that, and finding them on the head is in most cases a consequence of communicating with not the greatest lovers of cleanliness and hygiene. As in the case of any disease, it is always easier and more effective to prevent the appearance of lice than to get rid of them later. To prevent lice infection, you need to know well where they come from and how they appear, which we will talk about later.



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Bed bugs

