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Can lice appear on nerves?

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Are lice able to appear in humans from nerves? Let's understand

Only from the nerves, without other reasons and infection from other people, lice on the head can not appear. Existing ideas that the eggs or the lice themselves doze in the scalp while the person is calm, and they begin to tinker and itch only with nervous agitation, are pseudoscientific myths, illogical and not confirmed by any research.

Nevertheless, speculation about how lice appear on nerves is widespread, not only in provincial areas, but also among the urban, well-educated population. To treat this as a relic of popular beliefs.

However, the idea of ​​whether lice can appear on the nerves of the soil, in some ways even has a connection with science.

Even today, the version that lice appear on the nerves of the soil is very common among the people


I never understood when my grandmother told me where do head lice come from on nerves.No matter how nervous a person is, louses themselves are insects, and they simply will not appear. But that is exactly what happened at the university. I broke up with my beloved, with scandal and tears, I was very worried, I started my studies, and it began. My whole head was scratched, I sinned for allergies, I could not sleep, and then I began to find nits. A couple of times on the pillow found the lice themselves, and I had to go to my parents for a week to poison this filth with kerosene. Now I understand that head lice from stress is quite real.

Alena, Mirgorod


How do lice actually appear on the head?

Specialists, parasitologists have long figured out how lice appear on the head and other parts of the body. The only way to get a louse on a person’s head or body is through a direct transfer from another person. Typically, such infection occurs when close communication, kisses, hugs, sexual acts, games, fight.

Lice can get on the head through direct contact with an infected person or through general hygiene items.

It is also possible to transfer lice through hygiene and hair care products - combs, towels, hair ties, hairpins. However, this method is more rare and significant role in the spread of lice does not play.

On a note

Pubic lice can also be transmitted in standing waters by water. - All lice are resistant to hypoxia and do not die in water for two days.There have been cases of infecting children with pubic lice in India when bathing on public beaches of rivers in poor areas.

Hanging lice, which spend most of their lives on clothes and underwear, can be distributed with these clothes, provided that several people wear clothes. Even a head louse can be transmitted through fur hats.

Head louse may well migrate to your head with someone else's caps.

The clothes louse lives on clothes which can become a source of infection.

There is an opinion that is not rejected by scientists that a person in a state of emotional arousal is more attractive to lice. These parasites are oriented primarily on the smells, and the sweat glands work more actively in a nervous person and he publishes a stronger and stronger odor.

However, given the inactivity of lice and their inability to fly, their reaction to the smell of a nervous person can only be explained by transferring them from one host to another, but by no means a spontaneous appearance. Therefore, even if the dependence of probability lice transmission nerves and there is, then the distribution of these parasites, it affects very little.

The main folk theory about whether lice can get on the nerve soil, is based on the following provisions:

  • in a calm person, lice and their eggs are dormant in the head, not showing themselves.
  • Lice from stress appear, reacting either to thoughts in the head, or to persistent sweating, and immediately after they appear they begin to actively feed and bite a person.

According to folk theory, lice and their eggs are dormant in the head of a calm person for the time being.

Illogical in such a theory a lot.

Firstly, it does not explain how the lice initially appear in the head and where they come from on the basis of nerves. After all, they are not transmitted by inheritance, and if they are transferred from another person - why stop for a while?

Secondly, today it is known that lice cannot starve for more than a few days. Accordingly, sleeping them in your head for long years is a scientific nonsense.

And, finally, it is unclear how a nervous person turns out to be so much more attractive source of food than a calm one, that at the last one lice cannot even actively eat.

On a note

This theory has several options. Among them is the appearance of a bump on the head, in which lice are swarming. Allegedly, even photos of such cones are available. This is also fiction: head lice cannot settle under the skin of a person. However, often another parasite - subcutaneous mites are confused with subcutaneous lice.

Although lice cannot settle under the skin, they can cause bites and irritations.

Often, subcutaneous lice are called completely different parasites - scab mites

It is obvious that such theories are peculiar atavisms of the national picture of the world, which are gradually becoming obsolete.However, because of their existence, many people use the wrong ways to combat parasites and even contribute to their spread.


Stress Lice: Is It Lice?

Another answer to the question of whether lice appear from nerves lies in a completely different plane: lice from stress are not lice at all, but ordinary allergies or dermatitis on nerves.

Indeed, the appearance of lice in the nervous system can easily be confused with signs of any skin disease on the head, which gives off an itch. For example, psoriasis is characterized by itching with a wave-like intensity of manifestation. Most of all, he gives himself precisely in moments of emotional arousal. And before an experienced dermatologist accurately diagnoses the disease itself, the patient may feel that he has lice on the nerves of the soil.

Symptoms of skin disease of psoriasis may well occur on the background of strong experiences.

Dermatitis may also appear on the nerves of the soil, and lice have not the slightest relation to them.

Sometimes scabies can be taken for the appearance of lice on the nerve soil, the causative agent of which is not lice at all, but mites. True, scabies are more often localized on the hands and on the body, but mites can also settle on the head. Here they also live in the skin itself, not showing themselves outside and causing severe itching during their movements.Of course, scabies also do not appear from the nerves.

It is possible to distinguish scabies from lice (infection with lice) by the appearance of itching on that part of the body that is not covered by hair, as well as by the absence of nits on the hair and visible points of bites.

The photo below shows traces of the presence of lice - it does not matter, scratching around bites or just from itching on the nerves:

Traces of lice bites

In another photo - the hand of a person infected with a scabies mite:

In the photo - manifestations of scabies on the skin of the hand

However, finding out whether lice can be from nerves, or not, is not enough for a person already suffering from them. He needs specific instructions for action.


How to be treated when infected with lice?

Whatever the reasons for the appearance of lice - on the nerves of the soil or, indeed, through transmission from another person - should be treated immediately.

In particularly advanced cases, the scalp, bitten and itchy, can be treated with soothing balms or lotions. But first of all, infection with lice requires the destruction of the parasites themselves. If they disappear, the signs of the disease will disappear.

Fighting head lice quite troublesome, but not difficult. Previously, an infected person’s head was treated with kerosene and a package was put on it for several hours. Lice died from it.Today, for these purposes, use special shampoos with poisons from lice, toxic to insects, but harmless to humans.

Pedilin shampoo is successfully used to kill lice.

Special anti-lice combs are also quite effective, which combed both adult insects and nits. However, if using kerosene or insecticidal shampoo, you can get rid of lice in a few hours, then you will have to tinker with the comb for several days.

AntiV Lice Comb

To combat pubic lice use special ointments and shampoos. In all cases of lice control, shaving of the scalp is a rather effective measure, especially in summer, when the head is exposed to active radiation from the sun.


Some more myths about lice

The myth of how lice appear from nerves is not the only one associated with these parasites. There are several quite tenacious beliefs in which a large number of people believe more readily than in facts proved by biologists. For example, many are convinced that lice and nits are different insects. In fact, nits are lice eggs in special shells.

Nits lice on the hair

Photo nits under an electron microscope

Proving whether there are lice from the nerves, some experts convincingly explain that lice appear from the dirt on the head itself or in the house.These theories are close to those that professed back in ancient Greece, and today science convincingly proves that lice cannot spawn out of the mud.

There is even a theory that lice are peculiar cancer cells that can appear on the nervous system in the body and die only with the death of the host. This tale is as ridiculous as it is terrible. And finally, very popular among the people conspiracy against lice. Many healers are convinced that special spells will be enough to save a sick person from parasites. Obviously, no matter where the lice on the body or head appear, it will be impossible to chase them away with spells alone.


Some myths about lice, as well as features of the fight against these parasites


To the recording "Can lice appear on nerves?" 35 comments
  1. Arina Mazur:

    Lice can appear with nerves. Anaesthesiologists always warn about this, that after surgery lice may appear because people are nervous.

    • Alina:

      Not. Can not.

    • Darkness:

      Mdaaaaa ... It’s as if a person originated somewhere in the forest because of the stress of the planet because of wars ...

  2. Anonymous:

    From the nerves - yes it can, but they often appear in a person whose head sweats.

  3. Alyona:

    Thanks for the well-presented information. I have been looking for a long time how to convince people that lice are not formed from the air and cannot be conjured or frustrated. Although I have the idea that people who have not seen nits, they confuse them with hair that fell to the root, taking the bright root for nits, becausemany say that they themselves disappeared after the person calmed down (combed, removed damaged hair and all). I will not argue with anyone, it's just a guess)

  4. Natalia:

    Lice on the nerve soil are. She did not believe. When problems started in the family and there was no one to tell, that's when the first signs got. At first, it was just that my head was scratching, and then I removed a white louse from an eyebrow - it hung on a hair. In front of the mirror, she began to rake hair strands and pulled out a few pieces. And all were white and transparent belly. Could not withdraw. Bought an expensive spray, but no use. She calmed down a bit and her head stopped scratching. And the lice are gone. The second wave of problems - and again white and small, two pieces. And the most interesting thing is that there is no nits.

  5. Anna:

    People, are you out of your mind? Lice from the nerves ... It's the same thing as worms from the nerves, or syphilis from the nerves. You need to be someone to think that pediculosis can be earned by stress ... We don't live in the Stone Age, gentlemen!

  6. Tanya:

    Lord, even after the article, people manage to continue to blunt! I can not stand when they carry a similar heresy. Well, no them under the skin, no!

    • Anonymous:

      Before recall write your education. Depending on this, the answer will be - who has nerves, and who is parasites. These are insects! They do not start up either from nerves, or from anger, nor from joy! These are animated objects. They can not from the air to acquire the shape of an insect, if you are nervous. Reviews can not be read. It’s as if half of the people who write here are aliens, or savages of a thumba-yumba in general. Primary knowledge in biology and medicine, probably, after all, you want it or not, but it pours into your ears. Or it seems to me that way.

  7. Catherine:

    Yes, ahaha. Today, three adult women assured me that lice live with us all their lives, and when they die, they flee from a man like "rats from a ship."

    • Victoria:

      Did you ask the pathologist? What so confidently say. So I will tell you, my familiar man works there, he says, from the body not only white lice come out, but also parasites of every kind. If you do not believe that a louse can start by itself, then try to wash your hair every time and, without drying your hair, turn it into a crochet each time. You will have them too.Just, again, convince yourself that they brought from the street))

  8. Julia:

    But I was lucky at all. Daughter dragged this infection, she was taken out, and I'm pregnant. All this is now with me. Shampoos do not help. Sprays too. The horror ... the hunt for a wall to climb. I think hair dye. Today, already flea shampoo for animals washed. The most interesting thing is that I practically have no nits.

  9. Anonymous:

    She left with her child to visit her grandmother without a husband. Very sad and nervous without him. There was an itch from nowhere. We look, and there are small white lice (not like I had in my childhood, but dark big ones). Neither the child nor the grandmother with long hair, who slept with us, did not have them ... Not a single remedy helped from the pharmacy. We arrived home and everything went away. HOW and WHY? Unclear…

  10. Anonymous:

    And where did life appear on the planet?

  11. Nikolai:

    He served in the Northern Fleet, 19 years old. In connection with the anniversary (hazing) was a terrible stress. Itching. Found large transparent lice, hiding in the folds of linen. After 2-3 days disappeared.In the Navy - perfect cleanliness! NEVER they take. It was only from the nerves. Denial is nonsense. I'm 56 years old, I'm not lying.

  12. Elena, 27 years old:

    One familiar louse does not appear all his life. She is 56, she lives with her children and grandchildren, not one has, but she has a full head.

    • Tatyana:

      Oh, I have this situation: I took a foster girl, but we can't bring out the lice. All Moscow epidemiology traveled.

  13. Helena:

    Nonsense, complete nonsense! Never in my life will I believe that the lice from the nerves, how much in my life I experienced and was nervous, even if I saw one. We still live in society, you can easily get infected ...

    • Anonymous:

      Lice appear from the nerves, I assure you! I am alone for 10 days at home, I do not communicate with anyone alive, just by phone ... WHERE can they come from ?!

    • Alina:

      Everyone has a different organism!

  14. Anonymous:

    The head was scratched for several days, and today I found a small transparent louse. Started to comb out, found some more. I checked my daughter with long hair: no, and there are no nits. Where do you think they come from?

  15. Nadia:

    So you also wrote in black and white that you could get infected in public places. And my daughter did not pick up - rejoice.And you, maybe, in transport were close with lousy, but you never know where.

    Here I am already two days struggling with my daughter's head lice. I read about the life cycle of lice. I will smear every 2-3 days so that the hatched, immature lice die. We are not in a neglected form, thank God. 4 lice were caught, no longer found. The last time I had her 4 years ago, trimmed bald. Three months struggled - and spat. But she was not even three years old.

  16. Anonymous:

    I am constantly nervous and I have lice appear, I am already tired ...

    • Anonymous:

      Lice appear from nerves and stress! I don’t know how it can be explained logically, she is perplexed, but it was after the death of my grandmother, after the divorce of my parents and during the fighting that I suddenly had single lice without nits! Not closely contacted anyone, but there were terrible stress ... It's true.

  17. Marina:

    Where did this article on my head, decided to read before bedtime, now the whole head itches from your stories and photos. Conclusion: Mommies, girls, women and men, take care of yourself. Stop hysteria and make trouble, calm down and take care of your health. It is best to live right, and no lice will get you.

  18. Svetlana:

    I will not argue that lice live under the skin, but she herself experienced this muck when she was preparing in her youth for Gosam to enter the university, and then my wedding. The hair was long and the lice were of a completely different shape, and not as shown in the photo under a microscope. I had to take them out with a blonde computer, since he was in the stores at that time. And my mother was clean, what to look for, lay in the hospital, waited for the operation, and she also had a full head lice before the operation - where did they come from?

  19. Victoria:

    And to my mother in my childhood, the doctor herself said: your daughter’s head is a breeding ground for lice! And how many I had them - I really do not remember. Lived in a hostel when she studied at the college. As they appeared, they themselves have disappeared.

  20. Helena:

    And for three years my daughter has had head lice in May before she left school. All three years of school ends with great hatred, although she studies well, but she has not found a common language with classmates.

  21. Taras:

    I remember arguing with one person to the blue in the face - I mocked him and drove him to the point that he stopped communicating with me at all. He said that his mother works in a hospital and claims that lice come from the nerves. It seemed funny to me.

    But after all, a well-known thing - under the skin of almost any person in the hair follicles live special mites. They are very similar to lice in their shape. Considering how many people say that lice didn’t come from their nerves, it’s logical to make an assumption that some kind of hormone can be released on the nervous system, which leads to a change in the behavior of these ticks - they become larger in size and climb to the surface skin. What is impossible here? IMHO, this is the most reasonable explanation.

  22. Love:

    never believed it. But recently my husband disappeared under unknown circumstances. We can not find, after I lose my job, then they try to accuse me of killing my husband and hiding the body. In general, a nightmare. Stress is terrible. The head began to itch, the result - a full head lice, although my daughter is clean. Question: from where?

  23. Aliya:

    How many we have, it turns out, people who are not burdened with intelligence ... What lice from the nerves! School biology program read. No wonder they say that Russia has two misfortunes: fools and roads. Okay, my 93-year-old grandmother convinced me that lice can come from dirt and mental illness, but when today my boss convinced me about this - tryndets! Learn, learn and learn! As Lenin bequeathed))

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