Site about the fight against domestic insects

Ants in the apartment

Anti-anthid DETA
Anti-anthid DETA

DEET - one of the most famous repellents from various insect parasites. This substance is used in the composition of most sprays and gels for external application to the skin and protection against blood-sucking insects. On the basis of DETA began to produce a large amount of funds against domestic pests, including - and ants. How effective are these products and should they be used in everyday life?

Home Ant's Uterus
Home Ant's Uterus

The home ant's womb is the heart of the whole colony. While she is alive, there will be an anthill. But the peculiarity of household ants is that even after destroying the uterus, one cannot be completely sure that the colony will die. So what are these uterus, and what is special about them?

Effective poison for ants in the apartment
Effective poison for ants in the apartment

There is a lot of poison from domestic ants on the market, and many of them are quite effective. But in each case, and for each user, the best tool will be a particular drug or prescription.About that, from what and how to choose the remedy for domestic ants and will be discussed.

The use of boric acid from ants in the apartment
The use of boric acid from ants in the apartment

Boric acid, in spite of its availability and cheapness, is not inferior in efficiency against ants to the most powerful and expensive modern insecticides. Its main feature is in a certain complexity of application. With its addition, you need to prepare special bait, which the ants still need to feed and get them to drag in the anthill.



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