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Anti-anthid DETA

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DEET - one of the most famous means to combat ants

Developed for the needs of the American army as early as the distant 40s of the last century, diethyltoluamide (abbreviated as DETA), after testing its efficiency and, most importantly - safety for humans, began to be actively used not only for military purposes, but also for the protection of civilians. It was used by hunters, fishermen, farmers, residents of the northern and taiga regions. And later, just the owners of the houses began to try to apply DETA from ants, cockroaches and other harmful insects in their homes.

And, as it turned out, quite successfully - DEET possesses not only deterring, but also insecticidal, toxic properties. And with the proper treatment of the room, the anti-anta drug DEET will help get rid of these pests in a relatively short time.

Diethyltoluamide (DEET)


“Everyone is running around with these battles and raids.And I took a simple pshikalku from mosquitoes with death and sprinkled it in the cracks in the basement, where the ants crawl. So from there they stopped showing up at all. Means of this we have the sea, it costs a penny, so I regularly walk with him around the perimeter of the basement once a week and more ants in the house not".

Sergey, Vologda


DETA properties

Earlier, during the years of release and release of DETA on the market, it was believed that this drug blocks the transmission of nerve impulses in the olfactory receptors of blood-sicking insects. Simply put, the insect loses its “scent” and does not perceive the body treated with a substance as a source of food.

It is clear that with this approach, the drug from the ant DETA could not be effective. After all, it does not scare away insects and does not prevent them from collecting food, although it does slightly hinder orientation in space: ants use the sense of smell as much as sight.

In reality, DETA affects the olfactory receptors of insects.

However, more recent studies have shown that the previous hypothesis about the mechanism of action of the drug was incorrect. DEET is actually an annoying effect on the olfactory receptors of insects. In the laboratories, even proteins were found in mosquito antennas that react with DETA molecules and then transmit powerful impulses to the central nervous system of the insect.

On a note

As it turned out even later, DEET effectively frightens off not only insects, but also ticks. Moreover, the greater the concentration of DEET in the product, the longer it protects against parasites: if you only get clean (or splash) with a clean, 100% remedy, the effect lasts for 12-14 hours, while treating the body with 30% solution - about 3-4 hours .

With this explanation, it became clear that DEET can be actively used against ants. The first experiments showed that the tool is really effective, although it has some peculiarities.


DETA from ants: how effective is the remedy

Means from DETA ant differs significantly from other aerosol insecticides in that it does not destroy or poison insects. It effectively frightens them away from places that have not yet evaporated.

Drugs containing substance DETA

Of course, for ant extermination DEET is not suitable. But then, with regular treatment of the premises with the preparation, one can be sure that the insects will very soon stop visiting it.

DEET is most effective as a means of prevention from ants in the apartment. So it works more reliably than chalk and even boric acid - insects are simply afraid of the smell of the substance.Therefore, it is efficient to process all insect ingress routes into the house, including entrance door boxes, external window slopes and air vents in the house.

When fighting ants, it is effective to apply a product containing DETA in the path of insects


“I was constantly advised to have all kinds of stinky dusts in order to protect the apartment from ants. I did it easier: I took Off with DETA and sprinkled the doors and windows on the balcony with it - the ants were making their way into the apartment. This remedy smells normal and is harmless to humans and dogs. Ants can't get into the apartment, and I’m not afraid for children and Roy. ”

Irina, Ufa

If the ways of insects exit from their shelters are known - the cracks between the plates, baseboards or parquet, niches and holes from the neighbors, they should be treated with preparations. It is important to choose the optimal form of release of funds in which it works as long as possible and reliably.


Form of issue and price of funds

The drug DEET from ants is available in several forms:

  • cream designed to treat the skin. For the fight against ants, it is most suitable: where the cream is applied, it will remain and work effectively for a very long time, until it is wiped or completely dried. The downside of the cream is the presence of glycerin in its composition, which is why at the places of its application there can be grease stains. Cream containing DEET
  • Aerosol, the optimal form for processing found entrances to the sockets. It is not rational to organize barriers to the movement of insects with the help of an aerosol, since it evaporates quickly and requires frequent and regular application. Aerosol for midges and ticks (scares and ants)
  • DETA emulsion - when used against ants, it practically does not differ from an aerosol. The difference between these forms of release is only in the method of application: the aerosol is sprayed out of the balloon, while the emulsion usually covers the fabric and smears the surface. Means containing DEET in the form of an emulsion

All products based on DEET have a strong sweet smell, and thick forms have a white color.

The price of DETA from ants depends on the form of release:

  • a tube of cream for 30 ml costs about 30 rubles
  • aerosol balloon - about 70 rubles
  • bottle of emulsion per 100 ml - about 100 rubles.

Buy DEET can be in any hardware store or online. It is produced by many enterprises of the chemical industry, and it does not make sense to single out a single manufacturer. It is only important to check before buying what the actual content of DEET in the purchased product is.

On a note

On the basis of DEET, the means Off, Extreme, Taiga, Angara and many others are released.All of them are as effective as the product of the same name with the drug.


Safety and rules for the use of DEET in the fight against ants

To control ants with DETA-based products, it is necessary to process:

  • baseboards
  • joints of walls with ceilings
  • window frames and door entry box to the house
  • crevices on the floor
  • the bottom side and the internal surfaces of the cabinets
  • surfaces hidden behind furniture
  • detected ants penetration into the house.

If an anthill is found and easily reachable with a vacuum cleaner or boiling water, use DEET is not worth it. It is wiser to destroy it mechanically. It is only important to remember that domestic ants usually have several nests, and the destruction of one of them rarely ends.

Experiments have established that with constant and long-term use and contact with the respiratory tract of a person, DETA can cause some disorders of the nervous system: headaches, irritability, loss of sleep.

When using aerosol preparations, try not to inhale them.

However, this is true for direct treatment of the skin with drugs. When using DEET in a residential area, it will be almost harmless. It is only important to ensure that children or pets can not lick the already applied drug.

As a result, it is really possible to use DEET from ants.It is necessary only to remember that this is a deterrent, and not to place too high hopes on him, hoping that he will destroy all insects in the room.

The best place to use it are cottages and temporarily occupied private houses, in which you need to scare away ants for a short time. In addition, thanks to the versatility of DETA can be used both to scare away ants, and to protect the occupants of the premises from mosquitoes and midges.


How to get rid of household ants: useful tips


Preparation of poison baits for ants from eggs and get insecticide


An interesting video that describes a very original approach to the preparation of ant products in the house.

It is also useful to read: Home Ant's Uterus


There is 1 comment for the entry "DETA ant remedy"
  1. Boris:

    Take “Datu” with me on all trips. The only remedy that really scares off black flies, mosquitoes and other nasty insects. It is convenient to apply, not sticky, clothes do not stain. I always buy in the pharmacy - it is one of the most inexpensive. I do not know how it works in conditions of insect swarm, we do not live in the tropics, but we splash at the resort and before going for a walk in nature and in general no one bothers us.

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