Site about the fight against domestic insects


Disinsection of rooms from cockroaches - where to apply for treatment?
Disinsection of rooms from cockroaches - where to apply for treatment?

When an independent fight against cockroaches does not give the desired result (either there is simply no time or health to do it), professional disinsection usually comes to the rescue. Sanitation from cockroaches with the help of specialists allows us to remove annoying insects even in the most severe and neglected cases - including when pests crawl en masse from neighboring infected apartments. But about how to choose a suitable disinsection service and interact with it correctly, we will now talk ...

Insecticidal smoke bombs to kill cockroaches in the apartment
Insecticidal smoke bombs to kill cockroaches in the apartment

Among the many means of cockroaches insecticidal smoke bombs are today, perhaps, the least known to the consumer. And this is quite understandable, because most people are used to poisoning annoying insects with aerosols, with small gels, or, in the end, just to wage a long war with cockroaches with the help of a sneaker and vacuum cleaner.However, it should be borne in mind that with the right approach, the use of special smoke bombs allows you to completely destroy cockroaches in a room in just a day, and the effectiveness of such bombs is not inferior to the means of professional pest control ...

Why cockroaches are often called Stasik - the origin of this nickname
Why cockroaches are often called Stasik - the origin of this nickname

Due to a very long acquaintance with a man, cockroaches managed to acquire a huge amount of the most diverse nicknames throughout the world. Moreover, if in strict scientific terminology, each species is often referred to depending on the characteristic features of its anatomy, appearance or origin, then the common names of cockroaches sometimes puzzled even professional linguists. To explain, for example, the origin of the names “Stasiki”, “Shuriki” and “Zhevzhiki” is not so simple. But we will try to shed light on such etymological secrets ...

How many cockroaches can hatch (be born) from one egg?
How many cockroaches can hatch (be born) from one egg?

Few people know that cockroaches do not breed as easily as most other insects: the simple cycle “egg-larva-adult individual” in the course of evolution diversified with some features that are not found together in any other group of their close or distant relatives.Therefore, there are often questions about how many cockroaches hatch from one egg and how such eggs look. Let's understand ...

Where do cockroaches usually hide in an apartment and can they crawl out of the sewer?
Where do cockroaches usually hide in an apartment and can they crawl out of the sewer?

Cockroaches sometimes hide in the most unexpected places. For example, you can turn on the light in the kitchen at night and detect a pest creeping out of an unclosed bottle with concern. And you can stumble upon his fellow, quickly running out of the sink or even from the microwave. But perhaps the most disgusting thing is to notice cockroaches in the bread box or in the fridge: who knows, maybe these pests have recently been running through the sewage in the sewers, and now they are tasting your supplies. At the same time, it remains a mystery to many, where cockroaches hide during the day, when, it would seem, the apartment looks like the cleanest place in the world without any creeping living creatures. About where the cockroaches can hide in the room, whether they have a nest and how to drive them out of the most secluded shelters - so, we will go on and on with all this and talk ...

The cockroaches are dangerous to human health and what harm they cause
The cockroaches are dangerous to human health and what harm they cause

Regular meetings with cockroaches in an apartment bring little joy to anyone. At the same time, many people reasonably suspect that cockroaches are far from dangerous not only because they spoil the mood during nighttime meetings in the kitchen, but they can also carry a very real threat to the health of apartment dwellers - for example, being carriers of various pathogens. And this is true: the potential harm from cockroaches to humans can be very significant. Let's understand what threats to humans are carried by these insects and why they must be fought with.

How to kill cockroaches in the apartment and to whom to entrust pest control
How to kill cockroaches in the apartment and to whom to entrust pest control

When cockroaches occasionally catch the eye of an apartment, many people often barely pay attention to them, believing that they are occasional “guests” from neighboring apartments. Often, this is in fact the case, but practice shows that such individuals who come to a new territory almost immediately begin to breed in an apartment. Therefore, cockroaches should be slaughtered as soon as single individuals were observed, not waiting for them to breed. But about how to kill them properly, how to do it as efficiently as possible, even if there are already a lot of insects - we'll talk about that later ...

Remedies for cockroaches Raptor: aerosol, trap or gel. What's better?
Remedies for cockroaches Raptor: aerosol, trap or gel. What's better?

In the line of means Raptor from insects there are aerosols, traps and insecticidal gels. What in the fight against cockroaches prefer which tool will be more effective and quickly destroy insects? In fact, the answer to this question is not quite straightforward and depends on the contamination of the apartment with cockroaches and certain preferences of the owner of the room.

The history of cockroach races and features of their conduct today
The history of cockroach races and features of their conduct today

No matter how humorous it may sound, but cockroach races today are a real unrecognized form of gambling, like cockfighting and lingonberry competitions. Not only do they have their own stars, rules and shadow authorities - serious money is spinning in the cockroach races. The same article is devoted to those who consider such entertainment to be fun for poor students.

Electric means to fight cockroaches
Electric means to fight cockroaches

Electronic means of repelling cockroaches are becoming more popular, but with the increasing number of reviews about them. As can be seen from the opinions of users, the effectiveness of e-scarers leaves much to be desired.Why is it so does not correspond to the powerful advertising of these funds? Let's figure it out.



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