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We derive fleas from cats and dogs folk remedies

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Get acquainted with folk remedies for fleas in pets

With all its diversity, folk remedies for fleas in cats and dogs are, in the overwhelming majority, substances that only allow the parasites to be scared off. A very small amount of such funds is used specifically for the destruction of fleas, and among the formulations used for the immediate treatment of animals, there are no poisonous preparations at all.

However, many folk remedies for fleas can quite effectively cope with the task of ridding the pet of parasites and further protecting it from reinfection. It is only important to know how to apply the appropriate tool ...


General rules for the use of folk remedies

In order to get rid of fleas by folk remedies, you need to follow two main rules: systematic and accurate. It is possible to bring fleas from a dog and a cat with the help of such means only by constantly and carefully treating its wool with appropriate compounds,and even a small violation of the regime at the same time threatens the rapid return of parasites.

We must not forget that some folk remedies for fleas can be very toxic to animals and much more dangerous than most synthetic insecticides. Here you should be very careful to rid the cat or dog of fleas using folk remedies and not to harm the pet’s health.

Destroying fleas on a dog or cat, be sure to process and litter

It is very important when disposing of an animal from parasites to pay attention to the processing of its litter, booths and toilet articles. Flea larvae do not develop on the pet itself, but in the place where the animal most often lives. And because even having managed to remove fleas from a cat or a dog with folk remedies, you can get a new round of struggle after a few weeks, when the adult insects that emerged from the larvae begin to bite the animal again.

On a note

Using folk remedies to get rid of, for example, cats from fleas, you must simultaneously take care of removing parasites from the entire apartment, where they probably already laid their eggs. It should be borne in mind that the means of fleas in the room are significantly different from those for the treatment of the animals themselves.

If there are several pets in the house, everyone needs to treat them for fleas.

In addition, if several cats or dogs constantly communicate with each other live in the same apartment, it is necessary to bring out fleas with folk remedies at the same time.


Flea wormwood

The smell of wormwood is feared by most insect pests. And fleas are no exception. To combat them, they use a decoction of this herb: in two glasses of water, 20 grams of dry or 40 grams of fresh leaves of wormwood are boiled, and then the animal’s hair is wiped on all parts of the body.

Wormwood is easy to buy at the pharmacy and make a decoction of it for treating a dog or cat from fleas.

In the process of processing a pet, fleas will actively jump from it, it is necessary to provide for it and not to allow fleas to spread around the apartment.

Wormwood is a good folk remedy for fleas and kittens. It is harmless for both the kitten and the cat, which after the procedure will lick the babies. However, it is desirable to keep the solution on the kitten's hair as long as possible: the stronger the smell of wormwood is absorbed into the fur and skin of the animal, the more reliable it will be protected from parasites.


We in Dmitrovka nobody ever bought these cartridges for fleas and ticks. And in general it seems to me that I am such an abnormal one, I bring out parasites in a cat.I brewed wormwood in the old manner, soaked a rag, smeared the cat - and so on every two weeks. Things for half an hour, but then boldly run it into the house and not afraid that the fleas will come on it.

Tamara, Dmitrovka


Comb and regular combing

These are the most obvious, but also the most labor-consuming, popular ones. cat flea remedies and dogs. The fine comb reliably combed out all animal parasites and their excrement from the animal's fur.

Frequent comb can be used for combing fleas in kittens or puppies

However, this same method does not provide any further protection for the pet. Combing is considered the best folk method when needed bring out fleas at the kitten or puppy. They still can not be smeared with sharp-smelling agents, and many chemical insecticides will be dangerous for them.


Garlic and rules of its use

Garlic and its smell are scary for parasites. It is known that people who constantly eat garlic are practically not attacked by fleas: parasites feel the odorous components of garlic that have entered the blood.

To get rid of fleas you need to wipe the cat's or dog's hair with garlic tincture

Similarly, garlic, as a folk remedy for fleas, can also be used for cats and dogs. With the only difference that animals do not have to eat it.

To fight fleas with garlic, you need to crush a few teeth in a garlic press, and then pour the gruel with three or four cups of water and insist one night. The next day, this water can wipe the pet's hair, mainly on the withers and back, where the animal will get with great difficulty.


Garlic is poisonous to dogs. Some parasite fighters are advised to add small amounts of it in food, but this can lead to digestive disorders, poisoning and even death of the animal. Therefore, preparations based on garlic should be applied only on wool and in such quantities that, even if they are slicked, they do not harm the dog or cat.


Pine Sawdust

Many folk remedies for cat and dog fleas are not aimed at getting rid of the parasites of the animals themselves, but at removing insects from household items.

Fleas do not like the smell of pine sawdust

The fleas will not like it at all if there are pine sawdust inside the pillow for the cat

The most famous of these tools are pine sawdust - fleas do not tolerate their smell and try to stay away from it. Therefore, it is very convenient to put a thin pillow full of pine sawdust in the cat bed itself or under the dog bedding. At a minimum, this will lead to the fact that fleas will not be able to lay their eggs here.


Other useful recipes

Even more reliable folk remedies that allow to bring fleas in cats and dogs are mixtures of various plant and food components.
For example:

  • In the tincture of garlic, you must add a small amount of beer yeast. This mixture will reliably scare off parasites with a pet.
  • Decoction of a mixture of herbs: tansy, eucalyptus and wormwood. Together, this bouquet provides a pronounced deterring effect not only on fleas, but also on other parasites (bugs, mosquitoes).

    Using a decoction of tansy will scare away not only fleas, but also mosquitoes.

  • A decoction or tincture of the leaves of geranium and lavender will provide the pet itself with a pleasant smell, and to the fleas - conditions unbearable for the existence.


I compared various cool insecticides and homemade folk remedies. In my opinion, there is nothing more effective than tansy with wormwood. Once you redeem a cat in such a solution, it is protected from fleas for a month. But how easy and cheap it is! Same not chemical aerosols from which a dog stirs up sweat then week.

Anna, Kirov

Cedar oil, citronella and rosemary, which are used to prepare special shampoos for cats and dogs, are also considered very effective.

Pine nut oil has a very strong odor and helps in breeding fleas in dogs and cats

However, the cost of such funds will be unreasonably high, and only ardent lovers of everything natural prefer to fight against their help against fleas.


Folk remedies for the prevention of infection with pets fleas

Even when there is no need to fight fleas in cats or dogs with folk remedies, it is required to prevent the infestation of pets with these parasites. Given the deterrent effect of most folk remedies, each of them can regularly treat the pet's hair, regardless of whether it has fleas or not. Due to this, the parasites on the street will not attack the animal and will not come to your house.

In addition, as a preventive measure, you need to protect the animal from communicating with homeless brethren. It is from them that clean and sleek pets are most often infected with fleas.


A vivid example of the action of a special insecticidal flea collar


To write "We deduce fleas in cats and dogs by folk remedies" 46 comments
  1. Olya:

    Thank you very much, the wormwood remedy has helped me a lot, the dog is no longer itching at all. Thank you

  2. Olga:

    Thank you very much for the useful and harmless advice!

  3. Tatyana:

    What about essential oils? The same cedar?

  4. Jeanne:

    In my apartment in the month of April there are fleas. Bite, on my legs sores from scratching. What to do, tell me.

    • Anonymous:

      To wash floors with bleach, whiteness, for example. In hard-to-reach places, spray from the spray gun undiluted. Work in a respirator or at least in a bandage of several layers of fabric, otherwise you can lose the smell for a couple of months.

    • Anonymous:

      We, too, were small, all the bitten went.A simple tool helped - mosquito spray, any company. Spray on the walls and things.

    • Jeanne:

      Wormwood helps very well. The smell, of course, nasty, but the result is 100%!

  5. Yuliya:

    Pour dry wormwood behind the cabinets, near the baseboards, wherever it will not interfere. Leave for a week and vacuum. Grove rugs, too, sprinkled, and then vacuuming. I disappeared once and for all), although I didn’t fall asleep right away the whole apartment. But mostly hard-to-reach places, as a small child was.

  6. Galina:

    Good day. Tell me, after the procedure with a polynya bathing a dog or not?

  7. Egor:

    It depends on what procedure ...

  8. Genna:

    Thanks to everyone who collected and published the people's councils.

  9. Eugene ;):

    I have a question, and a kitten wool grow? And then he combed it?

  10. Yuliya:

    Tell me please! The cat has come down, kittens for 10 days, can a cat with kittens be treated with polynya?

  11. Martha:

    Tell me, please: my dog ​​is very itchy, he can not sleep at all. Fleas have already got, tell me a more effective way to remove fleas.

  12. Matnikvik:

    Quartz lamp no one tried to irradiate the room?

  13. Dasha:

    My cat only scratches a bit, well, thanks for the help.

  14. Natasha:

    I want to treat our pets with anise oil. Can the procedure be done after Butox 50?

  15. Aidoni:

    Dichlorvos - from fleas in the house.

  16. Natasha:

    Thank you very much!

  17. Mai:

    Thanks for the advice. We will fight wormwood. What happens, accomplish your goal.

  18. savika:

    There were fleas throughout the house and the infant. Dr. Mom helped a lot - smeared the perimeter and floor with a napkin, disappeared in two days, and on the dog too.

    • Tatyana:

      For more details, please explain how and what you did with Dr. Mom against fleas. Two children, the cat dragged from the street, it is then processed, and these creatures jump.

      • Anonymous:

        Tatiana, do you understand the meaning of your recording? I realized that the cat dragged two children from the street. The cat, then, was treated, and these creatures (ie, children, it goes), everyone jumps?

        • Anonymous:

          God, the woman has 2 children, and the cat brought fleas from the street and they are now jumping around the apartment. Everything is very clear.

        • Lesya:

          Well, you and die, I can not laugh

    • Anonymous:

      Dr. Mom what - syrup or ointment?

    • Anonymous:

      Hello, what is the remedy, doctor com? And then the fleas, too, tormented, already tried everything.

  19. Lia:

    Thanks for the help, I treated the puppy with lavender oil, the fleas all got mad, povylazili out. Kapnula for more stink on the cedar withers. The dog feels great, the flea kingdom is destroyed.

  20. Volodya:

    Thanks for the advice.

  21. Yuliya:

    And if mint decomposed, will help or not? And that bothered, gnaw!

  22. Victoria:

    And nobody tried infusion of garlic?

  23. Kristina:

    I wanted to know, doctor mom exactly helps to get rid of fleas?

  24. Mila:

    I found a flea in a two-month-old kitten, at first I thought it was tarakashka bugs. Now 4 fleas found, pluck them out.

  25. Benevolent woman:

    Well helps tar soap, bleach, wormwood, and all that with the smell of lavender. Dichlorvos, of course, is possible, but it is not necessary - as long as you spray, you can move the horses themselves.

    For example, I bring out the broth of wormwood (I bring wormwood to a boil, cool it without diluting it with water), Ms.Properom smells like lavender - and then it smells delicious in the room for a long time. And it happens that bleach my floors. I sprinkle dry wormwood with all the baseboards, thresholds, in front of the entrance door, in closets with clothes, on all upholstered furniture. Often I change the bedding, iron the bed. Coming from the street, if there was a cat next to me, I shook off my clothes over the bathroom - it falls a lot, and I quickly wash off with running water.

  26. Nastya:

    Fleas jumped from the dog in a terry blanket. How to remove fleas from the rug?

  27. Natalia:

    What about mint? Is it possible to moisten dog's coat with mint decoction?

  28. Alexey:

    Hello. Well, the better - sprinkle wormwood in the house, or wash the floor with a mixture of bleach and whiteness?

  29. Anonymous:

    Fun here with you, too, laughed. And against the fleas in the house - frequent cleaning, vacuum cleaner.

  30. Maria:

    I remember in my childhood taking fleas from my adult cat. She washed all cat thoroughly with tar soap (and her head too).I put the cat in a plastic bag, just left my head and tied it at the throat so that it would not lick or dry. Put it on the bed. After 30 minutes, all the fleas jumped to the oilcloth: both large and small. There were hundreds of them ... Then he washed the cat. So she slept for a few hours after these bloodsucking tormentors.

  31. Zhenya:

    Have fun here with you. My grandson was bitten by fleas, I found a lot of useful things.

  32. Anonymous:

    A way with a wormwood - in general fire!

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