Site about the fight against domestic insects

Means for removing fleas in cats at home

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We deduce fleas at a cat in house conditions

Bringing a flea at home to a cat is quite laborious, but at the same time quite feasible for almost every owner.

It is important to know that fleas are insects, very sensitive to odors and poison, quickly dying under the influence of insecticides. And the main thing that strongly distinguishes fleas from ticks and lisper - they are extremely mobile, and in an emergency they are ready to leave the animal in a matter of seconds. This must be taken into account.

Once having understood how to remove fleas in a cat at home, it is possible to carry out this procedure regularly, quickly and with a very good result.

Let's look at this procedure in more detail.


If the flea of ​​the cat is small ...

In all cases of breeding cat fleas special insecticides are used, either causing the death of the parasites, or frightening them off with their own smell.Only occasionally, to fight against fleas, you can simply bathe the cat, since these insects do not tolerate immersion in water and tend to move to those parts of the animal’s body that remain dry.

Bathing will help get rid of fleas only if there are very few of them.

This approach can be effective only when the cat has just picked up a few fleas, and they have not had time to breed.

However, if pet's skin contains large black dots in large quantities - insect excrement and white balls a quarter of a millimeter in diameter - eggs, and noticeable wounds from bites and reddening around them, this is evidence of a serious infection that needs to be quickly and actively treated.

So, for breeding fleas in cats and kittens at home, there are several ways ...


Special flea collars

Collars - the easiest way to rid a mustache pet from fleas. The collar weighs quite a bit, and the animal quickly gets used to it. The entire product is impregnated with a sufficiently large amount of insecticide (each collar has its own type), from which the parasites on the cat's body die, and the survivors try to leave the animal.

Flea collar for cats

As a rule, the collars work for 2-3 months, after which the insecticidal substance is exhaled and the animal needs to buy a new product.

Flea collars are great for animals that regularly and long on the street - in this case, the collar provides permanent reliable protection of the pet.

In general, we can conclude that such a collar allows you to effectively remove fleas from a cat or cat at home, as well as to prevent re-infection of the pet when walking on the street.

On a note

Insecticidal collars are also effective against ticks and lashes. However, the duration of their effect is most pronounced against fleas.

There are few flaws in flea collars:

  • risk of developing irritation to the skin of a cat or kitten at the collar placement site. This occurs quite rarely, but even cases of development of dermatitis from these funds were recorded. It's all individually, and you just need to be careful, carefully test the product for the first time.
  • The difficulty of getting used to the collar in those cats that have never worn it before - the cat may feel restless and uncomfortable in it.

Flea collars today are one of the most popular ways to bring out parasites in cats. Products from various manufacturers are on sale in the markets, pet stores and the Internet, but the most famous are the following:

  • Hartz - the most, perhaps, effective, but also expensive.
  • Bolfo, universal collar, both for cats and for dogs.
  • Diaz - differs in the increased service life, protecting an animal throughout five months. It cannot be used in conjunction with other insecticides.
  • Kiltix - able to protect the cat for 7 months.

Flea collars should not be used for sick or convalescent animals. Use them for nursing and pregnant cats is possible only with the permission of a veterinarian.


Flea drops for cats

These tools are also very easy to use: from the ampoule it is enough to drop a liquid on the cat's withers, or on the recommendation of the manufacturer, in several points along the spine. This will already be enough for the parasites to poison themselves or escape from the animal.

Leopard: flea drops

Beaphar flea drops

All manufacturers try to make flea drops as safe as possible for the animal itself, so their use for cats is not at risk. However, in rare cases, a cat may experience allergic reactions to the drops themselves and even signs of mild poisoning.

Therefore, before active use of the product, it is advisable to test it in the smallest possible amount - apply a cotton drop to the cat’s skin with a few drops and watch it inFor several hours, the behavior of the animal and the condition of its skin at the site of application.

The most famous flea drops are:

  • Hartz
  • Frontline Spot on Cat
  • Leopard
  • Bayer Advocate.


Preventing fleas and worms in cats with special drops


Flea spray

Of all the remedies, the sprays are the most effective, but also the most toxic. You can bring fleas to a cat at home with them quickly enough - to do this, you need to process all the pet's hair from a can and then stop the animal from washing for several hours.

Example of a flea spray (Front Line)

The owner himself must use gloves and a cotton-gauze bandage.

Sprays provide almost instant effect - fleas die from them, even without having time to get out of wool. No less effective are they from ticks. All sprays are strictly contraindicated for pregnant, lactating, sick, convalescent cats and kittens.

Today, cat lovers mainly use:

  • Front line
  • Leopard
  • Flea & tick
  • Delicious.


Special flea shampoos

Although for cats, special flea shampoos are used quite rarely, nevertheless, they have several advantages:

  • with them the cat can hardly get poisoned - the shampoo is completely washed off after bathing.
  • Shampoo acts in conjunction with water, which fleas also do not tolerate.
  • Flea shampoos almost never cause side effects.

Example of insecticidal flea shampoo

This is enough to suffer the terrible cries of a pet once and make him take a bath. It is advisable to carefully comb the cat after such a procedure in order to remove the larvae of parasites remaining on the fur with a comb.

Popular flea shampoos today are:

  • Rolf club
  • Delicious
  • Shampoo B
  • Demos Suite
  • Flea & Tick Cat Shampoo.

On a note

For cats who love or are accustomed to swim, shampoos are the best solution for flea problems. Even if the cat is constantly on the street, bathing her once a week will guarantee that the fleas will not breed on it.


Injections and pills

For home use, these remedies are least suitable: an animal can have an atypical reaction to the remedy, an injection can be done incorrectly, and in general the administration of the drug inside is not the easiest procedure.

As a rule, such funds are used in veterinary medicine when it is impossible for an external treatment of an animal.

Additionally, some companies today produce powders, with the help of which you can also bring fleas from a cat at home,however, in practice, it turned out that, compared with drops and collars, they are less effective, since they are easily showered or licked by animals.


Getting rid of fleas of pregnant cats

The main feature in the antisex treatment of a pregnant cat is to prevent the drug from getting inside. Even being harmless to an adult animal, flea medicine may affect pregnancy and cause miscarriage or abnormal development of the fetus.

Fighting fleas in pregnant cats needs to be especially careful.

In this regard, the best means for removing fleas in a pregnant cat are:

  • collars
  • shampoos
  • and by permission of the veterinarian - drops from fleas.

The first two types of remedies do not affect the development of kittens, some drops can penetrate the skin and into the blood vessels, and from there - into the milk.

In any case, the easiest way to put a collar on a pregnant cat, but do not forget to remove it in the future.

Shampoos for a pregnant cat at home should be used only in cases where bathing does not lead to stress for the animal.

It is important!

Removing fleas in a pregnant cat is the owner's top priority! If kittens are born from an infected mother, the fleas immediately begin to disturb them, causing itching and infecting them with worms.As a result, babies will grow more slowly and in general will be more restless than their peers living with a clean and healthy mother.


If the cat feeds ...

Bringing fleas from a nursing cat is the hardest. Even collars are not suitable here, as kittens can involuntarily lick or bite them when playing or searching for a nipple.

It is more advisable to use such drops that do not penetrate deep under the skin. When choosing a drug should ask the seller or the vet if it can be used for nursing cats.

The safest way to remove fleas in a nursing cat is to wait for this age in kittens (3-4 weeks), when the cat leaves them for more than three hours, and after another feeding the babies buy the cat with flea shampoo, wash it off very carefully, and pet dry gently with a hairdryer.

At the same time, the kittens themselves will have to treat them from fleas, since in the first days of their lives the parasites have time to infect them ...


Fighting fleas in kittens

Perhaps the only remedies for fleas in kittens are shampoos that can be used only after the kids open their eyes.

To bring fleas in kittens using special shampoos

Many manufacturers produce special flea shampoos for kittens, but experts unanimously saythat only proven and safe Frontline and Stronghold need to be used, since domestic means contain insecticides and additives not tested by time, which may not in the best way affect the condition of the kitten. Few people want to experiment on their pets.

How bring out fleas at the kitten at home, it is best to check with a veterinarian, since in most cases it is convenient to combine the control of parasites in kittens with the treatment of helminths.

Many cat lovers prepare the flea-free shampoo on their own: they buy the most inexpensive kitten shampoo and add a Neoutomazan ampoule to every 150 ml. Such a mixture is guaranteed harmless to the young, and when bathing kittens with it it works as effectively as expensive imported products.


The best way to protect kittens from fleas is to get rid of parasites even in a pregnant mother.


Getting rid of fleas in sick cats

Fighting fleas in sick or convalescent cats is the only case where amateur activities are strictly prohibited. One can never know exactly how and to what means the animal will react, weakened by the disease and receiving additional drugs.

Therefore, first of all, when detecting fleas on a sick cat, cat or kitten, you should contact your veterinarian. Usually, in these cases, either special gentle shampoos and flea drops are prescribed, or it is recommended to wait until the pet is cured.

It should always be remembered that cats are generally cleaner than dogs, and therefore they suffer from fleas less often. But at the same time, they are also more sensitive to various drugs, and therefore, before using any means, it is advisable to try it in small quantities, and only if the animal has no acute reactions to them, you can safely proceed to a full-fledged fight against parasites.

We wish your pet speedy flea release!


Flea remedies for animals


To the entry "Means for removing fleas in cats at home" 54 comments
  1. Vyacheslav:

    Frontline spray is ideal for the destruction of fleas in a nursing cat and newborn kittens (from 2 days). Shampoo from the first time usually does not help, and bathing several times - additional stress for the cat family. The price bites, but we must bear in mind that even 100 ml is enough for 1-2 years, it saves time, the effect is 100%, and fleas do not appear within 3 months.

  2. Julia:

    I do not know whether the collars will help a pregnant cat that already has a kitten!

  3. Olga:

    Visiting the basement, absolutely domestic cat dragged with fleas. Wearing a collar, will it help ...

  4. Alexander:

    Just bought a kitten and found a flea. It is difficult to buy a collar in the city of Lugansk, the veterinary services bombed out what I don’t know.

    • Maria:

      Alexander, a polynya can be derived. Make a decoction of wormwood and apply to the skin of the kitten. In order not to lick, dress collar. After a couple of hours, wash it off. It is also possible to crumble the broth of garlic - 2-3 cloves, pour warm water overnight to give it, give it to the kitten's skin and wash it off after a couple of hours. You can rinse with some water with wormwood.

    • Maria:

      One caveat, with these means, fleas jump from the animal, so it is desirable to be near to not let them run. I lay out the grass of wormwood near the cat bed. Yes, and pour garlic with 3-4 glasses of hot water, not warm.

  5. Mila:

    Yesterday, I wiped the cat broth and spread the wormwood everywhere ... In the meantime, it didn’t help, what should I do?

    • Helena:

      Comrades, I want to share my discovery! 2 months ago, my husband gave a kitten. Since we live in a private house in the yard, he picked up fleas. Bathed in spetsshampuny, drops drops - it is useless. One way out - on the street, and everything is new. One evening they decided to bathe the kitten again. As it turned out, the shampoo was over, they began to wash with ordinary soap, 72%.I always have it in the house, as I wash my dishes only for them, for all other means there is a terrible allergy. And O MIRACLE! Already a week, but there are no fleas. Good luck and health to you and your pets!

  6. Zhansaya:

    Well done, well done, I liked it! ))

  7. Tatyana:

    Tar soap helps too! Good luck in this difficult matter! 🙂

  8. Anna:

    The people, and what to do when bathing? How to remove fleas on the face? I bathe the second time, they just attack the ears, the nose and after bathing they live safely. What to do, how to get rid, the animal is suffering ...

  9. Mashulya:

    When my cat has fleas, then I immediately wash it with anti-flea shampoo.And so I try to give ultra prevention from fleas for prevention. My cat is mostly sitting at home, so I don't often bathe her. Collar bypass.

  10. Olga:

    I bathed several times with shampoo - nothing happened ... So now I have a flea in the house, I bit my legs. Who faced this? How to rid the animal of fleas and how to get them out of the house?

    • Margarita:

      Olga, buy the drug Butox in the pet store, it helps you well! She just brought them.

      • Helena:

        With Butox caution! It is necessary to respect the proportions. Our vet generally prohibits the use of cats, birds, etc. Our cat was poisoned by Butox and barely saved him - he took 5 droppers and 20 injections. Butox is used for large animals and for processing premises for cows, pigs ...

    • Marina:

      I have the same trouble, here, I sit on the Internet and am looking for tools that can help. Practically, the whole family has their feet bitten + also uncomfortable in front of the guests.

      • Anonymous:

        If the house is private, then put a wormwood under the floor, and the problem was gone, for a long time. Only this has been saving me for many years.

      • Anonymous:

        It may still be seasonal fleas from the basement or attic, they themselves had this. They bought a CLEAN HOUSE spray, sprayed the whole apartment and left for 3 hours, then washed. Every year in September we had it. The only way to get rid of it.

    • Anonymous:

      Here I have the same problem. Did you manage to do something? Tell me))

    • Marina:

      I dichlorvos etched in the house of fleas. Only in this way were they saved.

    • Konstantin:

      Sell ​​the drug, Deltsid is called. Good remedy. But when my cat takes a walk, it starts again. There ampoules are used for agricultural needs. Sold in a pet store.

  11. Natalia:

    Bought "Butoks", processed already 3 times, fleas disappear for 2-3 days and again appear. Tell me how to get rid of? I have small children, it is dangerous, they bite.

    • Natalia:

      Did you manage to get rid of fleas? Tell me how? From the kitten is now a flea wagon in the house. The youngest son was bitten altogether, covered in sores, even on his cheek. That's terrible.

  12. Vyacheslav:

    But look: I found a cat on the street, beautifully straight. Here, I brought it home, and at home (I’m renting an apartment) there are even more fleas, they populated it — on my back and on my head now there are some black things, there are many of them, and there are a lot of fleas.I washed - did not help. What is the likelihood that a cat will recover from these fleas? She just can not sleep at night, bite her. Tell me how to do it? To the vet is expensive!

    • Anonymous:

      Laundry soap - the safest way to get rid of fleas. From the muzzle pull out with your hands.

  13. Sasha:

    I dropped the drops and put the collar on, anyway the number of fleas does not decrease. I do not know, nothing helps. Even bathed, but the cat still itches ...

  14. Nastya:

    And what if the children found kittens, and not so much money? How to get a flea?

  15. Inna:

    People! Having cats in the house is a lot of positive emotions, but often negative prevails over the positive, and we live.

  16. Luda:

    I once had a friend, she smeared puppies with vegetable oil, fleas are dead. Dog puppies licked and everything is all healthy. Try vegetable oil.

  17. Paul:

    Kosik ran to the basement to run, and then returned.I scratched his neck, and I even got my fingers stuck in lumps, and from there they jump, and right on me! Now I will go all the bodyguard to buy and wash this nasty cat. Sorry for the first time. I am itching myself!

    I myself, probably, now with shampoo and drops ... Right down to the collar. The horror, I have not seen this yet. I thought that just wool got tangled, and there ...

  18. Paul:

    Kosik tore off my skin from my hands, how angry I was, but now I am satisfied ... I have never seen one like this in my life)) And when you drop BlochNet, wash your hands, I went to a hike. I thought I was going mad from the collar, but on the contrary, he was wearing the “tsatski” type. Bottom line: sadomasochistic shampooing (with the deplorable loss of your favorite towel), as well as pouring an incomprehensible slush from a tube (again, wash your hands), well, the hysterical pursuit throughout the apartment for a wet braid (take your furniture) will bring joy and love to your pet. A flea, like, not yet, but I watch.

  19. Hope:

    We used insecticide drops for the foundling. They just put everything, then after two days they washed the wool of the dead out of the wool. Bought this ultra neo for cats. They read that they act on the larvae - they do not allow them to develop.While we are waiting for the second wave, maybe we will not wait. Drops on fipronil and two more substances (thiamethoxam and pyriproxyfen).

  20. Tatyana:

    We have a cat home, we are only at the vet, where fleas? I can't bring it out, and Bars dripped, wormwood in the apartment was laid out in the corners, everything was processed by Kombat, she bathed the cat with shampoo, and after a while the fleas reappear. I can not get rid of, all legs are bitten. Tell me the right way to get rid of this scourge.

    • Anonymous:

      You have seasonal fleas! The cheapest and most effective way is dichlorvos. Pshikat in the water in a bucket and wash it floor. Abundantly fill the floors (if there are no palaces) and leave for 3 hours.

  21. Mila:

    Faced with this problem, and my daughter is also allergic to bites. I took out the butox, but it is necessary to fill all the cracks, microcracks in the floor, carpets and under them, plinths, etc. These bastards love to hide in the most inaccessible places and can not spend one winter in the cold, while there is no food, and under favorable conditions become more active. For the complete removal, she processed the house three times within a month, expelled everyone, squirted, aired. Played, from the heart. But she won.

  22. Marina:

    Thanks to all, read.

  23. Marina:

    To be honest, I bring out fleas from dichlofos and in the house as well. Only you need to gently wrap the cat in a towel so as not to breathe. And then rinse very well. Repeatedly.

  24. Alina:

    This, probably, got rid of flea medicine. I live in my house, constantly keep the cat so that the mice are not impudent. Only 3 days ago I took a leopard capsule of a leopard, smeared it with a zero effect. Yesterday we put on a collar. Itch, poor, incredibly, I don’t know how to help, I think to go to the vet to give her a shot, I have no strength. Previously, this was not, smeared with a capsule - and everything is ok.

  25. Russian:

    I didn’t beat anything at all (

  26. Oksana:

    We also have a big problem. The cat is thoroughbred, it does not walk on the street. We live on the 5th floor, far from the basement, the entrances are constantly washed with bleach. Where did they come from is not clear. Were at the vet, zashshikali, but this did not help. After buying drops of 3 types. Once dripped - they did not even leave her for a day. After a week still dripping, the same situation. Another week went by - washed with flea shampoo, effect 0. After another week and a half, she still dripped - they still torture the animal.What to do? Collar? But I think that he will not be able to wear it, because they bought a decorative collar, the cat went crazy, had to be removed.

    And if the cat shave? Will it help get rid of fleas?

  27. Kira:

    The cat brought home fleas. We sprayed the usual salt with water in a spray bottle. But very strong concentration, and sprinkled the whole house! Removed all access to open water. And yet, there are no fleas. They die of salt. Everything is cheap and very efficient. Quiet all life without these monsters.

    Sorry, I will add: after the salt procedure, give time to the fleas, salt paralyzes them, and if there is no water, then they die. We stood for a day and a half, then vacuumed and that's it. Sometimes we repeat the procedure - once a year, it’s very real disgusting, these lodgers ... I don’t want to see them again. And for koshakov, dogs - all this is in no way burdensome, and not chemistry. Good luck everyone!

  28. Yana:

    How to help a cat with fleas and ticks?

  29. Vera:

    My floors with bleach.

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