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How and what to bring the mole from the apartment

If you do not take timely measures to eliminate the moth, it can spoil a lot of things and products

Many owners of apartments have to think about how to get out the mole. This insect is perfectly acclimatized in a person’s dwelling, delivering a lot of trouble, and sometimes damage for a considerable amount (for example, when it comes to irreparably damaged fur coats).

The mole, known in everyday life, is simplifiedly divided into two types: clothes and food, each of which eats materials and products corresponding to its name. To determine how to get the mole out of the apartment in each specific case, you must first decide what kind of moth you have to fight.


Methods and means of removing the moth

You can remove the mole and prevent damage to your clothes, furniture and fur products using various methods. Let's look at the main ones.

  • The physical method of dealing with the dress moth. A mole is afraid of extremely low and high temperatures for it (below minus 5 ° С and above + 45 ° С).Accordingly, in the cold season it is possible to freeze an apartment by opening the windows wide open, and this will be destructive not only for moth butterflies, but also for its larvae. It is important to protect the radiators so that they do not freeze. Or you can wash clothes at the maximum temperature allowed for them. Special industrial units that allow high or low temperatures to be applied locally are more effective. Those who are trying to bring the mole out of the fur coat should pay attention to a special refrigerator for fur products.

Special refrigerator for fur products will help protect your favorite fur coat from moths.

On a note

Larvae and eggs of the clothes moth loosely adhere to clothes, and therefore regular shaking out of things will allow to get rid of a large part of them.

  • Chemical method Most appropriate to destroy clothes moth specially designed chemical insecticides for this. They are presented in the form of aerosols (they are easily sprayed and do not require special preparation), fumigators (the construction with insecticide is connected to the power grid, and the substance gradually evaporates), sections (cardboard plates are soaked with repellent substance and arranged in the cabinet).

To get rid of clothes moth, the fumigator can be left on in the closet.

  • Folk remedies.You can remove a mole from an apartment with the help of various folk means of struggle, the benefit of popular wisdom has accumulated quite a few recipes for the destruction of this harmful insect.

It is interesting

Clothes moth eats keratin, which is contained in the cornified materials of animal origin (fur, wool). Keratin is also an essential part of human hair and nails, which could be an excellent meal for an insect. Fortunately, the mole does not attack people, but here a natural wig or hair left on the clothes will be eaten with pleasure.


We derive the mole using aerosols

The aerosol form of insecticides enjoys the greatest popularity among the population. The reason is simple: the tool allows you to quickly and conveniently poison the entire clothes mole in the apartment, with both butterflies and larvae. The composition of each aerosol consists of a toxic substance and a solvent, and modern moth sprays have a faint odor, moreover, they often use pleasant-smelling perfumes.

Many moth aerosol preparations are used not only for the local destruction of pests, but also for the prevention of their appearance in cabinets and wardrobe.

To remove the mole, it is enough to treat the items in the cabinet with the tool, as well as the inner surfaces of the cabinet itself. Sometimes the manufacturer advises to clean the processed items, for example, to wash them. But, as practice shows, this is not mandatory: aerosols are effective destroy the mole and its larvae and without this procedure.

The aerosol Rapttor is effective not only against moth butterflies, but also against its larvae


“Long thought how to deal with this moth. It is clear that with naphthalenes and all sorts of vinegar all advisers - in the garden. We bought Armol, sprinkled all the things, wardrobes, sofas and carpet, a week later they repeated it. Some of the things before this were washed at 50 degrees. A couple of sweaters had to be thrown out, but after processing no traces of moths appeared for more than a year now. I do not know if this Armol is being sold now, but the tool is cool. ”

Veronica, Sterlitamak

Before you take the mole in the house, it is worth remembering that the insecticides used in aerosol means, if they enter the respiratory tract of a person can cause an allergic reaction and even mild intoxication. Therefore, when using aerosols, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and apply personal protective equipment.

Listed below are some of the best aerosols from the dressing (coat) moth:

  • Antimol (active ingredient - permethrin)
  • Moskitol (pralletrin, 1.7%)
  • Dezmole
  • Foxide
  • Armol (permethrin)

Mosquitall aerosol - one of the best in the fight against the dress (coat) moth

All these tools do not leave spots on the fabric and can be used for any natural products.


Moth fumigators

Fumigators are another fairly effective way to get rid of moths. They are produced in two forms - pyrotechnic and electric. The first is produced in the form of a spiral, which, after ignition, emits poisonous smoke. The second is more modern and works by electric heating of the plates soaked with a poisonous substance.

The most popular today are fumigators Raptor, Reid and Moskitol. They are odorless and not dangerous to humans or warm-blooded animals. Usually they are positioned by the manufacturer as a means of mosquitoes in the apartment, but they are also quite effective in fighting moths.

If the fumigator works with the plates, they must be changed before each treatment session. Advanced models use liquid that lasts a long time.

One use of the fumigator against moth - turn it on in a closed cabinet by swiping an extension cord there. To start the device, you just need to plug it into an electrical outlet.


Sections against moths

Sections are the easiest and most problem-free way of dealing with moths. They are plates soaked in repellent that are laid out or hung in places of supposed moth accumulation.

Enough to hang in the closet with clothes section Raptor - and things will be kept from moths

In some sections of the moth, the plates may have a high adsorbing effect and an evaporation effect, which allows them to simultaneously perform 2 functions:

  • soak up excess moisture in the closet (the moth does not like dryness);
  • as well as evaporating repellent substances that affect the pest.

A variety of moth sections presented in stores allows you to choose a model with any flavor and any shape. Some of them are made in the form of hooks to hang them next to the clothes on the pipe of the wardrobe.

There are many manufacturers of sections, the most famous of them are Reid, Raptor, Antimol, Moskitol and Gardeks.

Armol plates can be used to scare away both clothes and food moths.


How to withdraw moth folk remedies

To learn how to get out moth larvae and adults without chemistry, should seek the help of folk remedies.Many of them are affordable and inexpensive, but most of them are intended only to scare away insects, so they should be used as an additional method of control.

Consider the most famous folk remedies for moth in the apartment:

  • Fresh orange peels, dried lavender, tobacco (or strong cigarettes), strong-scented toilet soap, naphthalene (not recommended - scientists have shown that it is a carcinogenic), fresh leaves of fragrant geranium are put in places where moths accumulate.

Fresh fragrant geranium leaves scare away moths well

  • To lead several plants of fragrant geranium in the room where the mole settled.
  • To put things folded for the winter with fresh newspapers (the advice is not suitable for light-colored fabrics and fur).
  • Apply the essential oils of geranium, orange or lavender on cotton wool, which is then spread out in the room and closet.

It is considered more effective to handle the joints of the cabinet with kerosene, but not every owner of good furniture and clothing will agree to such measures.


Fight against food moths

The need to bring moths into the kitchen usually arises when numerous moths flit around the kitchen, but the reason for its appearance is not yet clear.As practice shows, not all apartment owners at the same time understand that somewhere in the grains, flour, dried fruits or nuts the pest larvae have already started. Many for some reason think that a mole can live only in closets with clothes.

Food (kitchen) mole It differs from the dressing room and belongs to a completely different family - the family of moths. Accordingly, the struggle with it has its own nuances.

Food, or kitchen, mole belongs to the family of moths (as opposed to clothes moths)

Before removing the food mole, it is necessary to review all the bulk food products: they may be visible larvae of the pest or a characteristic web. Infected grains need to be thrown away, and only if the larvae are very little washed and then dried in an oven at 70 ° C.

On the photo - food moth butterflies in rice

And most likely, such groats with moth larvae will have to be thrown away.

Kitchen cabinets are washed with a strong solution of vinegar, which then needs to be washed off with water. All cereals and other dry products should be repacked in glass jars with a tight lid or linen bags, previously soaked in a solution of vinegar or salt water, and then dried.

To prevent the appearance of food moths in cereals, it is convenient to use jars with a tight-fitting lid.

After these manipulations, which are paramount in the fight against the food moth, you can already take to the destruction of butterflies.In this case, you can apply the same tools that are used to destroy the clothes moth - aerosols, it is only important not to allow them to get on food.


“They couldn’t even apply the mind how to get the mole out of the cereal. You can't sprinkle it from a can. Roasted, but we have a lot of it, for the whole winter. And the whole was infected. I had to throw out half a bag, butterflies were caught for another month, they put things in order in the closet and sprayed with Raptor. And the moth is gone. My advice to you is when you purchase a large batch of the same buckwheat, carefully examine it. Instead of outputting cereal mothjust don't let her go home. ”

Stanislav Dobrozhansky, Vinnitsa

Prevention of infection by larvae of the food moth is simple: regular cleaning and ventilation of cabinets in the kitchen, as well as periodic inspection of bulk products for the presence of pests. Every package of cereals brought from the store is checked on a mandatory basis. It is helpful to avoid buying cheap products of dubious origin.

Do not forget about the prevention of the appearance of a moth. This also helps regular cleaning and airing cabinets with clothes, timely cleaning of fur and wool products, shaking out clothes.To completely protect yourself from the appearance of this type of moth, you can use sections for a wardrobe all year round.


Useful video: choose a reliable means of moths (comparative review)

It is also useful to read: Getting rid of food moths in the kitchen


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