Site about the fight against domestic insects

About "disinfection" from cockroaches and important rules for its implementation in the apartment

It is necessary to approach the choice of the disinsection service carefully (and not to confuse the extermination of cockroaches with disinfection) ...

It is often possible to find the opinion that only special insect control services can reliably destroy cockroaches in the premises, whose employees treat apartments, houses, and industrial enterprises with powerful toxic preparations using sophisticated and expensive equipment. There is also an opinion that it is practically unrealistic to conduct such a “disinfection” of the premises from cockroaches on its own by the simple owner of the apartment, and he will not receive the necessary result.

Let's see how the situation really is.

And let us begin, perhaps, with the fact that “disinfection” in this case is an incorrect term, although it is often used. Disinfection means the destruction of bacteria and viruses, that is, it involves the fight against infectious agents.The fight against cockroaches and other insect pests and parasites is called pest control (from the Latin word insect - “insect”).

The procedure for the destruction of insects is called disinsection, not disinfection.

Disinsection can be professional when it is done by trained specialists, as well as self-directed when cockroaches are poisoned by the occupants themselves.

Alas, practice shows that there is one more kind of disinsection - fraudulent. In her case, disinfecting specialists (and often disinfectors as well) are presented by dishonest dealers, who at the market price imitate work on breeding cockroaches, but do not provide the required result. There are also more glaring cases when during the “disinfection” processors simply grab jewelry or money from an apartment with them. There are a lot of such fraudsters today, and then we'll figure out how they can be easily calculated even before the work.

In the meantime, the following can be noted:

  1. Self-control of cockroaches saves money, but it is more troublesome, unsafe, and in advanced cases it does not always give the desired result;
  2. Professional pest control is much more expensive than self,does not require from the owners of housing participation in the process, it is practically safe for residents (including pets) and in most cases is quite effective. The main drawback here is the difficulty of choosing a bona fide and truly reliable contractor who will provide the desired result and give him a guarantee (not a fake one, as many do today, but a real guarantee for free re-processing if the first did not produce a result).


“We ordered the disinfection of the apartment from cockroaches. This is a horror - rudeness on the phone, zero result and lost money. According to the price they have to handle odnushku worth 2000 rubles, the master arrives, says that you need to apply a super-tool for 5000, otherwise it will not help. Okay, paid, processed. Cockroaches did not notice the poison at all, that very night they ran around the kitchen. We call them, we say, how so? They answer, they say, no one will ever give a guarantee for disinfection, and if you don’t like something, contact another service. Repeated departure from them - 800 rubles in St. Petersburg. I immediately understand that on the spot it will turn into a couple of thousand. In general, frank divorce! "

Elena, Saint Petersburg


Principles, means and methods of disinsection from cockroaches

Means for the destruction of cockroaches today are quite diverse. These insects willingly eat various poisoned baits, stick to glue, die from the action of insecticide crayons, aerosol means and various dusts (insecticides in powder form).

Fortunately, today there are a lot of insecticides on the market that allow you to effectively deal with cockroaches in the apartment.

However, choosing an effective remedy for cockroaches is only half the battle. A large number of inexperienced fighters against cockroaches, even with the purchase of a powerful poison, do not achieve the desired effect due to a number of mistakes during pest control.

This is how professional disinsectors work:

  1. For the treatment, modern insecticidal agents are used, which in addition to the acute intestinal action also have a contact action (i.e., it is enough to contact the cockroach with the drug so that after some time paralysis and then death occur). An insecticide is applied in the form of an aerosol by spraying a previously prepared solution using sprayers, or installations to generate the so-called cold or hot mist.It is the aerosol that allows you to quickly destroy cockroaches in an apartment, even in hard-to-reach places. In addition to aerosols, gels, dusts, and glue traps are used (mainly for prophylactic purposes to destroy single surviving individuals);The photo shows an example of processing the kitchen from cockroaches using a cold mist generator.As an additional remedy for cockroaches, pest control specialists sometimes use sticky traps.
  2. All rooms where cockroaches can be found are treated, including balconies, toilet and bathroom. Breeding cockroaches, for example, only in the kitchen, it would be meaningless;
  3. The consequence of the previous paragraph - ideally, cockroaches should be displayed in all neighboring apartments. In practice, this can be difficult due to the traditional intractability of neighbors. The classics of the genre are statements of this type: “We do not need any disinfection from cockroaches, and in general, we are clean, we are not homeless”. Therefore, after disinsection, the owners of the premises are strongly recommended to take measures to protect their housing from the repeated penetration of cockroaches from neighbors. Below we look at ways to protect this apartment;
  4. Effective pest control from cockroaches is always carried out in the absence in the apartment (and not just in one room) of all residents and pets.The exception is the presence of the customer if he has personal protective equipment. Incidentally, this is one of the ways to identify a one-day service: if the “disinfector specialist” says that he simply sprinkles a solution in the kitchen, and it is enough just to close the door here, then with such work the epic with cockroaches is not likely to end;
  5. To prevent repeated breeding of cockroaches in an apartment, it is extremely important to determine exactly how they get here. The specialist can interview the owners, inspect the bathroom, toilet, staircase, balcony, look for ways to penetrate insects through the balconies or closets. Without overlapping such paths, it is impossible to guarantee that in the future there will be no cockroaches in the apartment, and good services always give such a guarantee.

To cockroaches again did not multiply in the apartment, it is important to block all the ways of their penetration here.

Thus, during the disinsection in the apartment, the officers of the services use a complex of means and methods of control. The bulk of the population is destroyed by aerosol. Those cockroaches that have survived are poisoned by gels, dusts, or are caught in traps. The entrances to the apartment for newcomers are blocked, and those that do not block, are surrounded by passive barrier protection — these can be crayon strips, gel strips, or dust tracks.

Such an integrated approach is the most effective in practice.

And now for comparison - how often they fight cockroaches on their own. On the way home, one can buy a Dichlofos can in a hardware store with the aim of quickly stuffing them along the baseboards and behind the stove. Everything, on it all pest control comes to the end. If Dichlorvos does not help, then after a week or two, some kind of gel can be bought. Not surprisingly, with this approach, cockroaches will thrive indoors.


“... I really liked how the guys worked. At one time, they destroyed all cockroaches, after them there was no dirt, no stains on the furniture. Only a slight smell of chemistry in the apartment and a bunch of corpses of cockroaches all over the floor the next morning. Payment is strictly according to the price list, all under the contract, in the end everything came out quite budget ... ”.

Igor, Moscow


What means poison cockroaches poisoning

As already noted above, the main treatment of the apartment is carried out by pest control aerosol insecticides. The beauty of these drugs is that they get into the most hard-to-reach places with air, where they actively poison cockroaches.This allows you to destroy the main part of the insect population (sometimes the whole) in just a few hours.

In the form of the finest aerosol, the insecticide is able to penetrate the most inaccessible places where pests can hide.

Sinusan, Avicin, Averfos, Xsulat, Tetrix, Solfak, Forssait and others are used as such insecticides. These are concentrates. Many of them are allowed for use only by experts, and therefore are sold in large packages of a liter or more.

Insecticidal preparations for professional use.

From concentrates prepare working solutions.

Different methods are used for spraying the solution in an apartment:

  1. Spraying with a conventional sprayer is the simplest, but unproductive method of spraying, requires painstaking spraying of all surfaces, crevices and places of possible shelter for cockroaches;The insecticidal solution can be sprayed with a conventional garden sprayer.
  2. Processing the room with cold mist - in this case, the solution is dispersed in an electric fog generator to the state of a thin aerosol, which is then removed from the apparatus under pressure. Mixing with air, the aerosol easily penetrates into various slots, openings, spaces behind furniture;Cold mist generator.
  3. Hot mist treatment is fundamentally similar to the previous method, but in the hot mist generator the aerosol is also heated.Due to this, it has a smaller particle size, is longer in suspension, not settling on surfaces, and, as a result, penetrates into deeper and more difficult shelters of cockroaches. However, it should be noted that hot fog generators in small apartments are rarely used. This powerful equipment is better suited for disinsection at large industrial sites.Hot mist generator.

After such treatment, in those places through which cockroaches can get into the apartment from the neighboring premises, the disinsector usually either pours insecticidal powder (in common parlance - dust), or installs baiting houses. Here a gel can be applied, or a glue trap is installed, depending on what the specialist thinks is more rational.

If a warranty event occurs (that is, cockroaches reappear after disinsection), the specialist can use the same methods when re-processing. In practice, bona fide services do not give a guarantee for the absence of cockroaches in cases where it is obvious that these pests en masse and freely enter the apartment from their neighbors.


Where to go for professional pest control?

The most difficult thing when ordering the services of professional disinsectors is to choose a reliable company. Moreover, in large cities it is especially difficult to do this: there are dozens of different organizations working here, among which there are, say, cunning disinfectors.

Unfortunately, behind the disinsector mask sometimes scammers simply hide themselves ...

However, there are a number of simple rules to avoid the services of one-day firms at the selection stage:

  1. Immediately contact the large networks that have been present on the market for a long time and have branches in dozens of different cities. By the way, such organizations usually support average market prices;
  2. Read reviews about the company before making an appointment to call its specialists;
  3. When talking with the manager, find out about the availability of a license for disinsection works, certificates for the funds used. If you are placing an order, ask the disinsectors to bring these documents with you;
  4. Find out if the company signs the contract, if it is certified with a wet seal and the signature of the contractor. If this is not done, then it makes sense to look for another company;
  5. When calling, immediately ask if the company can kill the cockroaches with cold mist.As a rule, "Sharashkin offices" do not have the capital to buy expensive equipment, and this question can quickly filter out all the dubious offers. After that, by the way, it is not necessary to order the treatment with fog, sometimes the use of a conventional sprayer can be quite justified;
  6. Ask your manager if children and pets can stay in the apartment during work. If the manager allows - call to another company.

Further, remember that on the Internet and in talking on the phone all firms can be white and fluffy, and their true face is revealed only when working (and especially after, when the money for pest control is already paid from cockroaches). Therefore, follow the principle of "morning chairs, money in the evening."

It is advisable to transfer money only when all the work on killing cockroaches in the room has been carried out carefully and fully.


  1. Immediately upon arrival of the disinsector, ask him for all the documents - an agreement, a license for disinsection services, certificates for the chemicals used;
  2. Check that the contract is stamped and that adequate conditions for the provision of the guarantee are clearly stated;
  3. Check the funds themselves.If the disinsector provided you with a certificate for Tetrix, it should have Tetrix, and not a canister without a label with a cloudy liquid;
  4. Control the course of disinfestation (in personal protective equipment), the thoroughness of surface treatment and the duration of all work. Keep in mind that the twenty-minute processing of the kitchen cabinet and the bedside tables under the sink are not enough to completely destroy the cockroaches in the room.

And remember: you only pay for the result and only when you see it. Do not transfer money to the desinsector before work. The disinsector must faithfully process the entire apartment - only after that it makes sense to pay him.


“We did disinfection from cockroaches a year ago. Two guys arrived, they said that nobody should be in the apartment a day after treatment, they will need to spend the night in another place. From the refrigerator you need to remove everything that is eaten without heat treatment - sausage, cheese, biscuits, bread. All windows were closed, half an hour sprayed something, then they took the money and left. The next morning we came to air and saw a cemetery of cockroaches. There were a lot of them, I did not even think that there were so many of them in our apartment! Even in the bedrooms there were many. After that, cockroaches have not yet appeared ... "

Tatyana, Moscow


Work disinsectors: how it happens, how much it costs, what you need to be ready

Standard prices for cockroach pest control start at about 1,500 rubles for a one-room apartment. The order of 1700 is the processing of a two-room apartment, 2000 - three-room. Depending on the set of guarantees and some other nuances, the price may vary markedly.

As a rule, to process a one-room apartment from cockroaches will cost 1500-2000 rubles.

For example, this is how the average price list of a company operating in Moscow looks like:

Apartments Cottages
Room size price, rub. The size of the room, square. m price, rub.
1 bedroom apartment 1500 100 3100
2 bedroom apartment 1700 100-200 3400
3 bedroom apartment 1900 200-300 3700
4-room apartment 2100 300-400 4000
5-room apartment 2200 More than 400 Negotiated

As a rule, the company manager receives the basic information by phone when calling the service. However, in some cases, before the disinsection itself, a specialist arrives at the site to assess the situation on the spot.

Often, the disinsectors immediately come to treatment with a sufficient supply of drugs and equipment to cope with cockroaches, even in the most neglected situation.

Immediately before disinsection, an agreement is signed, after which:

  1. All tenants and pets are taken out of the premises in order to avoid their poisoning;
  2. Furniture is moved away from the walls, lockers and bedside tables in the kitchen are released;
  3. Food and children's toys are packed in plastic bags;It is important to prevent contact of food and toys with an insecticidal agent.
  4. Special mist generators are filled with an insecticide solution, and the walls of furniture, baseboards, door frames, kitchen stove, and the back wall of the refrigerator are processed with the preparation — in general, all places where cockroaches can hide.
  5. The apartment is closed and insisted for several hours.

After that, the residents themselves are wet cleaning and thorough airing, after which they can return to the apartment for a normal life. As a rule, the smell in the room almost disappears after a few hours of airing, although the smell from upholstered furniture may disappear for several days.

If you do not tighten with a wet cleaning, then there will be no stains on the furniture or on household appliances.

On a note

Sometimes people complain of an unpleasant metallic taste in the mouth after pest control. This is a sign that the insecticide has not completely eroded from the apartment. Normally, on the first or second day after a thorough cleaning and intensive airing, such sensations should not arise.

When processing kills most of the population of cockroaches.Within a few hours after the treatment, insects are dying that were able to hide in the most secluded places, and therefore by the time the live cockroaches are ventilated in the house there should be practically no.

Usually a few hours after the treatment of the cockroach room, the floor is laid out by dead insects.

In some cases, it may be necessary to reprocess the room from cockroaches. Usually such cases are provided for in the contract under the guarantee. Anyway, this moment needs to be stipulated in advance, since even the most professional processing does not give results in 100% of cases. If a few days after the treatment, live cockroaches are found in the apartment - you can call the exterminators and call them under warranty.

When dealing with unscrupulous contractors, travel under warranty is often offered at an additional cost. If prior to disinsection you signed an agreement in which it was stated that the repeated processing is free of charge, feel free to ask for free repeated processing.


“Around fraudsters! We ordered a hostel disinfection from the company, it was necessary to poison the cockroaches in several rooms. Immediately upon arrival, the master began to tell us that we certainly need some kind of barrier, and without it the cockroaches will return.The barrier costs as much as the treatment itself. As a result, the cockroaches were seen another month after disinfection, they constantly appeared on the eyes of the entire hostel, and then again there were as many of them as before. We called the warranty, we are told - a guarantee of 800 rubles only for departure. Horror!"

Victoria, Voronezh


Self-disinsection with aerosols and concentrates

Self-treatment of the premises from cockroaches is not fundamentally different from professional. The difference is present only in the details:

  1. For disinsection, preparations specially adapted for domestic use (in small packaging, odorless) are used. The most popular ones today are Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone, Xulsat Micro and some others. These tools leave virtually no odor in the room and retain their effectiveness for several weeks (being deposited on surfaces inaccessible to people and pets, where no wet cleaning is carried out);Examples of insecticides adapted for domestic use.
  2. As an alternative to concentrated preparations, you can buy spray cans that are already ready for spraying (Dichlorvos Neo, Raptor from crawling insects, Combat Superspray, etc.).However, their use is financially more expensive with the same efficiency;Aerosol cans are much less economical than self-dilutable concentrates.
  3. For spraying an insecticidal solution, ordinary household sprinklers are used (you can even just take a bottle of window cleaner).

The rest of the pest control should be similar to the professional. The task of the owner of the premises is to thoroughly treat with the tool all surfaces on which cockroaches can move, as well as to achieve the penetration of aerosol into those places where insects can hide.

After processing, the room is closed for several hours, then ventilated, it is cleaned, dead cockroaches are swept.

Usually, self-disinfection requires at least 5-6 hours of time (taking into account the preparation of the room and bringing it in order). After the application of aerosol insecticides with additional means of passive destruction, the room is protected from the penetration of new insects into it.


“We went to a beautiful website of the company, ordered the destruction of the cockroaches from my grandmother in the apartment. After 2 hours, the master was with her, everything seemed fine.But then it began: the master declares that the work will cost not 2,200, as the manager said, but 10,000. This is for odnushku! We called the manager, she was surprised, said she did not know why the master behaves this way. This "master" somehow sprayed something in the kitchen in 15 minutes, grabbed the money and disappeared. No checks, no agreement is not left. We started to call, understand, and what do you think? No one picks up the office for the third day! ”

Inna, Moscow


Additional means of killing cockroaches: gels, traps, powders and pencils

Often, the success of the whole disinsection depends on whether or not these tools are used.

Of the means of passive extermination of cockroaches, the most common are:

  1. Gels - means attracting cockroaches with their smell. Their composition includes insecticides, which lead to the rapid death of an insect after entering the digestive tract. In the fight against cockroaches, the insecticidal gels Globol, Absolute, Raptor, Dohloks and several others have recommended themselves well;Cockroaches eat insecticidal gel.
  2. Insecticidal pencils (crayons). Less effective than gels, but more affordable, easy to use and longer effective without renewal.Of these, Pure House, Masha, Brownie, Titanic and others are popular;Chalk from cockroaches acts slowly, but in general is quite convenient and effective means with a small number of pests in the apartment.
  3. Dusts - Ecokiller, Pure House, Fas, Green House, Feverfew (a natural remedy based on dried chamomile flowers);Keep in mind that powdered drugs can dust and get into the respiratory tract.
  4. Traps (glue and electric). Insects perish in them, running randomly or being attracted by the inward lure.As you can see, glue traps are sometimes very effective means of exterminating cockroaches in a house.

All these tools can be used as the main means of disinsection, but they act slowly, so a large population of cockroaches will be destroyed for a long time.

The best option for self-pest control is the rapid destruction of the main number of cockroaches using aerosol insecticides, and then fixing the result with the help of gels and traps.


Shut off the path to the cockroaches in the apartment

Finally, the victory over cockroaches cannot be considered complete if the risk of their penetration into the apartment from the neighboring premises remains. Finding the places of such penetrations and blocking them is one of the key tasks for the apartment owner.

Quite often cockroaches get into the apartment from neighbors through sockets.

If specialists perform a disinsection, they can suggest which ways cockroaches usually climb into an apartment. As a rule, the “entrance gates” are:

  1. Sewage pipes, cold and hot water supply - between them and the concrete there are usually narrow slots through which cockroaches migrate between the rooms;
  2. Sockets, from which cockroaches can penetrate into the apartment not only from neighbors, but also from the entrance;
  3. Ventilation;
  4. The frames of the windows and door boxes (the junction of them with the walls).

In the first place, it is better to block such penetration paths - zashpatlevat or cover it up with an elastic sealant.

If for any reason it is impossible to completely block such moves, then you can apply a gel from cockroaches or put glue traps near them. Anyway, it is necessary to do everything possible so that insects either could not physically get into the apartment, or were more likely to die immediately after getting into it.

It is also useful to write a complaint to the SES if cockroaches live permanently in the stairwell, basement, in the attic of an apartment building or, for example, in a restaurant attached to the house. Several such complaints from residents at the same address - and the SES responds fairly quickly, conducting disinsection on the premises.

More difficult is the situation when a hotbed of dysfunctional neighbors is a breeding ground for cockroaches. But in this case, the problem is resolved by collective complaints in the SES.

Nevertheless, practice shows that if the apartment is carefully protected from the entrance of insects into it from the outside, then even with a total infestation of the entire apartment building, the pests will not be able to justify their population in it.


What is important to know when choosing a disinsection service to kill cockroaches


Why cockroaches sometimes can not be brought out of the apartment ...


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