Dichlorvos in the most precise sense of the term is the name of a chemical compound, which is referred to by men as scientists dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate. This substance has a potent insecticidal effect and a pungent odor, but it is relatively harmless to humans, at least if they comply with the instructions for its use.
However, before we talk about the use of Dichlorvos for the destruction of fleas, let's first, as they say, dot the i's.
In the chemical industry, and especially in the retail trade, Dichlorvos is also called the line of preparations for baiting insects, the main and only component of which is the substance of the same name. Recently, however, some manufacturers have begun to produce products that are called “Dichlorvos,” but which do not contain the organophosphorus itself Dichlorvos. These modern preparations are often even more effective against various insects, including fleas, than the old Dichlorvos in its first version.
On a note
Moreover, today the word “dichlorvos” is often used in the sense of “insecticide in a can” and when selling or using make such absurd errors as “Dichlorvos Kombat” or “Dichlorvos Raptor”. Understanding people know that Dichlorvos is Dichlorvos without different prefixes.
In general, it can be said that dimethyldichlorovinyl phosphate (Dichlorvos) does not withstand competition with more modern insecticidal preparations based on, for example, pyrethroids. Thus, the typical Dichlorvos known from Soviet times is not available today, and all products with the name Dichlorvos and various additional words (Neo, Super, etc.) are preparations based on more modern insecticides.
Instructions for the use of such an improved Dichlofos from fleas in general differs little from the rules for applying its original version. The price of the tool is quite low (60 rubles) and allows you to use it for almost everyone in need.
Such a different Dichlorvos: the entire product line
So, let's see what Dichlofos today can poison fleas in an apartment or house:
- Dichlorvos Universal, designed to combat all insects that are in the apartment, including fleas, moths, cockroaches, bedbugs, ants. The price of one cylinder is about 60 rubles.
- Dichlorvos Eco, characterized by the addition of lavender flavor to the composition and therefore does not cause negative sensations when used. Despite the prefix "Eco", this drug helps quite well against fleas, because it contains all the same powerful insecticides along with a pleasant flavoring. The price is also about 60 rubles.
- Dichlorvos Neo - perhaps the most famous of dichlorvos, completely odorless. It contains permethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide. The price of a 190-ml bottle is about 55 rubles.
As noted above, the traditional dichlorvos based on phosphorus organic matter is not produced today, because it has no competitive advantages. Therefore, figuring out how to apply Dichlorvos against fleas, you should study the instructions for the use of modernversions.
“All summer at the dacha we were bothered by fleas. Probably, with a local cat penetrated into the house, and then they began to bite us. We once went to the district center and rushed there to buy Dichlorvos, and we began to offer all sorts of other cans. I somehow do not trust them. With dichlorvos, everyone always poisoned evil spirits and will always poison them. Found in one general store Dikhlofos Neo, also doubted, but took for want of the present. It worked well, the day after the flea house was no longer in it. Maybe a couple of times during the summer someone was bitten, but in general they didn’t cause anxiety. Now, we hope they will freeze everything over the winter. ”
Alexey, Ivanovo
What makes Dichlorvos effective?
The effectiveness of Dichlorv against fleas and other parasites is based on the ability of its active substances to lead to disruptions in the nervous system of insects and their complete paralysis. Regardless of the version of the drug, all dichlorvos are almost equally effective: both true dichlorvos, permethrin, and piperonyl butoxide have a similar effect on fleas.
The difference between the old Dichlorvos and modern drugs only in the absence of the last strong pungent odors and their greater safety for humans and animals.
It is also important that Dichlorvos is effective against fleas also due to the form of release: all such products are available in aerosol cans. Due to the finely dispersed state of insecticides in an aerosol cloud, both adult fleas and their larvae, imperceptible and living where a person does not physically get them, are destroyed - under floors, behind baseboards, behind carpets and wallpaper, in garbage. The aerosol will also penetrate here, and therefore, if properly used, fleas can be removed completely by Dichlorvos.
How to use Dichlorvos to accurately remove fleas?
For total destruction of fleas in an apartment, Dichlorvos should be used only after the cause of the parasites has been eliminated. As evidenced by the reviews, Dichlofos from fleas gives a reliable result only after cats or dogs living indoors are treated from fleas. If the apartment itself is processed, and the parasites on a cat or dog are left, in a few months the whole epic will have to be repeated.
In accordance with the instructions, Dichlorvos should spray all surfaces in the apartment, especially carefully - the floor, wardrobes with clothes, shelves with different stuff in closets.Before that, all windows in the house should be closed so that the spray does not erode. A flea of a large apartment or house may require several cans for treatment.
“I saw fleas in large quantities once in my life, after moving. Prior to this, only in the student bedbugs in the hostel baited. And then a new apartment, and the former owner is a catwoman. Left us parasites. We poisoned them Dichlorvos, Eco called. It took us three bottles, one bottle per room and one to the kitchen. But I must admit - insects are completely worn out. There was not a single live flea in the apartment the next day. ”
Elena, Ryazan
At the time of treatment, all tenants and pets must leave the premises.
After spraying means the apartment is closed and insisted for several hours. During this time, the aerosol penetrates into all the cracks and under the furniture, where fleas and their larvae die rather quickly.
After a few hours, the apartment should be ventilated and wet-cleaned. The components of modern Dichlorvos are relatively safe for humans and animals, so even if some of its quantities remain somewhere, this is not critical.
In rare cases when the apartment is very badly infected with fleas, the procedure has to be repeated after two weeks. In this case, with the first dressing, the pupae and eggs resistant to insecticides survive, and within a few days the larvae and adult fleas hatch from them. After two weeks, all surviving parasites will be destroyed permanently upon repeated processing.
Safety when using Dichlorvos
It is important to remember that Dichlofos should never be used for the treatment of pet hair. Despite the fact that the preparation often includes the same substances that work in drops and sprays for dogs, their concentration here is different. Getting Dichlorvos on the body and in the respiratory tract of a pet can lead to serious allergies, and when licking its fur to animals - to intoxication.
Treatment of the room with Dichlorvos should be carried out with gloves and a respirator. Better yet, add a cotton gauze bandage to them. If the agent gets on the mucous membranes - in the mouth, nose, eyes - they should be washed as soon as possible under running water.
"After we poisoned fleas have dogs, dichlorvos treated flat.The effect is excellent, the fleas have died, but then my head was spinning for several days, and the little one vomited and refused to eat. I was afraid that I would have to repeat the procedure, because there were too many insects, but it carried by. My resume: Dichlorvos is a reliable thing, but you need to be very careful with it. ”
Irina, Tyumen
Alternative flea remedies
It is necessary to pay tribute to the modern chemical industry - the choice of a flea fighter today is extremely wide, and there are quite a few alternative means that are not inferior to Dichlorvos in terms of efficiency and safety. Among them:
- Combat - a line of drugs to combat domestic insects. Most of the products contain aromas of lavender, eucalyptus and mint.
- The raptor is also a large complex of insecticidal drugs.
In addition, a variety of insecticidal concentrate concentrates are made for dilution and subsequent spraying from the spray in the form of a spray. In terms of effectiveness and price, such drugs in most cases exceed aerosol means.
The following preparations for fleas can be noted, which are produced in the form of concentrates (sometimes they are also called emulsion concentrates): Medilis Tsiper, Get, Agran, Lambda Zone, Tsifoks, Kukaracha, Taran, etc.
For example, Get is a fairly powerful microencapsulated drug, relatively safe and practically odorless, which allows destroying fleas in a single dose.
“We are used to poisoning all parasites with Dichlorvos, and from fleas we were looking for him. But they did not find it, but we were aggressively offered the Raptor, and we decided to try it. The remedy is good, effective, compared to the caustic old Dichlorvos, it’s generally magical - it smells like mint in the apartment after it. The fleas are really gone, that's great. Although I think that the manufacturers of Dichlorvos should today produce their drug in such a way that it does not stink too much. ”
Yana, Zarichne
Useful video: how to choose the most effective and safe insect repellent
The life of fleas under the microscope: interesting footage
Thanks for the information.
Thank you, very well painted! He really helped!
We hope for the best. Spoiled, we will wait for the result. Thanks for the advice.
Horror, Bars does not help. From the fleas, the neo was squirting dichlorvos into the apartment - also nothing. Spattered completely shepherd, lives on the couch. All the same, the reptiles did not disappear. Tomorrow, apply a different way.
Those guys are not dying these creatures. Help!