Site about the fight against domestic insects

Hornets and wasps

First aid for wasp stings
First aid for wasp stings

It would seem that the bite of a wasp does not represent any particular danger for a person - well, it will take a little more time, scratch, and it will pass. However, practice shows that these insects do not always end up with such minor consequences: sometimes a strong allergic reaction with extensive edema develops, and in exceptional cases even anaphylactic shock is observed. On how to properly provide first aid for bites of wasps and, thereby, to minimize the risks of possible serious health consequences, we will continue to talk ...

Effective remedies for wasps: review of drugs and nuances of their use
Effective remedies for wasps: review of drugs and nuances of their use

Wasps built their nest at their summer cottage or on the balcony? Or maybe they are too frequent for the grapes growing in the garden and prevent children from calmly feasting on ripe berries? In the vast majority of such cases, unwelcome guests will have to be exterminated.However, it is better to choose which remedy for wasps in order to get rid of insects quickly, effectively and at the same time safely for your health - we will go further in this question and try to figure it out ...

What to do when a hornet bites and how it can be dangerous to health
What to do when a hornet bites and how it can be dangerous to health

Bitten a hornet? The main thing - do not panic. Despite the fact that it can be very painful, your main task in such a situation is to prevent the emerging edema from spreading strongly in the tissues and to take urgent proactive measures to reduce the severity of a possible allergic reaction. After all, it is allergy to the hornet bite that causes serious consequences for human health, sometimes even resulting in death. What is dangerous hornet bite and what to do if the insect still stung? Let's talk more about this ...

How can you get rid of wasps in the house and destroy them at the dacha
How can you get rid of wasps in the house and destroy them at the dacha

Despite all the benefits of wasps as exterminators of harmful insects, in many cases a person has to get rid of them. Too close proximity to the wasps can really pose a serious danger, especially for children, who often show excessive interest in these insects and their nests.But to get rid of striped roommates in the house or on the summer cottage in practice is not always easy: first, the methods of dealing with wasps are very different from the extermination of ordinary domestic insects, and secondly, it is necessary to strictly observe special security measures. Further, the story will be devoted to proven methods in practice, with which you can quickly and effectively get rid of wasps, even with a large number of them on the site ...

Interesting facts from the life of wasps and photos of these insects
Interesting facts from the life of wasps and photos of these insects

It seems to many that they know the wasps fairly well and can tell anyone how to distinguish them from other insects, where they live and how they sting. However, an entomologist who, having heard such a statement from a simple summer resident or fisherman, only smiles condescendingly: seeing wasps several times during the summer season and understanding all the nuances of their uneasy life (which, by the way, are many) are completely different things. Wasps are a very diverse group of insects that can surprise anyone with quite interesting aspects of their biology. We will now talk about such interesting facts from the life of wasps ...

What is important to know about the bites of wasps and their danger to humans
What is important to know about the bites of wasps and their danger to humans

Much has been said in other publications on our website about how to properly treat a wasp sting and what means to use to relieve swelling, pain and itching. But about the details of the bite itself - about what processes occur in the affected tissues, about its consequences for the human body - we have not yet had time to prepare more or less comprehensive information. Let us correct this unfortunate misunderstanding and properly examine all the nuances of this unpleasant, but, nevertheless, quite interesting process. This will not only broaden your horizons, but also help to avoid bites at all in the future, or simply take the necessary measures quickly in the event of an insect attack. So let's look at the bite of a wasp both with the naked eye and under a microscope ...

What to do if a cat was bitten by a cat ...
What to do if a cat was bitten by a cat ...

Wasps often sting cats, both completely domestic and those who used to live on the street. Cats try to play with insects, some even hunt them, so it is not surprising that the response of the wasps does not take long. The consequences of such meetings are different: some animals can not pay any attention to the bite, and even eat their "opponent", and for others - stinging can be fatal.To be able to determine how severe the wasp's bite turned out for a cat, to figure out whether it needs to be treated in each particular case is important for any loving owner. So today let's talk about what to do if a pet was bitten by a wasp.

Wasp bites during pregnancy: how dangerous is it and what to do?
Wasp bites during pregnancy: how dangerous is it and what to do?

Least of all during pregnancy I want some surprises with health, so the bite of a wasp, which in any other period of a woman’s life would be just an annoying nuisance, is now capable of seriously scaring the future mother. Yes, and during breastfeeding, the attack of the wasp is a serious concern - wouldn’t the poison of the insect be a threat to the health of the baby, would the toxins cause an allergic reaction? Therefore, let us see if a wasp bite poses any danger to pregnant and lactating women, and whether it can have any consequences for the fetus or infant ...

What to do if a wasp bitten
What to do if a wasp bitten

A wasp sting is an unpleasant event, but in general it is not too dangerous for human health. In most cases, the effects of such a bite are limited to local inflammation, pain and itching, which disappear within a few days even without special measures.Only in exceptional cases, a wasp sting can lead to the development of severe allergies, resulting in angioedema or even anaphylactic shock. Fortunately, such an outcome of events is really rare, so the only thing that is required after a wasp bite is to calmly and confidently take the necessary measures to reduce the consequences to a minimum. What exactly should be done in such cases, we further and consider more ...

What to do if a wasp bite is itchy
What to do if a wasp bite is itchy

The itch at the site of the wasp’s bite is perhaps the safest of all the possible consequences resulting from the attack of this insect. And, nevertheless, I want to get rid of him with all my might, because the very existence of itching is very unpleasant, and, at times, the place affected by poison itches so much that it does not distract from it. Needless to say about small children who are constantly scratching such bites, risking an infection in scratched wounds ... That is why, no matter how slight the itch, it is desirable to remove it as soon as possible, but how to do it right? Let's figure it out.



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