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The use of Agran for the destruction of bed bugs

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Is the insecticidal agent Agran really able to effectively destroy bedbugs? ..

Agran is a Russian-made combination insecticidal product designed to kill various synanthropic insects and other arthropods: bedbugs, cockroaches, ants, ticks, moths and others. In practice, the owners of houses and apartments are most often used Agran against bugs. This is partly due to the fact that due to the presence of two insecticidal components of different classes in Agran, the remedy can be effective even when bugs are resistant to other drugs, while for simpler commoners (cockroaches, for example), means are simpler. - gels, sticky traps, Dichlorvos, etc.

However, reviews of those who already had the opportunity to apply Agran from bedbugs,they are divided into two opposite groups: some people praise the tool and write that it helped them, while others, on the contrary, complain that the drug did not work and is a "dummy".

The photo shows a nest of bed bugs in the furniture.


“We ordered processing in a special service, an employee came from there, very late due to the large number of orders. I looked at the apartment for a long time, said that we didn’t have so many bugs, it would be easy to get them out. Filled the contract even longer, then began to spray the room. Specially remembered the name of the poison - Agran, because this stench for a long time I can not forget. Such a blatant slut, as if someone had died in the apartment. Moreover, this smell did not erode for several days. But the most annoying thing is that the bugs did not disappear! Moreover, they are not even less. I began to find them even on curtains and in wardrobes with linen, I saw them crawling out a couple of times a day ... So much for the experts with their super poison. ”

Alla, Moscow

And indeed, the drug Agran has specific properties that must be considered before working with it. For example, the drug has a strong unpleasant odor, which can persist for a long time in a treated apartment.For a long time, this smell can be bought by mattresses, sofas, armchairs and other well-absorbing interior items. When working with the product it is important to use personal protective equipment and carefully follow the instructions for use, since the components of the product can cause poisoning if inhaled into the respiratory system or the stomach.

At the same time, Agran is relatively inexpensive. The price of a 50 ml bottle of emulsion concentrate is about 300 rubles, and the instructions indicate that this amount, with the necessary anti-bugs breeding, is sufficient for processing up to 100 m2 surfaces in the room.

The product is sold in larger packaging (1 liter and 5 liters):

Agran in bottles of 1 and 5 liters (for professional pest control).

Below we will take a closer look at what failures in using Agran against bed bugs are associated with, but for a start it is useful to say a few words about the composition of the drug and its mechanism of action on parasites ...


“The most reliable poison that helped us get the bedbugs is Agran. Before him the apartment was flooded with different solutions, they were smeared with crayons everywhere, even the wallpaper had to be removed so that this infection could not hide behind them.When they bought Agran, they no longer believed in success. I will say right away - he himself almost died while he processed the apartment. The smell is horrible. The cat has been living on the street for the third week already, it does not enter the apartment, although we hardly feel the aroma anymore. But there are no bugs! No one at all! After six months of constant bites, it was even unusual, and then I got comfortable ... So the tool works, but it requires a pin on the nose. ”

Victor, from forum posts


The composition of the drug and the effect of its components on bedbugs

The composition of insecticidal Agran includes two active ingredients:

  • Chlorpyrifos is the main component, the mass fraction of which in the preparation is 50%. This is an organophosphorus compound, which has a pronounced contact and intestinal effect on insects (due to which it destroys bugs, even simply falling on their paws or body during casual contact, including several days later and even weeks after pest control);The main active ingredient of Agran is chlorpyrifos.
  • Cypermethrin - it is in the composition of the drug 5%. It is intended to enhance the effect of chlorpyrifos and to provide an effect in the case when the insects being destroyed are resistant to the action of the first component.It also has a well-pronounced contact and intestinal poisoning effect.The insecticide cypermethrin in the composition of the drug is used as an auxiliary active substance.

When processing the premises, those bugs will perish most quickly, on which the sprayed agent directly fell into the form of an aerosol. In this case, the drug enters the hemolymph through the chitinous integument of the insect and its spiracle (in the latter case, the effect appears faster). In the nerve ganglia of bugs, chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin disrupt the regulation of excitation of nerve cells, and paralysis rapidly develops in a poisoned insect, which soon leads to death.

On a note

Depending on the amount of funds that fell on the body of the bug, as well as on the stage of development of the parasite (nymphs are more sensitive to insecticides), death occurs within 1-2 hours after treatment. It is quite obvious that during processing it is important to try to find as many nests and shelters of bedbugs as possible in the apartment and treat the maximum number of parasites with the preparation.

When the drug dries on the treated surface, forming an invisible layer, it retains its toxic activity. - bedbugs run through it, and the particles of the agent stick to the paws and abdomen of insects.After that, insecticides penetrate through the chitin integuments into the soft tissues, from there into the hemolymph, and from there into the nerve ganglia. Further poisoning proceeds in the same way as in the direct treatment of an insect, however, here the action will be greatly extended in time. Bedbugs after such contact with a dried insecticide usually die within 24 hours.

Bedbugs die, even simply in contact with the surface previously treated with Agran.

The auxiliary components of the Agran preparation include emulsifiers (8%) and a hydrocarbon solvent (37%). By the way, in many respects it is an organic solvent that provides a sharp unpleasant odor from the concentrate and the finished aqueous solution. Meanwhile, many people unknowingly attribute this smell to “lethal chemistry”, which is used in Agran, although in reality chlorpyrifos and cypermethrin do not have such a sharp unpleasant odor.


“Agran is as powerful as smelly. Imagine the fragrance of a decomposed corpse floating in a sewer. Something like this, only Agran once again stinks more than five times! Whether from the poison, or from only one smell, but the bugs shut up forever. Fact is a fact: they brought out at once ... "

Igor, Krasnoyarsk

The likelihood of resistance of bugs to Agran is practically excluded. At present, bedbug populations that are resistant to both cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos are not known. Consequently, if the drug is applied correctly, then all the bugs on which the remedy falls will be destroyed.

The failures that are mentioned in the reviews may be related to the following nuances that are not always taken into account when dealing with bedbugs:

  • If the apartment is not sufficiently processed, then, naturally, many parasites will remain alive and continue to multiply;
  • Even if during processing it is possible to destroy almost all the bugs, the remaining eggs of the parasites will give in a few weeks a new generation of larvae (most insecticides have little effect on the eggs of the bugs due to their dense protective shell). And if you do not re-process until puberty of young individuals, then the population of bugs in the room after some time will restore its numbers again;Eggs of bedbugs on the end of a wooden board
  • Even if everything is done correctly and killed when processing all bedbugs, new parasites can come from neighbors. As practice shows, few people think about measures of prevention and blocking the migration routes of bedbugs from neighboring rooms.

As you can see, there are enough important nuances, but if you do not take them into account, then you can hardly cope with bloodsuckers even with the help of highly effective insecticidal preparations.


Does Agran remedy bed bugs eggs?

Generally speaking, Aran’s ovicidal action, that is, his ability to kill bugs developing in embryo eggs, remains in question today.

It should be understood that Agran is not able to destroy all the eggs of bed bugs in the room, and the larvae will hatch from them anyway.

On the one hand, many organophosphorus compounds in experiments on other insects demonstrate the ability to infect eggs and prevent larvae from hatching. At the same time, the effectiveness of chlorpyrifos specifically and precisely against the eggs of bed bugs is not strictly confirmed, and therefore one cannot be sure that the eggs will die even with the direct processing of nests of bugs by Agran.

Cypermethrin, however, does not possess ovicidal action.

In any case, even before the first use of Agraan, it is necessary to understand initially that even if part of the bugs eggs will be destroyed by the means and the nymphs do not hatch from them, then in the room with a high probability still remain intact eggs, which the drug does not work. From these eggs, after the death of all adult bugs and larvae, young seedlings will hatch. Therefore, repeated processing with Agran is required in most cases.


The consumption rates of funds in the fight against bedbugs

In accordance with the official instructions for use, for the removal of bed bugs Agran is recommended to be diluted in a concentration of 5.5 ml per 1 liter of water (the contents of one bottle of 50 ml is diluted in 9 liters of water). However, disinsectors with experience in this field advise to increase the concentration, diluting 10 ml of the drug in 1 liter of water.

In the future, when processing the premises, it is recommended to apply 50 ml of the obtained working solution to each square meter of the treated surface that does not absorb moisture, and 100 ml of working solution to the same area of ​​the absorbing surface.

The table below shows the norms of dilution with water of Agran means when breeding various insects (excerpt from the instructions):

The table with the norms of dilution means Agran

(If it is intended to fight simultaneously with several species of insects, then a solution is prepared with the highest required concentration).


“I tried to use Agran from bed bugs. I sprayed all the wallpaper joints, baseboards and crevices, poktybrasyval mattresses, and all the wife washed things at a temperature and stroked. But after 2 months the bugs appeared again.Repeated processing on the new, but the result is the same. Then the guys from SES told me that nothing helps me because the bugs are getting into the apartment from the neighbors. ”

Ivan Sergeevich, Tambov


Rules of application of agran against bedbugs

Even before the treatment of the apartment by means of Agran, it is necessary to calculate exactly how the bugs entered the room. If they came and continue to come from the neighbors, you need to find the places through which they enter the apartment, and repair them. It can be cracks in doorframes, ventilation, sewer and heating pipe joints with concrete floors, cracks in floors and walls, sockets.

Bedbugs from neighbors can get into your apartment, even through sockets in the walls.

While such “corridors” will remain open, even after the complete extermination of bedbugs in the apartment, new parasites will quietly climb soon as the tool disappears, and as a result, the handler may not even notice the special effect of its use.

On a note

In many cases, precisely because of the presence of a connection with infected premises, it seems that Agran is not working and is not able to destroy bedbugs - corresponding negative reviews appear. This, incidentally, is relevant for most other insecticidal agents,including very effective ones: the handler simply does not notice a pronounced effect, since new parasites climb into the apartment almost immediately after the destruction of the old ones, and plus to this, the bug larvae gradually hatch from surviving eggs.

Therefore, blocking the pathways for bedbugs to enter an apartment from the neighboring contaminated premises is no less important than the proper use of Agran.

Before using the drug Agran indoors, it is necessary to free the approaches to all walls and baseboards, to the back walls of cabinets, cabinets, mezzanines. From wardrobes get things and packaged in plastic bags. If you plan to process the kitchen, the dishes and food should also be hidden in bags or removed from the apartment.

Mattresses and bedding should be removed from the beds, from the inner shelves of the sofas should be removed all the things there folded.

To improve the efficiency of processing from bedbugs, an apartment must be carefully prepared for this procedure.

Agran is diluted with tap water at the right concentration in a container of a suitable size, after which the prepared solution is poured into the spraying device. When self-processing can be used, for example,a bottle from any household product with a spray nozzle (you can use a household spray bottle used for spraying plants). The garden sprayer is even more effective, allowing to reduce expenses of time and forces for processing.

Processing is carried out with the windows open (after processing they should be closed).

Means sprayed walls, plinths, carpets, upholstered furniture, mattresses, bedside tables and wardrobes inside and outside. If parquet is laid on the floor, it should be completely processed, only edges are processed on the laminate or linoleum. Also subject to processing are bookshelves, carpets and paintings on the walls. Found bugs nests with clusters of parasites and eggs are especially carefully handled.

The picture shows the places in the room, the processing of which you need to pay special attention (there you can often find bugs nests).

After this, the room should be left and left "to insist" for 3-4 hours. Then it is carried out thorough wet cleaning and airing. If the strong smell of the agent remains in the room, it is not recommended to stay and, especially, to spend the night here.

On a note

If, after a few days or even weeks, small larvae of parasites (nymphs) are found in the room, they are likely to be bred from eggs that were not destroyed during processing.In this case, 15-20 days after the first treatment, it is important to recycle the room. During this time, nymphs will be hatching out of all eggs, and none of them will have time to reach an adult state and lay new eggs, and the means during repeated processing will destroy all the insects in the room. If everything is done correctly, the fight against bedbugs on this can be considered complete.


Toxicity to humans and animals, security measures

According to the degree of impact on the body when injected into the stomach, Agran belongs to the 3rd class of danger to humans (moderately hazardous substance), and the working solution - to the 4th class of danger (low-hazardous substance). Be that as it may, for the processing of this tool you need to use personal protective equipment in order to avoid getting the drug in the eyes, respiratory tract and digestive tract.

Instructions for use include the need for the handler to be dressed in long-sleeved clothing, goggles, a respirator and rubber gloves. During the processing of the apartment should be removed all tenants and pets.

When handling any insecticidal product, personal protective equipment must be used.

If skin irritation or itching occurs during treatment,or there are symptoms of intoxication in the form of headaches, nausea and dizziness, treatment should be stopped and go out into the fresh air. If symptoms worsen, induce vomiting, drink activated charcoal (10-15 tablets) and see a doctor. In no case should you induce vomiting in a person who has lost consciousness.

Also, work should be stopped when there are signs of allergy: itching in the nose, sneezing, tearing.

In the absence of commercial Agran may be replaced by drugs Chloropyrivat-Agro or Nurell-D, which have absolutely identical composition. But as practice shows, Agran is easier to buy in stores (including online stores) than its counterparts.


“A neighbor saved us from bedbugs. Apparently, he already had experience in dealing with these creatures. I saw the eldest son without a shirt and immediately understood what was the matter. Early on Saturday morning, he came to us with a solution canister (as they later learned, used Agran) and introduced us all to socially useful work)). Sprayed from the spray all the joints between the wallpaper, all the plinths, beds, sofas, turned the covers from the mattresses. A month later, repeated. Now, for the last 3 months, we are only cautiously looking around, but for now it’s clear. ”

Tatyana, St. Petersburg

In general, it can be noted that with proper application, Agran is quite capable of destroying the entire population of parasites in the house.

In conclusion, it can be noted that if used correctly, Agran really helps to fight off bedbugs and can be used to self-destruct these parasites. When taking into account all the nuances described above, the drug effectively destroys adult bugs and nymphs, and after two consecutive treatments with an interval of 2-3 weeks all insects will be destroyed in the room.

If you have experience using Agran against bedbugs or other insects, be sure to share interesting information on this topic by leaving your review at the bottom of this page (in the comments box).


Useful video on how to choose the means to destroy bedbugs


A good example of the use of Ecokiller anti bugs

It is also useful to read: Bedbug Remedy


To the entry "The use of Agran means for the destruction of bed bugs" 3 comments
  1. Max:

    Agran is not worth the effort. There are drugs, or mixes, which deal with bedbugs from the first time. It all depends on the experience of the master or the availability of normal drugs. To breathe, to spoil the health after treatment with Agran is sado-maso. No master for himself (that is, at home) such a drug will not be used if he is not an idiot. And for clients everything will come down. That is the essence of such masters.

    • Dmitriy:

      Write out that there are drugs that deal with bedbugs from the first time. For example? What is the alternative?

  2. Eugene:

    He processed the apartment with Agran at a concentration of 50 ml per 4 liters of water. Sense zero, ate in a day in full. Behind the cupboard on the floor, only three individuals found in a coma. The residual smell after all airing comes from the parquet, but it is ready to endure, if you understand that the tool is working. But, along the way, alas ... Flies die at once, like spiders, and bugs do not.Before that, I bought an antilope in the SES in a specialized store, blockaded it twice, I didn’t have any sense either ... Today I’ll try Kukarachu.

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