Site about the fight against domestic insects

How to independently destroy domestic bugs in the apartment

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Destruction of domestic bugs

Many people who are faced with the problem of infestation by bedbugs prefer to immediately contact pest control services. Meanwhile, this expensive event may not give the quick and long-term effect that tenants expect.

At the same time, there are a lot of ways to get rid of bedbugs on your own, and today everyone can take measures in just a day, thanks to which domestic bugs completely disappear from the premises.

To date, the market is flooded with household insecticides, which allow you to easily and inexpensively carry out pest control with your own hands. The effectiveness of these tools proves: self-destruction of bedbugs is quite possible.


The use of aerosol insecticides for bedbugs

Aerosol is a very convenient form of release of antiparasitic agents, allowing you to apply the drug on any surface in literally several movements. In addition, the destruction of bugs using drugs in this form gives the fastest result.

Aerosol products from bedbugs give the fastest result

Aerosol products are best used locally - spray them over the nests of bedbugs or their accumulation sites, because after applying to the surface the drug retains its effectiveness for a short time.

Aerosols have one major drawback: after spraying a significant part of the poison enters the air and can penetrate into the respiratory tract of a person or animal. Therefore, when working with sprays, it is important to strictly follow the instructions:

  • remove food, hide personal items before use
  • remove animals and children from the premises, close tightly and turn off the air intakes aquariums
  • wear personal protective equipment: mask or respirator, goggles, gloves, a bathrobe
  • wide open windows
  • the can must be shaken thoroughly to mix the components
  • Spray insect accumulations and secluded areas of the room, holding a can in an outstretched hand.The distance to the object to be sprayed is approximately 20 cm. Aerosols should not be used near electrical appliances and open flame. Spray so that a continuous line is obtained.
  • After processing, you need to leave the windows open and leave the room for at least half an hour.

Self destruction of bedbugs in the apartment can be done with the following sprays:

  • The raptor from bedbugs. It contains pyrethroid group poison, has a paralytic effect on the nervous system of insects. Most effective for local effects on parasites and their nests. You can buy the Raptor at a price of about 150-180 rubles.Raptor from domestic bugs
  • Raid. It is recommended for the processing of upholstered furniture, has an unstable smell that quickly disappears. You can buy the product for 150-180 rubles.Raid Aerosol
  • Microscope. Known professional remedy with a strong smell, but very effective. It can be used on upholstered furniture (if the persistent smell does not frighten) or directly on the nests of bugs, on the parasites themselves. It is quite problematic to get Microscope, and one canister of it, which can be used to process the whole apartment, will cost 1,500 rubles.Micros: dilution concentrate
  • Combat This is another effective aerosol that is equipped with special nozzles for hard-to-reach places.It has a paralytic effect on insects, works best with a direct impact on bugs and their nests. Buy Combat can be for 125-140 rubles.

Kombat aerosol (Combat)

Before you remove bedbugs yourself with the help of sprays, you need to take care of the availability of personal protective equipment: gloves, cotton gauze dressing or respirator, glasses. They will reduce the likelihood of insecticide on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract and provide adequate safety at work.


The use of insecticidal powders and chalk

When people think about how to poison the bedbugs on their own, they often focus on the advice of the sellers in the store or on the market. Many of them offer products released in the form of powder or chalk, which are supposedly very effective.

In fact, this form of release does not always have an effect against bedbugs, because these insects will not eat poisonous powder (as a cockroach, for example) could eat - bedbugs feed exclusively on blood. Therefore, only those powder insecticides that include poison of contact action, and not just intestinal, are actually working. The fight against the use of such powders is quite effective, but stretches over time.

Self-extermination of bedbugs usually involves the use of the following insecticidal powders:

  • Chlorophos. Organophosphate insecticide, requires the preparation of a solution: 15 g of powder per 10 liters of water. Effective against bedbugs and their eggs. It is moderately toxic to humans, but is dangerous by inhalation.Chlorophos: insecticidal powder
  • Masha. This chalk has a sufficiently high efficiency due to the content of poisons of the pyrethroid group. It is well fixed on the surface and acts for a long time after application. In terms of price and quality - this is one of the best options with a small number of bedbugs in the apartment.Shallow mashenka is also quite effective against domestic bugs
  • Neopin - quite effective powder for the destruction of bed bugs. Before use, it must be diluted in proportions of 10 g per 1 liter of water. It is necessary to irrigate places of accumulation of bedbugs and hard-to-reach places, and after 2 hours you can wash everything off (it does not have a prolonged action). To achieve the effect, a constant (literally daily) treatment with Neopin solution is required, otherwise it will not cope with the problem, but will only reduce the number of parasites.


Extermination of bedbugs by heat treatment

Homebugs, like all living things, have their own temperature limits of existence. Therefore, when self-destroying bedbugs, you can use an old proven trick: in the winter, you can take the infected sofa outside and leave it there for several hours.

Bedbugs die in the cold

If you can move for a couple of days, you can “freeze” the whole apartment, However, it is dangerous for plumbing (heating pipes may burst).

Domestic bugs do not tolerate temperatures from minus 22 degrees and below, and if the apartment is located in a region where such frosts occur, then such a way as freezing the room should be noted.

It is also possible to get rid of bed bugs with the help of high temperatures: parasite nests are boiled over or boiled over with steam. The first method rather effectively reduces the number of bedbugs, but only if their habitats are identified. The second method is worse: the steam usually does not have time to reach the desired place, condensing on furniture or walls.

Do disinsectors have special steam generators that send steam to the right place and destroy bed bugs. But the usual kettle is unlikely to work.Occasionally, professional disinsectors apply long-term heating of the room to a strand temperature of + 50 ° C using heat guns - this also leads to the death of the parasites.


Folk remedies against bedbugs

In the centuries-old struggle with bedbugs, people invented more and more new recipes for the effective destruction of these parasites. Some of these folk remedies do work, but for the most part they simply scare away the bugs for a while, without reducing their numbers. Such folk remedies-repellents include, for example, wormwood, tansy, vinegar, ammonia and some others.

Vinegar - an old folk remedy for bedbugs

There are options for mixtures that kill insects by direct contact with them. Unfortunately, they do not have a prolonged action. They do not make sense to apply throughout the apartment, you can handle only the discovered nests of bed bugs:

  • a mixture of vinegar, naphthalene and 90% alcohol in equal parts;
  • pure meth;
  • aviation kerosene.

It is worth remembering that independent destruction of bedbugs by folk remedies makes sense only with a small number of insects in the house. In addition, the use of toxic chemicals requires compliance with strict safety procedures: the use of gloves, masks and goggles.

Denatured alcohol, alcohol and aviation liquid are highly flammable, so you can not use them near the source of fire. In addition, these agents are toxic to animals.

So, as you can see, self-destruction of bedbugs in an apartment is not such an impossible task, if you approach it wisely. It is possible to completely get rid of the bed bugs population in a fairly short time, but there is always the risk of their re-penetration, for example, from their neighbors. Therefore it is useful to act together with other tenants of the house.

If it is not possible to agree with the neighbors, then it is necessary to carry out constant preventive measures and to protect your apartment from the new penetration of bedbugs.


5 effective ways to destroy bed bugs in the apartment


Video: we are testing a remedy for bedbugs Hangman


To the record "How to independently destroy household bugs in the apartment" 29 comments
  1. vadim:

    Hello, people! It takes advice that will really help get rid of nasty bug bugs. They tried to take aerosols, dust in powder form, pour wormwood, watered the bed with 9% peroxide and even all sorts of things, the result is that the bugs are not going to disappear. The main question is whether it is necessary to flee to be tested for any bad diseases, since these reptiles are carriers of these? It came to the point that they creep out during the day, they don’t care about daylight and any poison at all, or it’s easier to really burn the apartment,guard ... anyone help me!

  2. Sergei:

    There was this infection a year ago, as they appeared crazy I do not commit it. I re-read the entire Internet far and wide, did not call for the sanstantion, because the apartment is rented. I got rid of all the aerosols that are on the market, spent a lot of money and nerves and not one did not help. Then he bought Karbofos on gardening trays, also bought a respirator, as the poison is harmful to humans. He diluted the preparation with water, 4 ampoules per 2 liters of water, and sprayed everything that the arms got with the help of a usual Mr. Muscle sprinkler. If there are many bugs, then PALAC can be mixed with CARBOPUS (it can also be bought there). He closed all the windows and doors and went for a walk at 12 o'clock. He came to ventilate, the smell, of course, dissipated sufficiently during the week, well, better let it stink than gnaw. People were advised to re-process after 2 weeks, I did not, as I had few of them. And pah pah to this day they are not. The whole procedure cost me $ 10 with the respirator. Try it, it will not be worse.

    And by the way, after processing, even flies didn’t fly into my apartment for two months, but I forgot about Prusaks and neighboring partisans.Everything that creeps and flies has died.

  3. Tired:

    We were helped by the drug medilis-tsiper. Very effective and inexpensive. On the 3-room apartment spent the drug for 300 rubles. Processed 2 times with an interval of a week. Before that, they spent a lot of money on sprays, aqua-fumigators, crayons, powders. Nothing helped.

    • Artyom:

      But he cannot help me in any way, for the third time I am already processing them my two-room apartment. And each time he increased the dose, it reached 5 ml with 1.5 liters of water. Last processed 3 days ago, walked completely in all corners, low, on top, vertically, sprayed all the doors, switches and sockets. And today this undead in one copy crawled out again (true, small). I do not know what to do.

  4. Anna:

    Where can I buy this Medilis Ziper?

  5. Edward:

    And this can definitely help.

  6. Anna:

    Recently in the apartment got bugs. A lot of money used, but nothing helped. I was helped in the fight against this evil exterminator. I was very pleased with the advice and assistance.

  7. Tatyana:

    Caused disinsectors, stripped 5 thousand for processing, and the bugs have not gone away. When contacting them, they also offered to re-process for 800 rubles, although they had been given a guarantee for 24 months before. Beware of scams!

    • Olga:

      Also called. It did not help, they appeared again (Well, we have a 3-year warranty, we can still call it, and it will be free of charge. But it’s not a fact that there will be no bugs.

      • Anonymous:

        Not the fact that they will go to remake. I was already tortured to try, and the cops both were and are crawling.

      • Anonymous:

        I do not know, I called my daughter. True, two days were processed, but it helped.

  8. Helena:

    Hello. Tatyana, the same story, caused pest control, only poisoned cockroaches. She gave 2500, gave a guarantee also for a year. There was no result at all. Re-offered at half price. I wished them health.

  9. Misha:

    Yesterday I summoned the master, nothing helped, 3000 rubles was given. Beware of scams!

    • Natalia:

      The same story ... Only we gave 5,000 rubles, and now we are thinking about self-processing.

  10. Chipmunk Ivan:

    Yesterday I sprayed one Combat on the sofa. The desired result is not reached. Today found live bugs.Partially sprayed raptor. Also no effect.

  11. Ilya:

    I can no longer ... Give me something proven, otherwise I will burn everything to such and such a mother and buy everything new, together with the cat!

  12. Anonymous:

    Also struggling with these creatures. All means that advertise, garbage. Only chlorine or dust will help you, as well as hot processing. Yesterday I found a good remedy for them, today I am collecting corpses. This remedy for fungus on the walls, bought the cheapest, closed the windows, doors, processed everything and left for the night. In the morning there was still a strong smell, but quickly weathered, opening the windows. For reliability, the couch was poured over with boiling water on the sofa, suddenly the eggs are alive. I think that in a couple of weeks I will repeat the treatment with anti-mold. It consists of chlorine, water and a couple of components. I liked today's result. Prior to this, Goethe, Karbofos, different aerosols - the result was zero. For 5 months, so much money wasted, guard. The tool is very caustic, take care of the lungs.

  13. Helena:

    I rent an apartment, the lodgers come with their couch, as a result, six months later they screwed up, leaving me with a wonderful sofa with bedbugs.I had to make all the furniture, rip off the wallpaper in the entire apartment, leaving only the refrigerator. But today I found a live clip - during the day. She treated with raid, dichlorvos, fenaxin, karbofos, fufanon, aktar. Just do not know what to do.

  14. Valeria:

    Turned in spec. office It's just crap, freaking off money, and the effect is zero, the bugs are in their places! They promised a second free call, do not be fooled (half the cost of what they paid).

  15. Ainura:

    Hello, people. Help, we recently rented an apartment, and then the bugs. Masters have already been called twice, no sense - on the contrary, they multiply. I do not know what to do. But we have small children. I don’t know how to poison, whether it’s already independently starting a fight with these creatures.

  16. Vera:

    Hello! Tell me, what is the most reliable means of bedbugs? Bred in the couch, but we threw the couch. Maybe they remained in the couch, and they are no more?

  17. Natalia:

    Cifox - cool tool!

  18. Maksim:

    Same crap. He moved to the hostel, and in 10 days they drank all the blood. What to do? Who to contact?!

  19. Galina:

    Beware of scams! We were led by a neighbor. Began to process together like bedbugs. Threatened with trial. Forced to lay out 30 000. Handled for 10 minutes, a three-room apartment. Bedbugs are alive, and the neighbor slaps shameless eyes. It is necessary, says more! We will poison ourselves, there is no more money, pensions have flown away, and the neighbor advised us to save on food.

  20. Natalia:

    The parasitic neighbor drags things and furniture from the garbage, he threw up the klopovnik. I went to get gray with my husband, to talk - he rewarded his comrades. Here, now what night I do not lie on the sofa, I am very much afraid. And we have children, I do not know what to do. How to deal with bedbugs?

  21. Milana:

    Hello, if you call a service, is it possible to determine that they are fraudsters? And how to check?

  22. Valentine:

    I called today from the Moscow SES, an employee asked in advance to sign a contract and pay 1900 rubles. He processed a 2-room apartment in 10 minutes, and he did nothing at all in the kitchen and in the bathroom toilet. The rooms only sprinkled sofas and slightly in some places wallpaper. Is it possible that fraudsters work in such a solid company as SES? It is a shame for SES Moscow.

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