The nest of hornets at the dacha is always a certain source of danger. It is believed that in order to guarantee the peaceful coexistence of man and hornets, one should not approach their nest closer than 50 meters. But in most suburban areas this condition is simply impossible, which means that it is still advisable to remove the nest of hornets, and the sooner the better.
In the photo - the nest of hornets above the entrance to the utility room. In this case, access to such a room is always fraught with health risks:
In general, the hornets are very diligently guarding their nest and sharply activated with signs of danger (this must be borne in mind when you try to remove it). However, at a great distance from the nest, the hornet may well seem relatively peace-loving insects, as it always prefers to fly away in case of danger.
Thus, settling in the suburban areas, these large insects at least deliver tangible discomfort to their owners. It often happens that a person has to experience the hornet bite.
Hornet bites are very painful. In most cases, they lead to severe edema and long, throbbing pain. But that's not all: in some cases, when the victim has an increased sensitivity to insect bites, the hornet attack can lead to the development of severe rapidly spreading allergy symptoms, life-threatening. If a person does not provide timely medical care, then the meeting with the hornet can end in anaphylactic shock and even death (in rare cases).
This problem is very urgent for the inhabitants of Primorye and the countries of Southeast Asia, where the giant Asian hornet lives.
However, his common European brethren can be very dangerous.
Especially often think about how to destroy the hornet's nest, bears have to. The fact is that in addition to the inconvenience caused to ordinary gardeners and gardeners,these insects are very harmful to beekeeping: they prey on bees, which they feed, including their larvae, thereby seriously reducing the number of honey-bearing families. Sometimes, flying en masse, a relatively small detachment of hornets in just a few hours can destroy a many thousands of bees.
The photo below shows Japanese huge hornetswho attacked the beehive:
Due to the constant persecution of man and the mindless destruction of homes, hornets have become rare in many regions of our country, and in some places even are listed in the Red Book. Therefore, hornet nests should be destroyed only when they create serious problems for economic activity or pose a threat to human health.
Hornets Nest and Inner Life
The free-hanging hornet's nest looks like a rather bulky design in light gray. Outwardly, it resembles a large fruit, the width of which can reach 40 cm, and its height - 70 cm.
The hornet hive has a rather complex internal structure - it develops from several initial cells built by the founding female, around which subsequently the working hornets constantly build on additional structures, trimming them outside.
The video below shows the hornet's nest and constant fuss inside it:
This video shows how hornets behave inside their nests.
A nest of winged predators is built from thin young bark, which workers chew and mix with saliva. The result is a soft and plastic mass, resembling wet paper, from which honeycombs or walls of the nest are molded.
It is interesting
The noise that hornets emit with their jaws is clearly audible at a distance of several meters from the nest. In a large hive, several hundred workers may simultaneously be engaged in such work.
In the photo - the hornet's nest at the stage of construction of the second tier of honeycombs. The first few houses for the larvae and the top of the new wall are visible:
Hornet uterus constantly moving between tier nests. Working eggs laid by her eggs are transferred and placed in honeycombs, in which the larva will develop to complete transformation into an adult insect.
In the nest of hornets there are separate floors, interconnected by strong pendants.
Larvae hornets carnivorous. If adult insects can sometimes enjoy fruits, honey or aphids, their young people feed exclusively on meat of brought prey (usually small insects).
Before feeding the victim, the hornet cleans it from the chitinous shell, removes the limbs and the head. It is not surprising that all this garbage, which is not used for food, accumulates under the hornets' nest. Often, there are various parasites that have several generations in a single season.
The photo shows a hornet of a hornet in cross section:
Hornets live in the nest only from spring to autumn. At the end of the season, all its inhabitants are already absent, in rare cases, there are only a few hibernating young queen bees who have not scattered in search of other shelters. It is this time that is considered the safest for removing and destroying the home of the hornets, since it often turns out to be completely empty.
Where to look for the nest?
Even if winged predators are frequent guests at their summer cottage or garden, it is not always clear where their nest is located. This is especially true for apiaries, which hornets often arrive from the surrounding forest belts. In this case, before you fight with uninvited guests, first you need to find the place of their settlement.
So how do you find a hornet's nest? The easiest way to do this is to observe the observed insect: once every few hours it is necessaryreturns to his nest, and if he manages to catch a bee, it will happen immediately after a successful hunt.
However, it is not worth while to fully rely on your vision, because in the background of foliage and forbs, an insect can easily be lost sight of. It is better to do this: the hornet noticed is knocked down with a tennis racket and is caught on the ground with a hand protected by a thick leather glove (this is necessary so that the insect does not sting). A well-marked ribbon or thread is put on the hornet's waist, which is knotted slightly.
The photo below shows an example:
So, the predator is caught, the beacon is in place. After that, the insect can be safely released - now the hornet is likely to fly immediately to the nest, and the beekeeper, in turn, can easily track him and find his dwelling.
If the hornets literally overrun the dacha, it can mean only one thing - their home is somewhere very close. Find the nest of hornets in such cases is usually possible in the attics of homestead buildings, in the corners of the sheds, for various designs.
It should be noted that sometimes hornets can settle in earthen holes.To determine the location of their nests in this case is also possible only as a result of observations.
Ways to destroy hornet nests
It’s just not possible to remove the hornet’s nest — insects will actively protect it and bite the “offender” before he can reach the hive. Therefore, you need to clean the nest very carefully and correctly.
Rid of hornets can be in several ways. Let's look at the most effective ones.
- Drown nest with hornets in the water. You do not need to remove the hive itself from the place where it hangs - just lift a bucket of water to it so that the whole nest is plunged into it. If it happens indoors, the task is even simpler - you do not need to hold the container with water, you just need to press it to the ceiling, propping it underneath, for example, with a stepladder.
- Burn the hornet hornet, after sprinkling it with gasoline or kerosene. This is one of the simplest and most effective methods, which, however, can only be used when the nest hangs on a non-combustible base and there is no danger of creating a fire by its actions.
- Or you can spray a powerful insecticidal agent into the plastic bag (Get, Lambda Zone, Delta Zone, Hangman, etc.) and carefully wrap the nest around it.
An important feature of all these works is that it is desirable to start them at night, when the hornets are inactive and practically do not fly. And, of course, you need to comply with certain safety rules (more on this below).
“Hornets started in the attic, but for a long time we didn’t dare to climb there at all. And in vain. At first there the nest was the size of a light bulb, and when there were so many of these monsters that they were not allowed to go out into the garden, the hive grew and became as big as a barrel. The husband once tried to climb into the attic and remove, so the hornets began to buzz, and it was obvious that they would attack now. He cried from there, and he began to persecute them at night. Grass Karbofos, and we weakly bred it, so that probably acted. All the nest had to throw, then he ran away from there. Two days later I checked - the bulk of the hornets died, but there were still alive. Processed again and finished off all. After that, the nest had to be sawed off with a hacksaw. ”
Tatyana, Kostroma
Another possible placement of the dwelling of insects - when their nest is in the hollow of a tree or in the ground. In the first case, you will need insecticide, which should be poured into the hole at night, and putty - to gloss over the entrance to the hollow.
But the nest in the ground, you can simply pour boiling water. It is only important to remember that the home of the hornets can be very voluminous, and for its destruction you will need a whole bucket or a large pan of boiling water.
Observe safety precautions!
Whatever method of disposal is not chosen by the owner of the site or the apiary, the main thing is to remember that it is necessary to carefully destroy the hornets' nest. Even at night, they are not sleeping, they are simply inactive, but they are ready at any moment to start protecting their home. That is why for the operation you should choose clothes that completely cover the body, beekeeper's mask and thick gloves.
If it was not possible to quickly carry out the necessary manipulations, the hornets began to fly out of the nest and try to bite on the clothes, you should calmly, without sudden movements, move to a safe distance.
Even before destroying the hornets' nest, it is wise to prepare alcohol or peroxide for the treatment of bites, cold compress and Suprastin. Of course, it is good if these funds are not needed at all, but, nevertheless, it is worth it to insure and prepare for any outcome of events.
In the photo below - severe swelling after a hornet bite:
In the future, to prevent the construction of hornet nests at the dacha, one should at least conduct an inspection of all buildings at the beginning of spring and note the occurrence of these insects. If the first cells with the founder womb are found somewhere, then it is necessary to destroy them without delay, because at this stage the deliverance is much easier and safer than it will be in a few months.
If the hornets in the country strongly interfere with the usual way of life or threaten health, they, of course, must be derived. However, there are also “ideal” cases when the hornets' nest is located outside the site, and they arrive in the garden or in the garden only to hunt. In this situation fight hornets no need - these insects will only help the owner of the garden, destroying pests.
Useful video: about the attacks of hornets on man
Hornets are destroyed by aerosol, the nest is removed - you can see how its internal structure looks like ...
Huge nest of hornets in the attic
In my opinion, it is clear to everyone that when the hornet's uterus has already laid eggs in the nest, the larvae will begin to grow and the nest itself will become large, then it will be absolutely impossible to expel the hornet from there. As far as my practice confirms (and I myself am a beekeeper and often faced with the domination of hornets near the apiary), aggressive-minded insects can bite very seriously.I wonder if it is possible to try to divide the nest into parts and remove the hornet's uterus along with one of these parts? Or you just need to radically destroy all the hornets?
I have a hornets nest in the attic of a dwelling house like a bucket. I think in the winter, maybe, to cut it off and burn it. If the hornets, of course, winter there. And if not, then it is useless. Tell me, do hornets hibernate in their nest and should it be removed? ..
They do not hibernate in the nest.
You have already been written in the article: “At the end of the season, all its inhabitants are already absent, in rare cases there are only a few hibernating young queen who have not scattered in search of other shelters.”
Today I removed the nest, small, only in 2 tiers. Tied Dichlofos balloon on a 2-meter stick. I spiked 2 seconds, they fell down.
Wow, a huge hornet's nest!
Hornets are attacking!
Kapets, I myself hate hornets, one bit me.
We called the Ministry of Emergency Situations, they removed the nest in a bag and we burned it.But hornets have been flying around the house for two days now!
I have hornets all summer fly under the roof, the nest is not visible, what to do - I do not know! I am afraid that all wooden structures, rafters, etc. will turn into dust. Has anyone encountered this? Advise!
Hornets' nest found in early August under the roof of the barn. At first it looked like a small cone. Hornets flew overhead at a safe distance for them and for us, but when two grappling hornets fell from a pear almost on their heads, I had to think about how to remove these unsolicited dangerous neighbors. I blamed them for the fact that, apparently, they bite through the fruits of pears, and they rotted on the tree - half of the harvest was gone. While I was gaining the determination to destroy them, the nest had grown to the size of a bucket, in it the hornet's uterus laid aside the brood (pupae of future individuals). I decided that it was time to destroy them, because after the absence of nursing hornets they would simply die. I decided to poison them with dichlorvos at night, when they are all in place. Wore three layers of clothing, beekeeping mask, a hat on his head and thick gloves, in order to protect themselves from bites.I climbed to the attic with shaking pods - they suddenly fly out and stick around like bees. All my fears were in vain. The hornets were shocked that they were being poisoned, and no one bothered me. They poured their homes on all sides from the aerosol and the cocoon was filled with a terrible buzz. I hurried to get off, because my head was spinning from the poison itself (there was no respirator). It was buzzing for a long time, almost an hour, and in the morning the hornets lay dead or continued to writhe on the ground. So do not be afraid. Just do not turn on the light in the dark, they fly to the light. Do everything quietly and in the dark.