Zonder insecticidal agent is a Dutch drug intended primarily for the destruction of blood-sucking insects, such as bed bugs and fleas, but is also equally effective against cockroaches, ants and other domestic insects. Due to some features of its composition and mechanism of action, the drug Zonder, relatively recently appeared on the market, quickly gained popularity not only among ordinary owners of apartments infected with bedbugs, but also among professional exterminators.
However, is this drug really so good and are there any pitfalls in its use? Is Zonder's relatively high efficacy for bugs remedy related to its increased toxicity to humans and how do those who have already tried it in practice respond to the drug? Let's understand ...
Perhaps, first of all, it is worth bearing in mind that Zonder is positioned as a preparation for the professional destruction of bedbugs. In other words, it is intended primarily for use by staff of special services of pest control involved in the destruction of harmful insects.
From this we can draw two important conclusions:
- The drug was originally developed with an emphasis on maximum efficiency in relation to bed bugs and other synanthropic insects. Professional disinsectors are very sensitive about the choice of drugs with which they work, and would not use an ineffective product. Every self-respecting company will use only those drugs that work for sure, and Zonder's bug remedy in this regard continues to actively gain popularity in the professional environment;
- And the second important conclusion is that the use of the drug Zonder is somewhat more laborious than the use of any means completely adapted for domestic use. In simple terms, it is not Dichlofos or Raptor to rush into an apartment (which, by the way, often do not give a lasting and lasting effect after treatment).It is necessary to independently dilute the concentrate, observing the ratios specified in the instructions, and then it will be necessary to competently process the room with the aid of a sprayer. On how to properly handle the apartment from bedbugs and what nuances should be taken into account, we will talk a little more below.
On a note
Zonder insecticidal preparation is produced in Holland, where the requirements for the preparation of working solutions are somewhat different from those for Russian realities. In other words, to bait “Russian” bugs and cockroaches in practice it is often necessary to have a more concentrated solution of the drug, due to the fact that insect populations have a certain resistance to certain classes of insecticides.
The composition of the means Zonder and its effect on bugs and other insects
A very important moment from a practical point of view is the fact that the Zonder bedbug remedy consists of three active substances of different chemical nature:
- Insecticide from the group of pyrethroids;
- Insecticide from the group of organophosphorus compounds;
- As well as a synergistic substance that enhances the action of both of the above insecticides, while being independently a pesticide of an enteric-contact action.
As a result, the likelihood that the bugs will be resistant to three components at the same time simultaneously is negligible.
Used insecticides can have a contact and intestinal poisoning effect against insects. In the case of bed bugs, it is the contact action that is important, since the bugs feed exclusively on blood, and it is simply impossible to make them eat any poisoned bait. Meanwhile, a pronounced intestinal poisoning effect makes it possible to effectively use the Zonder remedy to kill cockroaches and domestic ants.
As for the contact poisoning action, insecticides, even by simple contact with the chitinous integuments of the parasites, enter the hemolymph and have a neuroparalytic effect. As a result, the bugs die quickly enough, and the rate of onset of the effect to a certain extent depends on the amount of active substances on the body of the parasite, which, in turn, directly depends on the quality of the room treatment.
“We didn’t have a life in the dorm from bed bugs. What just did not try, these reptiles takes nothing. At first they seem to disappear, and after a few days, the bites again.We tried Zonder, we don’t have one in our city, we brought it from Moscow. Processed very carefully, watered all the cracks where the bugs could hide. The stench was not very pleasant, but the next day everything was fine. And the bugs really disappeared! At first I didn’t believe for a long time, everyone thought that they would start biting again, this has already happened many times. But no, two months have already passed, but there are no bedbugs ... ”
Christina, Chelyabinsk
It is also worth noting that the Zonder product refers to the so-called microencapsulated preparations: the active substances are not simply dissolved, but are in the form of the smallest particles that are separated from each other, forming a microemulsion. And although advertising often exaggerates the advantages of microencapsulated insecticidal preparations, nevertheless, it is worth paying tribute - all other things being equal, in this form the drug works much more efficiently than when the insecticide is in a true solution, without microparticles.
The fact is that after drying the treated surfaces, the microcapsules of the drug remain on them (provided that they were not erased during wet cleaning).And if a bug runs over such a surface, the microcapsules adhere very effectively to the paws and the parasite's calf, after some time causing its poisoning due to the contact action. Moreover, the bug often has time to return to its nest: here it contacts with its “brothers”, including the larvae, thus ensuring a kind of chain poisoning effect.
Thus, it can be noted that unlike some other insecticidal preparations, Zonder works not only directly at the moment of treatment, when the solution of the agent sprayed on the surface and in the air is deposited on insects, but also for a very long time after the treatment of the room, provided that the treated surfaces do not wash.
During processing, there is a characteristic specific smell, which, however, rather quickly disappears when the room is ventilated (within a few hours).
On a note
It is useful to keep in mind that the Zonder bed bug remedy is far from being the only microencapsulated drug. These include, for example, also insect repellent Get, Delta Zone, Lambda Zone and some others.However, a rare feature of the drug Zonder is a combination of microencapsulation and a combined composition, while, for example, the above preparations are one-component, that is, they contain only one insecticide (chlorpyrifos, deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin, respectively).
According to the manufacturer, the residual effect of the drug Zonder lasts for 5-7 weeks. This is enough not only to destroy the parasites already present in the apartment, but also to provide a certain level of preventive protection of the room from the penetration of single individuals of bugs from its neighbors.
“We brought out bedbugs by Zonder. Before that, unsuccessfully poisoned Fufanon, not etched. And when they bought Zonder, he destroyed the bugs at once completely - only the corpses were swept away with a broom. Bedbugs begin to breathe immediately, even while splashing. They crawl out right under their feet, behave strangely, it is clear that they feel bad ... "
Pavel, Tolyatti
Instructions for use of the drug Zonder
Generally speaking, the instructions for use of bedbugs Zonder looks pretty standard for this type of drugs.And, perhaps the most important thing to keep in mind is not to rely too much on the formulation about the safety of the drug for humans and animals and be sure to use personal protective equipment (respirator, gloves) when working. After all, no matter how safe the drug is in circulation, with active inhalation of any sprayed insecticidal aerosol, this will definitely not add to your health.
Further. First of all, on the basis of the purchased Zonder concentrate, you need to correctly prepare a working emulsion. Professional disinsectors cope with this without problems, but in everyday use, taking into account the different levels of education of people, problems are not excluded: normally, the product is diluted with water in a ratio of 5: 1000, that is, 5 ml of concentrate is added to a liter of water.
But how to measure 5 ml? Do not try to do it by eye with a glass or a teaspoon - not only is the error too great, there is also the risk of forgetting to wash the dishes after that. You can, for example, use a conventional plastic syringe or a measuring cap.
The photo below shows a bottle of Zonder bedbug remedies, just purchased and not yet opened:
The concentrate has the color of weak tea, has a characteristic specific smell. The finished solution has a milky white color:
Professional disinsectors note (and this is indicated in the instructions for use of the drug) that due to the high resistance of the bugs in Russian cities to insecticides, the agent should be diluted in high concentrations to increase the reliability of processing. Namely - use 15-20 ml of the drug, in some cases, bringing the concentration up to 30 ml of Zonder agent per 1 liter of water.
After adding the concentrate to the water, the solution should be thoroughly mixed, after which it can be poured into a regular household spray bottle - the simplest household sprinklers can be used to apply the preparation, including from various detergents.
The resulting mixture is uniformly applied from a spray bottle to all surfaces where bugs can hide and along which these parasites can move. In particular, for the effective destruction of bedbugs in an apartment, Zonder must be applied in the following places:
- Bed frames, sofas and armchairs;
- Crevices in the walls;
- Plinth, bottom surface of window sills;
- Tears of wallpaper and the place where they stick off from the walls;
- Books on the shelves;
- Rear walls of furniture, paintings, shelves;
- Carpets hanging on the walls, especially their back side;
- Internal surfaces of cabinets and cabinets;
- Door boxes;
- Ventilation grates;
- Sockets.
If bugs were found elsewhere in the apartment, the preparation should also be applied here.
On a note
In the instructions for use of the drug in detail all the places that need to be processed. Moreover, there is a processing scheme in pictures, which is very convenient for self-processing of the room.
On 1 square. m of non-absorbent surface is applied about 50 ml of the working solution, and per 1 square. m. absorbent - 100 ml. To handle a one-room apartment, a concentrate bottle of 100 ml is enough, and 1 liter of concentrate is enough to handle the average size of a private house.
After processing, it is advisable not to wash the surfaces that people and pets will not touch - the back walls of the furniture, the reverse sides of the carpets, etc., for 1-2 weeks. This will allow the tool to show its residual effect and to destroy the bugs in the room as completely as possible.
However, it should be noted that the instruction to the Zonder preparation (as, incidentally, to many other means for fighting bedbugs) does not indicate some important points, without which all efforts to destroy bedbugs may soon be reduced to zero. Let's look at these moments in more detail ...
What is especially important to consider in practice in the fight against bedbugs
There are several important nuances, the consideration of which will significantly improve the efficiency of using the Zonder tool:
- Even before processing the room should find out whether there are bugs from neighbors. After all, if the parasites constantly penetrate into your apartment from the neighboring premises, then even the most careful treatment with an effective drug will only give temporary results. If bedbugs come from neighbors, then you need to figure out which ones, and carry out the processing itself together, preferably on the same day (sometimes all the neighboring apartments turn out to be lateral, as well as from the top and bottom). Even if it was possible to agree with the neighbors (and even more so if it was not possible), it is recommended to change the standard ventilation grille to a fine mesh. The drug Zonder must be applied to all the ways in which bugs can get into the room - ventilation grilles, door entry frames, window frames;
- Bedbugs and their eggs can be in clothes and bedding - all this should be washed at the highest possible temperature (even at 60 ° C the parasites are already dying). If it is undesirable to wash a thing, it helps freezing - in winter you can just take things to the balcony or to the street (the temperature should be below minus 22 ° C, only in this case the eggs of the parasites will be destroyed);
- Often the nests of bedbugs are in the damage and folds of the mattresses. If you do not want to process them with "chemistry", then it is highly desirable to go through an ordinary household steam cleaner (steamer).
In general, when dealing with bedbugs, it is important not only to choose the right drug (and Zonder in this regard would be a pretty good choice), but you also need to be able to correctly apply the selected insecticide. And here the unprepared bedbugs with enviable regularity make the same mistake.
It would seem that it is enough to simply treat the room with a powerful tool once - and that’s all, bedbugs should die quickly, and you can forget about your torment once and for all. In fact, the situation with severe infection of the room with bugs may be as follows.way: in the first few days after processing, the bugs are massively dying and in fact cease to bother. However, quite often during the week night bites suddenly return, and the residents are perplexed: what is it, did the drug really not work, or maybe a fake was bought? And sometimes, as they say, give up.
So, it is important to understand that the eggs of the bugs are resistant to the overwhelming majority of insecticides due to the dense protective sheath. Accordingly, a few days after the use of the drug, the larvae hatch from them, which sometimes (if they do not die anyway) again begin to bite people. And if at this key moment not to take additional measures to destroy the larvae, then in a few weeks they will turn into adult individuals and begin to multiply, laying new eggs.
For this reason, in the case of severe infection of the apartment with bugs, it is highly desirable to repeat the treatment of the premises 2 weeks after the first one. If Zonder is used, the “young growth” largely dies in the very first days after hatching from eggs - due to the long-term residual effect of microcapsules remaining on the treated surfaces, however, this residual effect is not always enough.
If there is any doubt, whether to process the apartment again or not - it is better to process it, without relying on "maybe." If the bugs have a chance to survive, they will definitely take advantage of them.
Can Zonder be used to fight other synanthropic insects?
Generally speaking, Zonder is an insecticidal agent that destroys almost any insects, despite the fact that the drug is positioned, first of all, as remedy for bedbugs. Simply speaking, it does not matter at all whether the pyrethroid and the organophosphate insecticide affect the nervous system of the bug, or, for example, a fly or a cockroach: in any case, the insect will be destroyed rather quickly.
Understanding this, you can effectively use the drug Zonder for the destruction of a variety of parasites and pests, given their biology and specific behavior. For example:
- Cockroaches;
- A flea;
- Ants;
- Moth;
- Hornets and wasps;
- Mokrits (in bathrooms and toilets, as well as in attics and basements);
- Ticks (on the plot near the house).
And etc.
About safety means for humans and pets
As already noted above (and despite any assurances of advertising), the drug Zonder, as indeed most of the other insecticidal agents, cannot be considered absolutely safe for humans and domestic animals.If significant amounts of it get into the digestive tract and respiratory tract, poisoning is possible, and if the drug gets on the skin, then allergic reactions may occur in some sensitive people.
Nevertheless, if you compare the Zonder product with some other insecticidal preparations oriented to professional use, then it is necessary to recognize that for humans and pets, the product, if properly handled, is relatively safe. At least, it would take a thorough "try" to get a serious poisoning: such cases are quite possible if you accidentally drink concentrate or do not use a respirator in the work during a long treatment of the apartment.
According to the instructions, all work with the drug from bugs Zonder should be carried out using personal protective equipment:
- Rubber chemically resistant gloves;
- Respirator;
- Points that protect the eyes from getting into the drug.
It is also highly desirable to work in long-sleeved clothing and a hat to protect against the ingress of the product on the skin and hair.
On a note
Before treatment, remove all people and pets from the room.Flowerpots with flowers covered with plastic bags, aquarium - cover glass. In the aquarium, turn off the compressor so that the air with the preparation does not get into the water (the active ingredients of Zander are highly toxic to aquatic organisms).
After processing, the apartment should be closed for several hours, then thoroughly ventilated, and the surfaces with which children and pets will contact should be washed.
“We used Zonder for bedbugs and were satisfied. The tool helped with one time, although we were ready to have to do repeated processing. Bought in some eco-service, the name I do not remember exactly. They took only one bottle, and well, because it was no longer needed. The only thing - I was a little bit hurt by him, the whole evening my head ached, apparently breathing in during the treatment, as they saved on the respirator. But the bugs have all died, and this is important. "
Lily, Moscow
Where and at what price you can buy a drug from bugs Zonder?
It is easiest to buy Zonder today in online stores, since the drug is poorly represented in physical outlets (although in rare cases it can be found for sale from companies involved in the destruction of bedbugs and other insects).
The price of the Zonder product depends on the volume of the concentrate bottle:
- 100 ml cost 1300 rubles;
- 250 ml cost 2500 rubles;
- 1 liter - 6300 rubles;
- 5 l (canister) - 28 000 rubles.
In most cases, customers order bottles of 100 and 250 ml. As a rule, 100 ml is enough to process a standard one-room apartment, 250 ml is enough to destroy bedbugs in a two-room apartment when performing a double treatment.
It should be recognized that the price of the drug is quite high: for example, for 2500 rubles you can order a disinsection by professionals (but with Russian drugs). However, as practice shows, careful double self-treatment of an apartment with a competent approach is often more effective than the use of third-party services - personal interest in a good result makes a significant contribution.
If you have a personal experience with the use of Zonder bedbugs, do not forget to leave your feedback at the bottom of this page (in the comments box).
But in fact, bedbugs and their larvae look like this ...
Useful video about bed bugs and how to deal with them
In 2015, there was a problem with bedbugs ... After the de-service call, the bugs disappeared for exactly 2 weeks, and then again the same problem. I read the reviews on the Internet and bought Zonder. Processed the same service under warranty, but my drug. After treatment, the bugs disappeared on the same day and did not appear again.
There is nothing to compare with, but it really helped me after another drug (I don’t know what I was treated with).
Good drug.Finally got rid of bedbugs! Before nothing helped, appeared again and again. ZONDER helped get rid of bedbugs.
It certainly helps.
But it did not help me, only I left the money and nothing more.
So, bought a fake drug, you need to take such as in the pictures in this article, it just helps. I worked my apartment and mother-in-law, and everywhere once was enough.
No site has a manual with the ROSPOTREBNADZOR seal and certificate. Also missing is the name of the active ingredients that make up this drug. Leave that the most effective and the best is not a big deal. I would not be surprised if cypermethrin and chlorpyrifos are there - the cheapest and oldest active substances.
You can write anything, but the drug really helps from bedbugs, so this is checked, as they say, “in their own skin”! For example, I am not at all interested in what substances are part of, the main thing is that THEY ACTION! And they really work, and helped to deal with bedbugs after other drugs, from which there was almost no sense at all.
Does Zonder exactly help?
Zonder really helped! They didn’t believe, because everyone had already tried: they processed the SES themselves and by various means, and all to no avail. For a while, sort of, it got smaller, but then it reappeared. And it feels like they were even more angry! And Zonder was treated 2 times, as recommended, a second time 2 weeks after the first treatment. NO bedbugs! Totally. So Zonder really works!
Tomorrow I will try. Unsubscribe.
Took especially for change houses and working premises. And then already began to bring home, and the men complained. The process is elementary, dilute with water and go. It aired all night. Well, there was, of course, a small smell in the morning, but very minimal. All the bugs blown away by the wind, more precisely, with a broom. They haven’t appeared again. With a price of 2500 rubles, it is quite an effective remedy.
For the second year I keep Zonder at the ready. Occasionally on construction sites, the problem with bedbugs occurs in dog-houses. Zonder is the easiest solution for now. Of the benefits - the price (2500 for a large bottle, took 2, one still worth it).Elementary application, it is not necessary to close the shed for 3 days. In principle, I processed it in the morning, and in the evening you can already sleep. Smacks, but quite a bit, well, the main thing - performance! In the instructions, however, they write that they need to re-process after 2 weeks, but there was no such need, one processing was enough.
The truth helped after the executioner ... Already desperate, I also thought that a divorce. But it really helped!