Site about the fight against domestic insects

Prevention of infection with lice and nits

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It is much easier to prevent pediculosis than to treat its effects: we become familiar with preventive measures against lice.

As in the situation with any disease, lice is much easier and safer to prevent than to be treated for lice or from the significantly more serious consequences of pediculosis - pyoderma, typhoid. In addition, in modern living conditions, the prevention of lice is much simpler than half a century or a century ago, when these parasites and the diseases they carried spread with great speed.

The main factor contributing to the rapid spread of lice - the presence of crowded people and their stay in unsanitary conditions. Such situations were especially characteristic of field conditions during various wars, as well as for life in concentration camps and prisons. Today, a similar situation is observed in the third world countries, in refugee camps, in various ghettos.

However, practice shows that even in wealthy and highly developed countries lice find excellent conditions for distribution in kindergartens and schools. That is why prevention of head lice in children is important even today, in the 21st century.

In the children's team the probability of infection with lice is especially high.


Lice are transmitted mainly from person to person. Cases of lice transmission through hats and household items are more rare. Therefore, prevention of lice at home should be based on the understanding that the parasites in a house differently than with other people will not fall. And preventive measures against lice in this case should be aimed primarily at avoiding contact with potentially infected people (this is especially important for children).

It is important to observe preventive measures against head lice in the performance of professional duties, for example, with the need to constantly be in places where head lice are highly likely to be present. The highest risk of infestation by parasites exists when working in kindergartens and schools, boarding schools, prisons, help centers for homeless people, in humanitarian missions and field camps. Here is prevention against lice should be especially thorough.


Basic preventive measures against lice infestation

Prevention measures for lice can be both passive and active preventive.

For prevention of lice, it is important to use only your own comb and barrettes

The most complete set of such measures includes:

  • Avoiding communication and close physical contact with people living in unsanitary conditions, or those who have pronounced symptoms of head lice - nits on the hair, bite marks, constant scratching of the head or body.
  • Rejection of casual sex. In most cases, they are the cause of infection with pubic lice - even more unpleasant parasites than head lice.
  • Use only their own hats, hairbrushes, hairpins, rubber bands, hoops, kerchiefs. In such a seemingly simple way, quite effective prevention of lice and nits on the head is carried out.
  • Regular change and wash clothes, preferably at high temperatures.
  • Attentive inspection of the hair, observation of their own feelings.
  • The use of special deterring agents, many of which are practically odorless.
  • Regular treatment of the head with lice shampoos in small quantities.

Regular examination of the hair will help to detect infection with lice at an early stage.

Particularly difficult prevention of head lice in children. It’s hard for them to explain why they don’t want to wear a hat of their friend and what could be fraught with games with street hooligans.In children, you must additionally carefully check the condition of the hair, monitor their behavior and use prophylactic agents such as scaring agents and lice shampoos.

To prevent infection with lice, you should first of all monitor the cleanliness of clothes, wash and change them regularly. You can not go longer than 4-5 days without changing underwear.

On a note

Infection with pubic lice can occur in public baths and even in swimming pools. A feature of these parasites is the increased ability to withstand a long stay in the water. However, a person becomes infected with nits much less frequently - for this, hair with a nit must fall on the hairy part of the potential victim and remain on it until the larvae hatch, which is unlikely.

The probability of infection with pubic lice is high in public baths

Care should be taken by travelers and tourists. When spending the night in low-quality hotels and hotels, there is a risk of lice on the bed after previous guests - bed sheets and towels can be infected here. However, such precedents occur only in the lowest-class establishments.

If on duty there is a need to work with infected people,Prevention of lice should be carried out with the help of additional measures:

  • Chemica water or lavender tincture is dripped behind the ears and on the head. These fluids deter lice and reduce the likelihood that insects will crawl onto a person prepared in this way.
  • Every day, the head is carefully combed out with a tight and tough comb from lice. This allows you to get rid of parasites, just got into the hair and have not yet had time to multiply.
  • Several times a week, the head is washed with special insecticidal shampoos for lice in a small concentration. It is harmless to the skin, but provides reliable prophylaxis against head lice.

Chemeric water has long been successfully used as a preventive measure against lice.

If possible, and if desired, hair on the head can be completely shaved in order not to leave insects a chance to gain a foothold during infection. This procedure is good for the treatment and prevention of lice in general - the less hair on a particular part of the body, the harder it is for parasites to consolidate on it.


Popular recommendations for protection against lice

There are several fairly simple, affordable and at the same time effective tips for preventing head lice, developed by the people and allowing to increase the reliability of protection against these parasites. For example:

  • Braiding braids and the use of kerchiefs and headgear when working with children and forced communication with vagrants. In this case, the hair does not fall off and does not touch the head of another person, which reduces the risk of creeping parasites from one person to another.
  • The use of scaring agents. For example, tea tree or lavender oil, chemistrial water, decoction of tansy. It is known that garlic is also a very reliable tool for the prevention of lice, but its use in public places can hardly be convenient.
  • Regular shampooing with tar tar or birch tar shampoos.
  • Ironing with steam after washing.

It is known that tar soap has a pronounced anti-parasitic effect and successfully helps fight lice.

Also among the folk remedies, with which you can scare the lice, there are cranberry juice, tincture of ordinary porridge, decoction of St. John's wort and lemon juice. However, in practice, these tools as prophylactic are used quite rarely.


Is it possible to use shampoos for lice prevention?

Shampoos for the prevention of lice - these are the same shampoos that are used to treat lice, but they should be used to protect against infection with parasites in a slightly different way.

As a rule, prophylactic lice shampoo is sufficient to use once every one to two weeks. Even if the lice hit the head, they need at least one to two weeks to give at least the first generation. Processing the head once every two weeks will ensure the destruction of all parasites randomly appearing on it.

On a note

Prophylactic scalp treatment with shampoos is an ideal method of protecting children against lice. One can never know for sure where and when a child will pick up parasites, and therefore regular shampooing can reliably stop the development of lice.

Of lice shampoos NOC, Knicks, Biosim, Veda and Veda-2 are most suitable for children.

Pediculicidal agent Veda

Nix Lice Remedy

During one bathing, it is enough to lather his head with one of these products and leave for 15-20 minutes, after which the shampoo is washed off with plenty of pure water. It is necessary to use not the usual amount, but 5-7 ml for each treatment in order not to cause random allergic reactions in the child.

It is important to understand that the prevention of lice with shampoos will be successful only if it is carried out regularly. And together with measures to limit contact with infected people, it will provide reliable protection for the child against parasites.


Treatment and prevention of pediculosis: what is important for every parent to know


Useful video: details on the prevention of infection with lice

It is also useful to read: Benzyl Benzoate Use for Lice Removal


To the entry "Prevention of head lice and nits" 15 comments
  1. Lyudmila:

    Lice in children cleaned folk remedies. Hardly brought out. Therefore, after a long time I was looking for something to use to prevent prophylaxis and to protect children from the possibility of infection.Found information about Paranit Repellent. Interested. I will think in this direction.

  2. Anonymous:

    And we used a pair of aerosol plus once and everything, the most confusion was with combing nits (

  3. Helena:

    In our school, unfortunately, there is a girl from a dysfunctional family who constantly infects everyone with head lice. A pair plus a good remedy, but after using it, my daughter had a very thick scalp, and a week later dandruff began. Apparently, burned skin. Headring Extra well and without any reactions. And for the prevention of shampoo Lavinal. In fact, this is a very big problem!

  4. Liza:

    Hello, in our school many children have lice and they infect other people very quickly, it seems that they have just recovered and again, and already a year! The problem is really serious. Tell me, who used what means? Who helped?

    • Tanya:

      I used Dichlorvos, left it overnight, and in the morning I washed my head with regular shampoo. For prevention - tea tree oil.

    • Anonymous:

      Call the sanitary epidemiological station, and in school the problem will be exhausted. So did my friend.She took out her child six times and got out of the child to shreds her hair. Since some of the drum. But after the epidemiological stations have forgotten the problem for many years!

  5. Anonymous:

    The most important thing is to interrupt their life cycle. To do this, after treatment with an agent, you must select all the nits and wash your hair with a special prophylactic shampoo for a week. And after 7 days to process the head again.

  6. Galina:

    This is a terrible attack. Were treated for three months, every week a new tool, combed all the nits, treated it with darsonval. Useless. The only thing that helps is alcohol with essential oils. But the daughter carries them and carries them from school, some kind of epidemic.

  7. Svetlana:

    Well, a child cannot wear lice from school for a year. The nurse checks the children, drops the child when it is detected and does not accept it without a certificate from the dermatologist, takes the class for 35 days to observe, checking everyone for lice, including contact educators. Identified planted again, again takes on observation. Most likely, the child was not completely free of nits, or the bed, blankets and pillows were not processed, all households were not checked. At least one nit will remain in the balance, everything will hatch and self-infection has gone.At my school there is such a girl from a quite prosperous family, I land once a month. You can not check every hair on a nits, it is impossible, and only insects die from shampoo solutions, nits survive and hatch safely.

    And yes, this girl during the whole school year infected only one girl, sits at the same desk with her and close contact sometimes with her heads. Although, of course, given the fact that the other girl had two brothers from our school, they were infected, the thought comes that it was not a classmate that infected me, but household contact, although I can’t understand how the brothers got infected, if you follow the rules of hygiene and exclude a joint bed and towels?

    • Natalia:

      Maybe by the rules it should be, but not in all schools. We have children from dysfunctional families in the class and my daughter wore lice 4 times in 3 months. Only we will deduce - and here again. I always called the classroom, but the nurse checked only once, removes the infected from the school, and then they come in and infect again. That's probably on the advice of a man call the SES.

  8. Anonymous:

    The most effective way is to shave bald!

  9. Anton:

    Yes ... This is a huge problem! We also have a daughter in the class has a girl from a dysfunctional family, she tortured to infect all! We are treated fairly easily, two or three hours - and the problem is resolved. The usual hellebore water, it perfectly kills not only lice, but also nits. It is very easy to check, nits stop clicking when pressed. And it costs only 25 rubles. Here, we think that we will use it for prevention. Moreover, it is useful for hair and scalp, and dandruff cleans. Thanks to the crisis, saving, we found a bunch of cheap drugs of domestic production, which in many ways surpass the expensive counterparts. For example, I suffer from migraines, and before the crisis I tried all the expensive drugs for migraine, and none of them helped, and now I know that two tablets of penny Citramone very quickly relieve migraine pain.

  10. Anonymous:

    I add for the prevention of tea tree oil or lavender in shampoo.

  11. No matter:

    Oh, it's terrible, for a year and a half I can not do anything about it. Two daughters, just get out - again. And secured the result of the same tool.Next week again. Already, probably, tens of thousands bought various funds. Most of all I like Paranit lotion, removes everything. And then again. Understood recently that it is from a friend's eldest missing. Just bring, brings more in my head. Also in the classroom hotbed. Their doctor walks, checks, without unwinding braids. Probably, I will complain, you can casually (((

  12. Olya:

    Try to walk on the washed and dried hair with an iron for straightening hair, each thin strand from the root. I did not try it myself, because I have not yet encountered the problem of elimination, but they say that it is very effective!

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